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 Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?

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PostSubject: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 7:16 pm

Last night I was at goodwill and I saw TLW on VHS for 75¢. I own the DVD and blu-ray and will most likely never use the VHS version. I just wanted it on my shelf so I immediately felt a strong need to buy it. 

Anyone done something similar or am I just crazy?
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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 7:45 pm

Once I used to have this problem with buying JP stuff online and that made me have a lot of stuff in my collection that isn't really quality. I don't usually have this problem now...although for a while in conventions I would usually impulse buy any JP things I found if I didnt already have them. Again another reason why my space on my shelf is a bit limited.

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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 7:48 pm

In person I kinda do, but I've tried breaking the habit. So far, so good.

Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  IxTwoGb
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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 8:18 pm

JP related things? not really.

Well where I live we didn't really get all that much JW licensed stuff, let alone something from before, it's really hard to find.

But for JW I ended up buying all the different versions of movie cinema exclusive JW cups, that was sort of an impulse buy. I bought a white JW kids shirt in large which fits for the most part haha though I don't often wear it.

I bought some of the matchbox(?) cars that had JW branding even if they were not really JW vehicles I tried to choose the most accurate looking ones I could find, I guess that was def. an impulse buy since they looked nothing like it but I wanted some sort of memorabilia for JW.

I came close to buying the T-Rex, Spino and Stegoceratops but didn't. I also almost bought the Owen/raptor set since I found it on sale for 10 dollars but opted not to which was good since the figures in general were quite poor.

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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 11:10 pm

If it's from the JP or TLW toylines, then my answer is yes, provided that it's in good shape. Just under 2 years or so ago, I found a TLW Bull T. rex did despite having a few tiny paint dots on it legs and tail and crayon markings on it's belly, was still in great physical shape and got it for only $10.

If it's anything past that...it depends on what it is and, again, the shape it is in. Case in point, if I saw the 2009 retooled version of the Bull T. rex or the 2013 Allosaurus, then if I had the money, then I'm buying it.

I'm mainly a quality guy. Somebody who buys things that are legitimately good. The only JW things I got were the Stomp and Strike Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Chomping Indominus Rex, the Lego JW video game for my PS3, the one Lego JW Rexy set and the special edition JW set with the small statues of Rexy and I. rex. Everything else I considered mediocre to total crap.

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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeThu Jun 08, 2017 12:57 pm

I wish I had more time and money to start up a JP toy collection, but so far no such luck. I have taken notice of the 25th Anniversary calendar for Jurassic Park, and am interested in starting collecting in time for the 5th film, provided the word on the web is that the new toys, collectibles and other merch is worth it, unlike the JW toyline.

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Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeThu Jun 08, 2017 4:19 pm

On the rare occasion I do find JPtoys in the wild, I always buy them, even if they are a bit cheaper on Ebay.

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Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Jpl2310
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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 12:42 am

I bought one of these at a convention; she's sitting on my piano at the moment Smile

I did buy Lego JW for Wii U slightly on impulse awhile back. It looked fun, but I wasn't really planning to buy it until I was already in the store randomly browsing. I have several of the Lego games and this one might be my favorite so far.

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PostSubject: Re: Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?    Do you guys ever impulse buy JP related things?  Icon_minitime

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