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 Raptor Deaths

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Six-Foot Turkey
Six-Foot Turkey

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PostSubject: Raptor Deaths   Raptor Deaths Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2017 9:14 pm

I see a lot of people confused over distinguishing which Raptors died at what time in Jurassic World. Many insist Echo was burned, but I'm very sure Echo was the last Raptor to be chomped by the Indominus. I've seen pictures with the brightness increased that clearly shows the last Raptor had orange stripes, which is Echo's pattern. I begin to wonder are people blind or in strong denial?

I was wondering if there are any official info regarding the Raptor's deaths?
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PostSubject: Re: Raptor Deaths   Raptor Deaths Icon_minitimeThu Oct 19, 2017 11:57 am

I'm not a pro with JW, but I did manage to keep track of each raptor and their deaths in the film after several views. I always got Charlie and Echo mixed up for the longest time.

- Charlie is the first to go down, by RPG. She has green coloration.
- Delta is thrown onto the hibachi grill. She has the blueish-grey coloration, and is the one that killed Hoskins
- Echo is chomped and then thrown away. She has an orangeish-brown stripe pattern.

After the Ingen mercenaries were ambushed by the raptors, it is Echo and Delta that are seen chasing and attempting to attack Claire and the kids in the truck. They are the two that run into the forest afterwards.
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Six-Foot Turkey
Six-Foot Turkey

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PostSubject: Re: Raptor Deaths   Raptor Deaths Icon_minitimeThu Oct 19, 2017 4:03 pm

LostWorld wrote:
I'm not a pro with JW, but I did manage to keep track of each raptor and their deaths in the film after several views. I always got Charlie and Echo mixed up for the longest time.

- Charlie is the first to go down, by RPG. She has green coloration.
- Delta is thrown onto the hibachi grill. She has the blueish-grey coloration, and is the one that killed Hoskins
- Echo is chomped and then thrown away. She has an orangeish-brown stripe pattern.

After the Ingen mercenaries were ambushed by the raptors, it is Echo and Delta that are seen chasing and attempting to attack Claire and the kids in the truck. They are the two that run into the forest afterwards.

Yeah, Delta had to be one of the Raptors that died in the Indominus battle because she killed Hoskins.
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PostSubject: Re: Raptor Deaths   Raptor Deaths Icon_minitime

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