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 Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW

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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 11:10 pm

Hey guys, this might look like a dumb question, but after watching TLW so many times I was wondering WHY the T.rexes displayed that behaviour in attacking the trailer with Malcolm, Sarah and Nick after they returned the baby T.rex to the parents. I mean, it's not a common behaviour from animals and it looked like they were seeking revenge for what happened, I think it would be far more real if they just returned with the baby. I don't know, something is odd with the way they act IMO and I felt in this moment they looked more as monsters than animals. It really bothers me.

Someone that understands more of animal behaviour could please try explaining me why they acted the way they did?

Thanks.  Very Happy

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW LYHX0zA
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PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 12:16 pm

It's explained in the movie. Moving the infant to the trailer changed the adult's perceived territory, meaning they attacked a large object that they perceived as a threat to them and their infant.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW IxTwoGb
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 1:44 pm

But why wait so long, did they return the baby to a safe place or just left it there and charged back at the trailer?

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW LYHX0zA
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 5:07 pm

They probably did, yeah. In the novel, that's what the parents did. They hid the baby someplace then came back and destroyed the trailers.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW IxTwoGb
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 8:02 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
They probably did, yeah. In the novel, that's what the parents did. They hid the baby someplace then came back and destroyed the trailers.
Got it. Thank you.  Very Happy

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW LYHX0zA
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSun Apr 09, 2017 1:27 pm

The more baffling bit is that they exit for the second time, only to appear later to finish Eddie off. And also would they really be intelligent enough to push the RV off the cliff? It's somewhat convoluted but I give it a pass since it's the only thing* that doesn't really work in the film in terms of dinosaur logic and animal behavior. Especially in contrast to JP3 & JW where almost nothing that the dinosaurs do makes sense if you start to think about it for more than just 2 seconds. Those two flicks work on Bugs Bunny logic. At least TLW is mostly grounded and realistic.

*Okay okay, the Rexes following the gang to the center of the island isn't 100% logical either, especially since they seem to drag the infant with them there as well. However I label that more as Sarah's fault than actual lack of animal behavior. You know her retarded decision to insist keeping blood soaked jacket on, and then leaving snacks all over the place in the tent. Lol, so called wild life expert, what a joke. Sattler is like a logic god in comparison to her.

All in all, I think TLW blows JP3 & JW out of the water when it comes to realistic animal behavior, however overall human logic is just as bad as in those other two films.
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSun Apr 09, 2017 7:03 pm

Mistral wrote:
The more baffling bit is that they exit for the second time, only to appear later to finish Eddie off. And also would they really be intelligent enough to push the RV off the cliff? It's somewhat convoluted but I give it a pass since it's the only thing* that doesn't really work in the film in terms of dinosaur logic and animal behavior. Especially in contrast to JP3 & JW where almost nothing that the dinosaurs do makes sense if you start to think about it for more than just 2 seconds. Those two flicks work on Bugs Bunny logic. At least TLW is mostly grounded and realistic.
They knocked it halfway off the cliff, and seemed pretty satisfied with that. They came back because of the noise Eddie was making, what with the engine revving and yelling and all.

Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW IxTwoGb
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Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW   Why the T.rexes attack the trailer in TLW Icon_minitimeSun Apr 09, 2017 7:43 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
Mistral wrote:
The more baffling bit is that they exit for the second time, only to appear later to finish Eddie off. And also would they really be intelligent enough to push the RV off the cliff? It's somewhat convoluted but I give it a pass since it's the only thing* that doesn't really work in the film in terms of dinosaur logic and animal behavior. Especially in contrast to JP3 & JW where almost nothing that the dinosaurs do makes sense if you start to think about it for more than just 2 seconds. Those two flicks work on Bugs Bunny logic. At least TLW is mostly grounded and realistic.
They knocked it halfway off the cliff, and seemed pretty satisfied with that. They came back because of the noise Eddie was making, what with the engine revving and yelling and all.

Yeah I get why they came back for Eddie, but it's still weird to have three visits to the same place in like 30 min timespan or something. Yet immediately afterwards they don't come back when InGen's massive team is up there with all the yelling and lights
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