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 David Peter's Raptor Pack

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Tamara Henson

Posts : 10
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2017-04-23
Location : Ohio

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PostSubject: David Peter's Raptor Pack   David Peter's Raptor Pack Icon_minitimeSun Jan 28, 2018 9:34 pm

Before he went off the deep end and created the website ReptileEvolution, David Peter's was an excellent artist who produced this painting of 1990 style dromaeosaurs.

David Peter's Raptor Pack Peter_10

In this mod I skinned the JPOG raptor and Lexmac0 coded them as separate animals so you could add these lovely beasts to your game.

Bugs: All genera are the same size and the files are in an installer pack so you may have to instal them in a blank folder then place them into the game manually in Windows 8 or latter PCs.

Description: Adds three new dromaeosaurs to your park and skins the Velociraotor.


David Peter's Raptor Pack Deinon10


David Peter's Raptor Pack Dromae10

Utahraptor (yes Lexmac mixed the skins up  Smile )

David Peter's Raptor Pack Utahra10

Velociraptor re-skin

David Peter's Raptor Pack Veloci10

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Posts : 4978
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Join date : 2016-06-08
Location : Armada, Michigan

David Peter's Raptor Pack Empty
PostSubject: Re: David Peter's Raptor Pack   David Peter's Raptor Pack Icon_minitimeMon Feb 05, 2018 3:56 pm

Tamara Henson wrote:
Before he went off the deep end and created the website ReptileEvolution, David Peter's was an excellent artist who produced this painting of 1990 style dromaeosaurs.

David Peter's Raptor Pack Peter_10

In this mod I skinned the JPOG raptor and Lexmac0 coded them as separate animals so you could add these lovely beasts to your game.

Bugs: All genera are the same size and the files are in an installer pack so you may have to instal them in a blank folder then place them into the game manually in Windows 8 or latter PCs.

Description: Adds three new dromaeosaurs to your park and skins the Velociraotor.


David Peter's Raptor Pack Deinon10


David Peter's Raptor Pack Dromae10

Utahraptor (yes Lexmac mixed the skins up  Smile )

David Peter's Raptor Pack Utahra10

Velociraptor re-skin

David Peter's Raptor Pack Veloci10


It really is amazing how good of an artist he was back in the day. I read that one raptor book as well as the one on sauropods. They are good reads. It's a shame he went insane from 2000 on.

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