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 Favorite Raptor Design

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12 posters

Favorite Raptor Design
V. "nublarensis" (Jurassic Park, TLW)
Favorite Raptor Design Vote_lcap60%Favorite Raptor Design Vote_rcap
 60% [ 12 ]
V. "sornaensis" (Jurassic Park III)
Favorite Raptor Design Vote_lcap25%Favorite Raptor Design Vote_rcap
 25% [ 5 ]
Favorite Raptor Design Vote_lcap15%Favorite Raptor Design Vote_rcap
 15% [ 3 ]
Favorite Raptor Design Vote_lcap0%Favorite Raptor Design Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Favorite Raptor Design Vote_lcap0%Favorite Raptor Design Vote_rcap
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Total Votes : 20


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PostSubject: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 7:59 pm

The poll is pretty simple: which raptor design from the films is the one you like and why? For the first two, males and females will be lumped together.

My personal favorite is Blue. For me it strikes a perfect balance between brighter colors and darker colors. There's probably a little bias, since Blue is my favorite member of Owen's pack.

Favorite Raptor Design Rexy2_by_jettryu-dbw2fnr
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 8:18 pm

You know, I'm going for the JP3 Raptors. Yes, they were not used as much as they should have been, but both male and female had good designs. The female with the cream color with black stripes and dots and the grey males with the protofeather mohawk. As much as I hate JP3 since it did a lot of things wrong and was made for the sake of getting a JP trilogy, the designs of the raptors was one of the very few things that movie got right.

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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 9:06 pm

Rhedosaurus wrote:
You know, I'm going for the JP3 Raptors. Yes, they were not used as much as they should have been, but both male and female had good designs. The female with the cream color with black stripes and dots and the grey males with the protofeather mohawk. As much as I hate JP3 since it did a lot of things wrong and was made for the sake of getting a JP trilogy, the designs of the raptors was one of the very few things that movie got right.

That and the Pteranodon scene was actually REALLY good.

Anyways, I voted for the original. There's no beating it in my opinion. It's not nostalgia, it's the fact that the males have the tiger stripes and that is just the perfect design for these creatures in my opinoin. Second would probably be Blue. As said, it has a good balance

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Favorite Raptor Design Jp3_210
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 9:36 pm

As much as I love the JP3 raptors I would have to go with what ^he said. The first movie introduced this creature so perfectly that it is simply etched into my mind.

Although I’d probably place the JP3 raptors above the JW bunch.

I know it bothers people when the animals look different and I get that, but I think artistically it was very smart for JP3 to have done this. The design is so memorable and yet “JP” at the same time. It’s one of the reasons I’ll always stand by JP3. I do think JP3 has the best raptor animatronics though. They are a sight to behold.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 11:05 pm

The funny thing is that each raptor design reflects its role in the story. In JP3 and JW, they’re meant to be more social and even possess traits resembling compassion. So they have more emotion communicated through their eyes and body language. In JP and TLW, they’re meant to be cold-hearted killing machines all the time, that barely tolerate even each other, they have no place in this modern world whatsoever. So they have these cold, veiny eyes and constantly hunting body language. That’s what makes them my favorite. They just LOOK like they shouldn’t exist in our world.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeMon Jan 08, 2018 11:58 pm

BoulderFaceplant wrote:
The funny thing is that each raptor design reflects its role in the story. In JP3 and JW, they’re meant to be more social and even possess traits resembling compassion. So they have more emotion communicated through their eyes and body language. In JP and TLW, they’re meant to be cold-hearted killing machines all the time, that barely tolerate even each other, they have no place in this modern world whatsoever. So they have these cold, veiny eyes and constantly hunting body language. That’s what makes them my favorite. They just LOOK like they shouldn’t exist in our world.

Awesome perspective dude Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 6:23 am

This is a tough one, but I'll go with the JP3 Raptors. It was one of the things the movie got basically perfect.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 1:16 pm

While I like the fact that each new Raptor design reflects their roles in the story well, I am siding with nostalgia on this one and choosing the V. "nublarensis" Raptor design, mainly the Lost World design for the tiger stripes and their unbridled ferocity.

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Favorite Raptor Design Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 2:05 pm

"Nublarensis" JP and TLW design for me. Sure the females looked "bland" and grey or even green in certain light despite being a muted color of brown, but the males were actually really awesome with the tiger striping and orange combination. These designs are just heavily under appreciated I feel.

Favorite Raptor Design Tytj10
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 3:33 pm

The male Raptors from TLW:
Favorite Raptor Design BIiWQuD

They were so beautifully done. It's a real shame we never got to see them more.

Favorite Raptor Design IxTwoGb
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 4:15 pm

I'm going for the female from the first JP.

Certainly the most bland in terms of color scheme, the darker colors (especially contrasted with the big, bright eyes) always hit me as the most intimidating of all the designs.

If I had to pick a JP raptor that'd I'd least like to meet up with in a dark alley, this one would be at the top of the list.

Favorite Raptor Design Latest?cb=20140408111210 Favorite Raptor Design Latest?cb=20160816192050

My second favorite raptor design is basically a tie between the male and female from JP3. The smaller, more rounded eyes and crests on the JP3 designs really make them stand out in a positive way. The color scheme on the male version is absolutely stunning, while still somewhat understated, while the color scheme on the female version coupled with the facial redesigns and yellow eyes give it a very sinister look. Both winners for me.

Favorite Raptor Design Velociraptor-07

Favorite Raptor Design Velociraptor-05

Unlike most, I'm not in love with the male raptors from TLW. I realize that from a design perspective, they're not all that different from the females from JP, but the more elaborate and brightened patterns, as well as the very orange color scheme just don't hit me as intimidating. It's a pleasing enough color scheme, but the design just doesn't fill me with the dread that the female version does, nor is it as interesting as the JP3 design.

Favorite Raptor Design Hfev8Yg

The JW version (all 4 of them) are at the bottom of the list. The intricate designs of each raptor just end up hitting me as an oleo of blues and greens that I have trouble differentiating from one another, and the bulkier design strips them of some of their menace imo.

Favorite Raptor Design Jurassic-world-super-bowl-13

I didn't vote on the poll because the males and the females from the first two films are lumped together, and I have very differing opinions on them.

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Favorite Raptor Design Jpbann10
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Jan 09, 2018 10:42 pm

BoulderFaceplant wrote:
The funny thing is that each raptor design reflects its role in the story. In JP3 and JW, they’re meant to be more social and even possess traits resembling compassion. So they have more emotion communicated through their eyes and body language. In JP and TLW, they’re meant to be cold-hearted killing machines all the time, that barely tolerate even each other, they have no place in this modern world whatsoever. So they have these cold, veiny eyes and constantly hunting body language. That’s what makes them my favorite. They just LOOK like they shouldn’t exist in our world.
This is such an awesome post. These things are SO unnatural honestly, they really are the embodiment of the artificial organisms created by ingen that were never supposed to exist. Truly unique to this world and this world alone, and truly terrifying as well when they aren't chatting it up with an Indominus. XD

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Favorite Raptor Design Jp3_210
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2018 3:14 pm

I voted for the JP/// Raptors, I don't know why, but I found them scarier than the original Raptors from the first moment I saw them. I really can't explain why, maybe because of their coordinated hunting rather than pure blood lust. They put thought into killing and that makes them sinister.
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Nublar Velociraptor
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite Raptor Design   Favorite Raptor Design Icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2022 8:57 pm

Have to go with the male raptors from TLW.

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