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 Malcolm references in JP5

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Malcolm references in JP5?
Jurassic Park
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap14%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 14% [ 6 ]
Isla Sorna
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap12%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 12% [ 5 ]
San Diego incident
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap14%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 14% [ 6 ]
InGen and/or Hammond
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap12%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 12% [ 5 ]
Grant and/or Sattler
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap2%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 2% [ 1 ]
Lex & Tim
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap2%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 2% [ 1 ]
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap5%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 5% [ 2 ]
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap5%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 5% [ 2 ]
Misc girlfriend/wife/kids
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap5%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 5% [ 2 ]
Nick van Oven and/or Greenpeace
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap2%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 2% [ 1 ]
His book
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap9%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 9% [ 4 ]
General chaos theory
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap9%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 9% [ 4 ]
Science mockery
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap9%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 9% [ 4 ]
Random past quotes (Life will find a way etc etc etc)
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap0%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Other (specify)
Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_lcap0%Malcolm references in JP5 Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 43
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PostSubject: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 12:10 pm

What past things from the first films do you think Malcolm will reference, directly or indirectly? Or if he not himself saying these, someone else talks about them in reference to him? Maybe even visual cue.

Only 15 items in poll as that was the maximum.
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 3:16 pm

if there are references from the previous films by Malcolm it would most likely be the Isla Nublar incident or the Isla Sorna-San Diego Incident.

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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 4:40 pm

What about the best? None.  Very Happy

I want him to bring original lines. I don't care about any reference.

"Science mockery" and people say he doesn't deny science when it's convenient.  Laughing If he does that, I hope he doesn't do close to a scientist, otherwise he would get kicked out.  Laughing

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Malcolm references in JP5 LYHX0zA
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 5:13 pm

Well the question wasn't what you hope, but what you think/expect.
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 5:22 pm

Mistral wrote:
Well the question wasn't what you hope, but what you think/expect.
None too.  Very Happy  I expect nothing, no references. I rather go negative than positive...Because well, look what happened when I was so hyped.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Malcolm references in JP5 LYHX0zA
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 5:51 pm

I think apart from any possible reference to Jurassic Park, bringing Hammond back would serve as a good way to reconnect with John Hammond. Another thing I liked about TLW was the interesting pseudo-friendship/rivalry between Malcolm and Hammond, and how it had changed from the previous film to be a bit more amicable. It would be interesting at least to see if Malcolm is able to share any positive words about Hammond's memory in the scenes he's provided.

"Life will find a way."

Malcolm references in JP5 Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 6:00 pm

BarrytheOnyx wrote:
I think apart from any possible reference to Jurassic Park, bringing Hammond back would serve as a good way to reconnect with John Hammond. Another thing I liked about TLW was the interesting pseudo-friendship/rivalry between Malcolm and Hammond, and how it had changed from the previous film to be a bit more amicable. It would be interesting at least to see if Malcolm is able to share any positive words about Hammond's memory in the scenes he's provided.

Every major character seemed to have rivalry with someone in TLW. Except Ajay I guess. But that's because they gave him nothing to say.

Anyway I think JP and Hammond linkups are pretty much given. Of course the Sorna stuff will be the most crucial one for canon purposes, but I don't have high expectations for that to actually happen, sadly. I don't think Sarah and/or Kelly will get mentioned but maybe the misc girlfriend/wife thing will be again. The book is strong possibility too, I mean it was easter egg in the previous one and referenced in JP3 already
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 6:42 pm

Okay so, if Lockwood was a friend of Hammond's now turned into "enemy", maybe Malcolm knows him and will say something about Hammond, probably.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Malcolm references in JP5 LYHX0zA
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 7:36 pm

I'm hoping he references Hammond's change in attitude and philosophy between JP and TLW.

The whole Masrani speech about Hammond entrusting him with his "dying wish" kinda hit me the wrong way. Like I said in the other thread, I'm hoping Malcolm explains that away as company rhetoric.

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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 10:28 pm

TBH, I'm actually expecting Malcolm to reference most of these. But in reality, my minimum expectations are to have the first 4 be mentioned in some way.

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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 11:56 pm

It really depends on the context of the scene and how many scenes he's in. For example if a Dino gets loose on the mainland I see no way he won't reference the San Diego incident.

But I think the chaos theory is a given and will come with the territory.
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2017 8:28 pm

He doesn't quote himself in TLW so I don't want him to quote things just because they've become internet memes in the past decade. Nintendo is really bad about this and it takes you out, yeah we get it, you're referencing the meme...

A reference to Grant would be really nice but also for Sarah and Kelly, it can be done in a simple line of dialog that takes 5 seconds. "I've had friends like Dr. Alan Grant, my ex-wife Sarah and daughter Kelly who have all suffered from this little business of yours".

But yeah my biggest want is a reference to Isla Sorna that got shafted in JW, all JW had to do was name drop "Isla Sorna" in dialog somehow and it never bothered, it didn't need to go into detail. Malcolm was there so he needs to have some type of comment about it.

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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2017 8:37 pm

I'm not actually sure if Grant is friend of Malcolm, like at all. In JP, Grant acts passively aggressive against him all through the afternoon before and during the tour, finally culminating in Malcolm asking him about Sattler's relationship status. Before the T-Rex attack, he does hand Malcolm bottle of water, but that seems more like a mere gesture of good manners, you know especially since Malcolm had earlier offered him alcohol from his flask in turn.

Then in JP3 when Grant asks Eric about Malcolm's book, I'm not sure I would call that friendly tone either Razz he's more amused than anything when Eric tells him. It's bit of weird rivalry between those two I guess.

Now of course there might have been something more between the movies, but if Malcolm were to address Grant in personal level, it'd feel a bit weird. I think there are other, better ways to give that reference. But anyhow I think mentioning Sarah and Kelly would make more sense anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2017 9:16 pm

Yeah, if we analyze it like that they aren't really friends but I wouldn't say they don't like each other. In JP Grant is definitely annoyed by Malcolm like that person but in reality he should dislike him, I mean he is hitting on his girl after all. I guess he kind of realizes he is just playing around and a bit of a clown so he just tries to ignore him. However after a tragic and traumatic event they'd feel sort of a kinship. You don't really see any sarcasm between after the sh-t hits the fan even if their interactions are short.

Of course in JP/// Grant shrugs off the Sorna incident since he wasn't even there and doesn't he ask the boy which book he preferred and laughs when he chose his book and not Grants? That's more similar to his relationship with Malcolm in the beginning of JP1. But it also feels tongue in cheek and not that he's actually mad at him.

Most people think of JP Ian Malcolm but when I wrote the post I was thinking more about TLW Malcolm which actually acts rather different and could almost feel like a different character. This was since this time he was the "hero" of the story and not the wise ass comedy relief. We see him be more friendly overall and not with his team but even caring about the INgen group when they have to work together to get out of Sorna. After Eddie Carr dies he mentions something like "Are you talking about Eddie? He was a friend and he gave his life to save ours" and before that you couldn't really say that he was really friendly with Eddie or that they had enough dialog or interactions to call him a friend and yet he did. Overall he seemed more chill as a person in general in TLW which is the last time we saw him.

Anywho, that's a long post for me to basically say, "Yeah you're right about them not being real friends though they do have enough of a relationship for him to be able to namedrop him as one"

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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2017 9:34 pm

That's somewhat of a fair assessment, yes Ooooh Right!
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PostSubject: Re: Malcolm references in JP5   Malcolm references in JP5 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2017 9:47 pm

sdp wrote:
He doesn't quote himself in TLW so I don't want him to quote things just because they've become internet memes in the past decade. Nintendo is really bad about this and it takes you out, yeah we get it, you're referencing the meme...

A reference to Grant would be really nice but also for Sarah and Kelly, it can be done in a simple line of dialog that takes 5 seconds. "I've had friends like Dr. Alan Grant, my ex-wife Sarah and daughter Kelly who have all suffered from this little business of yours".

But yeah my biggest want is a reference to Isla Sorna that got shafted in JW, all JW had to do was name drop "Isla Sorna" in dialog somehow and it never bothered, it didn't need to go into detail. Malcolm was there so he needs to have some type of comment about it.
I fully agree with your post.

Very Happy

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Malcolm references in JP5 LYHX0zA
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