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 The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2018 12:42 am

Dodgson turned on the headlights, illuminating his immediate surroudings. In the artificial yellow glare, he was able to make out a sign. It said East Dock.
Dodgson smiled. This was good. He and King could go to the dock, find a boat, and get the heck out of here. But that would mean abandoning Wu's research - the thing he had sought after for so long. Could he do it? Just turn around and leave it all behind?
For a moment he was locked in indecision, sitting in the Jeep, staring at a fixed point in the distance.
Then he thought, screw it. Granted, Dodgson might be a bit more reckless and dangerous than your average man, but even he knew when to give up. When to accept defeat. Still, the thought of giving up now when his goal was right in front of him made his stomach turn. He had to force himself to drive down the little dirt road that would take him to the East Dock. Even then, he almost turned back several times. It was hard - extremely hard - to just give up after everything that had happened, but he knew it was the right decision.
For himself... and for King as well.
Besides - this wasn't the end. Dodgson would find a way to get his hands on that research, no matter what. Whatever it took. He'd get it.
But for now, what he wanted was to just go home.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2018 1:14 am

And he would still get something out of this. He still had the eggs Sorkin had in her bag. And it was definitely a start. He didn't know that they were Troodon eggs, but he did know one thing.

Those eggs were going to be the future of his company...


Sarah passed by Atlanta's bedroom and heard crying. The door was open, so she looked in.

The young girl was crying into her father's shoulder as she hugged him, needing comfort.

When the girl finally let go, Gerry noticed Sarah and he stood up.

"I can't believe you never told me," Sarah said. "You gor to work with actual dinosaurs."

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Gerry explained. "When the park opened, the whole family could be together again and see everything. I guess that'll never happen now."

"Well, I'm totally jealous," Sarah smiled. "And impressed. My dad just got a whole lot cooler."

"So who are you bunking with tonight?"

"Your friend, Henry Wu."

"Be careful. I'm worried about him."

"I'll be fine. Could we step out for a moment?"

Gerry looked back at Atlanta. "It'll just be for a minute," he promised the girl. Atlanta nodded, wiping away her tears.

Sarah and Gerry stepped into the hallway.

"So what are you going to do with her?" Sarah asked Gerry. "Atlanta, I mean."

"I promised to take care of her," Gerry told Sarah. "And I'm going to keep my word. Right now she needs me. Maybe I'll take her back to San Diego."

"Are you considering adoption?"

"Possibly," Gerry admitted. "But right now we need to focus on getting her off this island alive. Then we can talk about the future."

"If you do go back to San Diego, I want to come with you. It is time to get the family back together. You, me, Jess, Mom..."

Gerry smiled. "It'll be just like old times."

Father and daughter hugged. Then Gerry went back in Atlanta's room. He shut and locked the door behind him, just in case.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2018 12:41 pm

Edgar couldn't sleep. The events of the day had taken their toll on him. He felt antsy, anxious. Whenever he closed his eyes he thought the could see those pale, glowing eyes staring at him. The stress of it made sleep impossible, which was too bad, because he needed his rest.
Edgar found himself beginning to sympathise more with Harding and the others. At first, he was annoyed with Harding's apparent cowardice, but soon realized that the man's fears were completely justified. If those things could take down Muldoon, what chance did the rest of them have?
But then he reminded himself that they had Oscar Morales, by far the most efficient man in the business, on their side. If Muldoon was the toughest man in the world, Oscar Morales was a close second. The man didn't seem to have any fears. While Edgar was quaking and shaking with fright, Oscar didn't even bat an eye. Edgar felt safer just being in the company of the man.
Then he reminded himself of something. He might not be a Muldoon or an Oscar, but he was still highly skilled. The best in the division. He hadn't gotten this mission by chance; he came highly recommended by his senior officers. No, he wasn't a Muldoon, but he was capable enough to make it through this mission alive.  
Somehow reassured, Edgar found himself drifting off to sleep.


Arnold sat huddled in the dim light of the safe room, trying to control the trembling in his limps. Around him, people sobbed and murmured desperate prayers. Arnold found himself praying as well, even though he wasn't exactly religious. It was comforting.
Outside, the carnage continued, though things seemed to be dying down at last. Whether the Troodon had killed everyone or the survivors had been able to find shelter, Arnold didn't know. One thing he was sure of though, he was glad the screaming had finally stopped.
Then he heard something that at first scared him, just due to how loud it was, but then filled him with a surge of relief and joy. Gunfire. The authorities were here! The military with their automatics and helicopters - they were here to rescue them!
Someone knocked on the door and the head doctor opened it at once. In the doorway stood a Costa Rican man. He had a dirty tank top on, ripped pants, and a rather large gun in his hand. The man began talking quickly in Spanish, and the head doctor responded in kind.
"What are they saying?" Arnold asked Elena, the midwife who was tending to Guiterrez. "And where's the military?"
"They military aren't here," Elena told him. "But these men from another village have come to provide assistance."
Well, it was better than nothing, Arnold thought.
The Costa Rican was still talking. Elena translated: "He is asking if any of us know how to fire a gun."
Arnold did. Muldoon had made every member of the Jurassic Park team take lessons, 'just in case,' even paying for them out of his own pocket. Now, Arnold was eternally glad that he had done so.
Arnold stood up, stood to attention. "I can help," he said.
The Costa Rican - whose name was Eduardo - looked Arnold up and down for a moment, and then shoved a gun into his hands, patting him on the shoulder in the process.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2018 12:56 pm

The hallways were full of bodies and blood stains. Most unusual though, were the bodies with bullet holes in them. The Troodon hadn't killed those people. A man had...


In the jungles of Isla Nublar, a curious Herrerasaurus investigated a fire that had been lit in a clearing. The Herrerasaurus into the clearing, looking around. The clearing was empty, with nobody in sight.

Wondering who had started the campfire, the Herrerasaurus walked forward to take a closer look. The Herrerasaurus couldn't smell anything. Just smoke.


A bullet passed through the dinosaur's head, destroying the brain. The carnivore collapsed, dead. It hadn't stood a chance.

From the tree he was hiding in, George Lawala grinned. Another dino dead. And the corpse would certainly attract scavengers.

He could do this all night.


"Kelly, get under the bed," Malcolm ordered.


"Climb under the bed. And whatever happens, whatever you hear, don't come out."

Kelly nodded fearfully and hid under the hospital bed. Malcolm watched the door.

The creature outside was starting to open the door...
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 3:07 pm

Arnold heard a man screaming in the distance. But it wasn't the kind of scream someone made before death. It was a tremulous, almost deranged howl. What on earth was going on over there?
Arnold broke away from the group and headed deeper into the hospital. The screams got louder and clearer, but no less distressing.
"Hello?" Arnold called into the darkness.
A burst of gunfire was his response.
Arnold crept forward, clutching the gun with both hands, finger on the trigger.
"Who's there? We're friendly."
Another burst of gunfire followed by a man's plea: "Get away from me! Get away from me!"


Eduardo led a group of men and women down a long hallway. They were clearing out the invaders, one room at a time. Eduardo had never seen or imagined anything so terrifying, but he was eager to eliminate them.
Eduardo turned a corner. Two of those devils were scuffling at a door. Eduard raised his gun to his cheek and fired; bullets simmered the hallway, splattering the dinosaur's guts on the slick tile flooring.
The animals dead, Eduardo knocked on the door. "Hola? Anyone in there?"
"Yes," came a man's voice. "Si. Can we come out?"
Eduardo opened the door and shone his flashlight in. A man with dark hair - an American - and a little girl with dark skin. Huddled in the corner, looking frightened.
Eduard waved for them to come out. He told one of his men to accompany them back to the safe room.
"Thank you," the American man said. "Er... Gracias," he corrected himself.
"Gracias," the little girl affirmed.
Eduardo smiled and waved for them to go.


Dodgson followed the route laid out by the occasional road sign. Remembering his previous time on the island, Dodgson had a feeling they were almost there. Soon he and King would be out of here, and not soon enough.
Still, a shame about the research. Wu would probably recover it in the morning. Oh well. Dodgson would find another way to get his hands on it. Persistence was the key to success, that was what he said.
Sure enough, after a few minutes more, the docks came into sight. And there was the boathouse! Hopefully, if they were lucky, there would be a boat in there. If not... Dodgson wasn't sure what he'd do then. King didn't have that much time left. If there was no boat, Dodgson would have to leave his assistant behind. He didn't like the thought.
Dodgson stopped in front of the boathouse and climbed out. He tried the door: it was locked. Shoot! Dodgson went back to the Jeep to see if there was anything he could use to break the lock. He found a sledgehammer in the back seat. What was that doing there? Never mind; it was good luck it had been there. Dodgson took the sledgehammer and went back to the door. He brought the hammer down on the lock, missing the first time, succeeding the second time. The lock shattered. Dodgson pulled it out and discarded it. He opened the door and peered inside. His hand automatically went to the light switch, even though he knew full well that Sorkin had destroyed the generator. He peered into the darkness and thought he could make out the shape of a boat. He took a step forward and his hands fell on the smooth surface of the vessel. Dodgson smiled. They were in business.

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 3:31 pm

Arnold sought cover as the unknown man shot at him.

"Where are you hiding, in the trees?" the man asked, his voice panicked.

The man shot at Arnold again, but missed.

Then Arnold heard something hit the ground near him. Before he could react, there was a bright light that blinded him. Flash grenade.


"Do you heard anything?" Trey asked Tim. The kid shook his head.

Everyone in the room had fallen silent, holding their breaths and trying to control their frightened shaking.

There was the occasional distant burst of gunfire, but beside that things seemed to be quieting down.

Then Trey heard something and he looked around to see the cover of an air vent fall off. Inside the vent Trey saw a familiar pair of eyes.

The Troodon hissed and leaped out of the vent. Lex screamed and soon everyone else was too.


On Isla Nublar, the Troodon Alpha Male was following the scent of the human that had struck his eye. The trail lead his pack to the safari lodge. They had been in that building not too long ago and had found it empty. But not now.

The Alpha Male called to his packmates. The safari lodge was full of humans once again. They knew a secret way past the fence that surrounded the lodge and into the building from their last visit. They would do the same thing now and take the humans by surprise.

Then the Alpha Male would have his revenge.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 8:09 pm

Oscar Morales awoke.
Immediately, he felt a strong feeling of dread. That must have been what woke him. He knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that something was very wrong here.
How did he know this? Not even Oscar himself could tell you. He had a strange talent for predicting danger ahead of time. Billy called it his sixth sense. Oscar called it observance. Whatever the case, Oscar had long since learned never to ignore this feeling.
There was danger, and it was very close.
Rising from bed, Oscar grabbed his M4 and quickly checked to make sure it was loaded. Then he went to Edgar's bed and shook the man awake.
"What?" Edgar said groggily.
"Trouble," Oscar told him. "Check the others. I'm going to find Billy."
Edgar wasn't accustomed to being given orders by his subordinates, but he had long since come to trust Oscar's instinct. Rising from bed, he popped a new magazine into his gun and went to the door. Peering into the darkened hallway, he first checked to make sure nothing was amiss. Then he tiptoed into the hall and opened one of the doors.
It was Wu and Sarah’s room. Both were asleep. Edgar whispered, “Hey, wake up.”
Sarah snapped awake instantly and fixed him with a surprisingly alert gaze. “What? What is it?”
“Not sure yet. Oscar has a feeling,” Edgar told her, as if no more explanation was needed.
But Sarah seemed to understand the gravity of the situation, as she quickly rose from bed and shook Wu awake.
“Do you have your guns?” Edgar asked.
“Yes,” Sarah told him. “Right over…”
She was interrupted by a terrified scream. Edgar’s heart dropped into his stomach. He ran down the hall, in the direction of the scream.
“Get back!” he heard someone shout.
It was Harding.


The dilo pack moved amongst the heavy foliage, eyes and ears alert for the slightest sound, slightest movement that might indicate the whereabouts of potential prey. Maybe a nice juicy mouse, or a possum out for a late-night stroll...
The leader dilo stopped abruptly to sniff the air; she'd picked up a scent. Hooting softly to her companions, she began to creep silently through the foliage, in the direction of the smell.
The foliage began to thin out. The leader dilo smelled the familiar salty ocean. And something else... heat. Heat produced from a rather sizeable animal...
The dilo paused, and with her night vision eyes, was able to spot the animal. It stood on two legs, and was walking from a large white object to a smaller, red object. The dilo recognized the red object; it was one of those creatures that moved about on the dirt paths. They stunk especially badly. But the animal... the animal she recognized. It was one of those two-legged creatures. The dilo licked her lips. She had eaten one of those before, a night or two ago. Their meat was quite delicious...
Assuming a hunter's crouch, the dilo pack waited a moment to observe and try to conclude if this two-leg would make for a good meal or not.


Dodgson grabbed King under the arms and pulled him out of the Jeep. King let out a sharp gasp of pain. Dodgson gritted his teeth and pulled with all his might; finally, he got King out.
"Come on Howard," he said through gritted teeth. "Work with me here."
He managed to get King on his feet and start walking with him to the boat. It took about seven minutes to go ten feet. By the end Dodgson was sweating and covered in King's blood. No matter, he could wash it off in the seawater.
They were almost there. Dodgson had already gotten the boat out, it was sitting there on the beach, just waiting for them.
Almost there. Almost there.
Then Dodgson heard it. A soft hooting. Coming from the trees.

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 8:24 pm

Atlanta curled up in a corner, clutching her bleeding arm. One of the "Troodon" had bitten her. Gerry now stood between her and the Troodon intruders, using a chair in an attempt to fend them off. Atlanta's vision was starting to blur. She didn't feel so good...


Oscar ran to find Billy. He heard a clicking sound behind him. Before he could turn around, the Alpha Male Troodon leaped onto his back, knocking him to the floor and digging his claws into his flesh. Oscar screamed in pain and brought out his knife, but the dinosaur knocked it away. The Troodon had learned from his last encounter with the man. Oscar felt teeth biting down on the back of his neck and he tried desperately to knock the animal off him.

"BILLY!" he screamed, hoping his partner could hear him.



Billy Yoder immediately rose to his feet, gun ready.

"What was that?" Sonya asked him.

"Nothing good," Billy responded, rushing to the door. He opened it and came face to face with a crouching Troodon. The Troodon leaped onto Billy, forcing him onto the ground. Billy screamed, trying desperately to avoid snapping jaws. He must have lost his gun when he was tackled, since he had no idea where it was now.

Then Billy heard a gunshot and the Troodon dropped dead. Looking around, Billy saw that Sonya was out of her handcuffs and holding the gun he had dropped.

"What the hell?" Billy asked. "You mean you could have gotten out of your cuffs the whole time?"

Sonya nodded. "I thought it would be smarter for me to bide my time. You're welcome by the way."

"Could I have my gun back."

Sonya thought about this for a moment, then tossed the gun to Billy.

"Go save your friend," she told him. "I'll stay be here with Raul. Don't worry, I have nowhere else to go."

"Alright, I'll trust you," Billy decided. He ran out.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 8:38 pm

Billy ran as fast as he could in the direction of Oscar's screams.
He rounded a corner and found his gruff partner pinned under the cruel talons of a Troodon. The beast stopped biting Oscar for a moment to regard Billy.
Billy lifted his gun and proceeded to splatter the creature's guts on the carpet.
He dropped beside Oscar. The man was hurt badly. His neck and back were covered in blood.
"We gotta move Oscar," Billy told him.
Oscar was almost unconscious. Billy had no choice but to drag him down the hall.
He heard more clicks and gunfire echoing around him. "Sonya!" he cried.
The guide was back in a few moments.
"Help me with him," Billy pleaded.
Sonya nodded and gripped Oscar under one muscular arm. Billy took the other. Together, they dragged him into Sonya and Raul's room.
"Is there first aid here?" Billy asked.
"No, but there's probably one in the bathroom," Raul said.
"Got get it," Billy said.
Raul left. Billy and Sonya dragged Oscar the rest of the way into the room and laid him flat on his back.
Sonya examined his wounds and shook her head. "I don't think there's anything we can do."
"Stow that talk," Billy snapped, angry. "He'll get through this. He's survived worse, believe me."
"Alright. I'm just warning you."
"Don't bother. He'll make it."
Raul came back a moment later with the kit. He and Sonya got to work on Oscar. Sonya glanced at Billy.
"Go help the others. We got this."
Billy hesitated before realizing it was what Oscar would have done. Grabbing his gun, he ran out of the room.


Edgar burst into Harding and Atlanta's room a second before Grant and Ellie.
Edgar watched the Troodon leapt at Harding, knocked the chair away, and clamp its jaws shut around the vet's arm. Harding screamed.
Edgar raised his gun and filled the animal with bullets. It dropped dead, but still retained its hold on Harding's arm. Harding gripped the upper jaw and tore it loose, then bent to examine his injury.
Edgar ran to the window and slammed it shut as Grant checked on Harding and Ellie checked on Atlanta. The girl was crying and clutching her arm. It was red.
From the screams coming from Sarah's room, Edgar guessed Sarah and Wu were under attack, as well. He ran out to the help them.
And came face-to-face with a Troodon.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 8:51 pm

Sarah swung her machete at the Troodon that had her cornered. The Troodon were being careful to stay out of swinging distance and she realized that they were analyzing her attacks. Looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

They then acted, one of the Troodon lunging forward and biting her leg. Sarah screamed and fell on her knees, blood dripping from the wounds.

The Troodon watched their injured prey. They knew it would only be a matter of time...


Edgar raised his gun, but was surprised when the dinosaur actually knocked it aside with one of its arms, bullets spraying harmlessly into the wall.

Before he could react, the Troodon was on top of him. Teeth sank into Edgar's shoulder. He screamed in pain and tried using his gun, but the Troodon grabbed it and tossed it aside, leaving Edgar defenseless.

Edgar threw a punch, but the dinosaur bit down on his arm and blood struck his face. The Troodon continued to chew on his arm and Edgar screamed as his pain intensified.


Wu had locked himself in his room's bathroom, clutching a gun. He did his best to keep silent, listening to the screams, the gunfire, and the clicks.

Wu was terrified. Shaking. He prayed that they wouldn't find him, that he would be left alone.

His prayers went unanswered. Something began slamming into the bathroom door with a reptilian hiss. The creature did not go away and the slamming got only stronger. Wu pointed his gun at the door, trying to steady his aim. If possible, he did not want to waste any bullets.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 9:06 pm

Grant heard Edgar's screams and ran into the hall. The man was being attacked by a Troodon. His screams were horrific. Grant ran forward and grabbed Edgar's gun, which he had dropped. He put the tip of the barrel to the Troodon's head and fired a short burst.
The monster fell, decapitated.
Grant pushed the body off of Edgar and bent to check on Edgar's condition.
It was not good. Not at all. He was bloodied - completely. His neck, shoulder and arm. The blood flowed freely. Grievous, incurable wounds.
Edgar's lips were moving. Grant leaned in, to catch his words.
"Don't let them drag me away," he pleaded.
Grant put a hand on his uninjured shoulder: "No, of course not."
Edgar swallowed. Grant just about caught his last words: "I'm sorry..."
"It's okay Edgar. It's okay."
Grant unclipped Edgar's pistol. He put it to Edgar's head. He pulled the trigger.
He fell back, shocked and traumatized. Edgar was dead. Dead just like that.
He felt familiar hands on his shoulder and neck, and looked up to see Ellie.
"Is Atlanta alright?" he asked.
"Yes," Ellie said, looking at Edgar.
She brushed Grant's hair.
For a while, neither of them spoke.
Then Billy Yoder came running around the corner. He stopped when he saw Edgar. "Who is..."
He got a closer look. A look of shock and horror flashed on his face, followed quickly by a storm cloud of rage.
He yelled a stream of curses and punched the wall. "I'm going to kill him," he spat.
Billy turned his eyes on Grant. His hate-filled eyes.
"Henry Wu."

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 9:21 pm

Atlanta didn't know where she was. It was hard to focus. But she heard a voice. A voice she never thought she would heard again.


It couldn't be her. But it was. Exactly how Atlanta remembered her.


Atlanta ran forward and leaped into Nima Cruz's arms, hugging her mother tightly and crying. Atlanta comforted her daughter, stroking Atlanta's hair.

"Shh... it's alright. You're safe."

"But... but you're dead. Does that mean I'm dead too?"

Nima shook her head. "No. It's not your time yet. I miss you so much. We'll be together again. But not tonight."

"I don't want you to go..." Atlanta whimpered. "It's so hard without you."

Nima smiled softly. "I know. You've been so brave. But you're strong. I have faith in you. And don't worry. I'll be watching you."

Atlanta opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. And everything just faded away...


Gerry had stabilized Atlanta's condition and was wrapping bandages around her wound. The girl had passed out, but was going to live. Gerry had his own injury, but Atlanta came first.

"I'm so sorry," he said to her, even though she couldn't hear him.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 10:25 pm

The survivors had joined in Sonya and Raul's room. Other than Edgar, there had been no casualties, but most of them suspected that Oscar didn't have long to live.
"I'm out of carfentanil," Gerry Harding announced, his voice shaking slightly. "I can't treat myself or Sarah without it."
"Then we have to get more," Ellie said.
"I don't know if we have any more."
Wu snapped his fingers; "Sorkin's lab. She's bound to have some there."
"That's on the other side of the park almost," Harding replied.
"What difference does it make? We need the stuff."
"Then why don't you go and get it?" Harding snapped.
Wu rolled his eyes.
"Don't start arguing again," Grant said firmly. "Ellie and I will go and get it. Right?" He looked expectantly to Ellie.
Ellie nodded. "Right."
"But we don't have any more cars," Harding remembered.
"No, but we have some bicycles in the garage," Wu said.
Grant and Ellie got their stuff and got ready to go. "How are we going to get out of here with the Troodon lurking around outside?"
"We'll distract them," Sonya promised.
"Alright. Well, be quick."
Grant and Ellie left the room. A moment later Harding followed.
"Listen, there may not be enough carfentanil for both Sarah and me," he said. "If that's the case, I want you to give it to Sarah."
Grant looked at Harding with sad eyes. He knew it would be futile to try and convince Harding otherwise. A father's love prohibited him from making any selfish decisions.
"Okay," he said quietly.
Harding gripped his arm. "It's been a privilege, doctor Grant."
Grant was surprised to find tears in his eyes. He quickly brushed them away. "You too, Gerry."
They stood there for several more minutes in silence, just waiting for the signal that it was clear to go.
A few minutes later Sonya stuck her head through the door. "We have them over here on the other side. Now's the time."
Grant nodded. He took a deep breath, and opened the door. He and Ellie left, Harding watching them go.


Dodgson hauled King into the boat right as the attack started. Two little green dinosaurs leapt out of the trees, quickly followed by three more. The creatures' neck flaps extended, creating a fan-like arrangement. The fans rattled as the creature's hissed in unison.
Dodgson wielded the sledgehammer with precision. He was outnumbered, but he wasn't dead yet.
One of the dinosaur's head snapped back, sending a glob of some kind of black substance smacking wetly against Dodgson's shirt. He yelped in surprise and disgust and jumped back.
The creatures crouched low and began to stalk toward him. Hunters.
Dodgson realized he didn't stand a chance. But then he remembered something...
In his pocket - a flare! What was that Sorkin had said?
They're afraid of fire.
Dodgson struck the flare, watched the red embers spark and light. He waved the flare in front of the dinosaurs, who immediately submitted, hissing in aggravation.
Almost there. Dodgson took the opportunity to push the boat closer to the water. He pushed it about a foot, then turned around to check to see if the dinosaurs had come any closer.
A good thing he did. The creatures had crept forward several more paces. Dodgson waved his flare at them and they immediately retreated.
Dodgson turned and pushed the boat another foot or so. He looked back and waved the creatures off. In this fashion, he was able to get the boat, inch by inch, in the water.
Until the current was drawing the boat out to sea. Dodgson threw his flare at the green dinosaurs and then splashed into the water and clambered up the side of the boat. The dinosaurs hissed and squealed in frustration, but none of them approached the water. Dodgson let out a shout of triumph.
Then his smile fell. He knew why they weren't following him...


The man continued to shout and yell like a total madman. Arnold crouched behind the receptionist's desk, hands squeezing his gun.
What should he do? Shoot the man? Obviously, he'd gone raging mad. He was a hazard to the rest of them. But Arnold had never shot a man before, and he didn't want to start today.
There had to be some other way...

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 10:44 pm

Dodgson looked around him, eyes alert for any movement. He heard a splash and he turned around to see a dark shape surfacing nearby. Dodgson was filled with dread. It was the damn tylosaur.

Dodgson still had the gun he took from Sorkin. He aimed carefully and fired several bursts at the tylosaur. He heard bullets strike the water but it was too dark to see if he had actually hit anything. It was hopeless. But Dodgson refused to give up.

Dodgson listened to the tylosaur moving through the water and kept his eyes on the black shape that was circling him, occasionally firing. Eventually he ran out of ammo.

The tylosaur bumped the boat and Dodgson struggled to keep his balance. The damn creature was toying with him! Dodgson desperately looked around for anything that he could use to distract the tylosaur and give him time to escape. Anything.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 10:56 pm

There was no choice. He had to go back. Go back and face those stupid green dinosaurs on the beach.
He turned the wheel and brought the ship around in a circle. Then he spotted something. It looked like an underwater cave. Wonderful! It was big enough for the boat to fit in, but too large for the tylosaur. Dodgson started making his way toward the cave. The tylosaur followed him all the way, brushing up against it, snorting and gushing water.
The boat glided smoothly into the cave. Dodgson looked back to see if the tylosaur had followed. He saw the creature's large back, but it was staying back. Yes! It had worked! The tylosaur was just too big to fit in here.
Safe for the meantime, Dodgson slouched against the boat, ready to take a nap. But then he remembered something. King. Each minute, King came closer to leave this life. Maybe there was a first-aid-kit around here somewhere. Dodgson looked around the cabin, and sure enough, there was a kit. He brought it back and opened it, his fingers fumbling with the contents. He used the flashlight to see. There: bandages, medicine, morphine, all sorts. Dodgson quickly wrapped King's injury, and then gave him some painkillers. That was about all he could do. King had lost a lot of blood. His survival was up in the air. Dodgson had done everything he could.
Now he could sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:19 pm

Grant and Ellie found bicycles in the garage and luckily encountered no Troodon. As they started down the road to Sorkins' lab they heard the distant clicks and gunshots while the others distracted the Troodon. Grant hoped that they would make it back in time, because at the moment everybody was depending on them.


Trey ordered Tim and Lex to get behind him. Everyone in the safe room was panicking, trying to put as much distance between them and the Troodon as they could. The Troodon hissed, trying to trap a few unlucky people in a corner.

The door was knocked down and people began fleeing into the hallways. Trey saw an opportunity to escape.

"Come on," he told the kids, rushing them toward the open door. Luckily, the Troodon didn't seem to notice them yet. Trey tried to ignore the screams of those less unfortunate than him, focusing on getting the kids out safely.

Unfortunately, the hallway wasn't safe either. Several Troodon had positioned themselves there, waiting for the frightened prey to be herded to them...

It was a trap, Trey realized. The Troodon had actually set a trap and they had fallen into it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2018 12:53 pm

There was nowhere to go. The Troodon cut off their escape. The survivors were trapped. Trey pulled the kids close to himself. He would protect them for as long as he could.
Suddenly, with a blast of gunfire, the first Troodon fell dead, quickly followed by a second. The remaining Troodon hesitated for a moment before turning and running away.
Their rescuers were four or five heavily armed Costa Ricans, including Eduardo. Doctor Malcolm and Kelly were with them.
"Doctor Malcolm!" Trey exclaimed.
"Hi," Malcolm said, breathless from the run. "You kids alright?" he asked Tim and Lex.
"Well, we're alive," Tim said.
Malcolm scanned the other survivors with his flashlight. "Where's Arnold?"
"We went looking for you," said Trey. "He..." A thought came to him: "Oh no! Guiterrez!"
"Who?" Malcolm was puzzled.
Trey didn't have time to answer. With a plea to Malcolm to take care of the kids, he ran back to the safe room from which they had fled.
He pushed open the door. "Guiterrez? Elena?"
A Troodon looked up at him, jaws bloodied, pale eyes staring.
Trey slammed the door shut as the Troodon began to pounce. "Hey!" he shouted to Eduardo, "Quick, come here!"
Eduardo and another man came running, guns at the ready.
"Three, two, one," Trey said, and flung open the door. Eduardo and the other man laid waste to the Troodon within.
Trey stepped into the small room, slipping on pools of blood.
"Guiterrez?" he said.
A soft moan answered him. Trey went over. It was Elena. She was alive, but injured.
"Quick, someone get her out of here," Trey said.
Trey pulled out his flashlight and shone the beam around the room. There were several dead bodies, but no sign of Guiterrez.
Where on earth had he gone? It didn't seem possible that those things could have eaten him that fast.
Malcolm wandered into the room. "What's going on?" he asked.
"There was a man. His name was Guiterrez. He was here, but now he's not," Trey explained.
Malcolm frowned. "Is there a ventilation shaft in this room?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"How big is it?"
"Big enough that those things were able to come through it."
Malcolm looked grim.
"What is it? Trey demanded. "What are you..." Then, he suddenly realized. "Oh no..."
"They take you to dark, quiet places," Malcolm said. "Like store rooms. They've probably taken him to the basement."
"Then we have to find him," Trey said, determined.
"No one's going to want to go down there."
"Well, too bad. It's his only chance. We've got to find him."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2018 1:25 pm

Bobbie stayed silent, listening to the sounds of prowling Troodon and the occasional gunshot. She suspected that things out there had to wind down, right? But for now, Bobbie held her breath... and her gun.

To her surprise, Bobbie's patient had begun to wake up. The boy who had been attacked earlier that day was coming to his senses.

Bobbie said some comforting words in Spanish as the boy looked around, piecing together where he was.

Bobbie confirmed that he was in a hospital and she was a doctor, but he had to be quiet.

He asked why.

Before Bobbie could answer, a Troodon made a clicking sound not too far away.

The boy recognized the sound and his eyes widened in fear. He started to panic.

Bobbie tried to calm the boy down, but she couldn't stop him from screaming in Spanish about how the monsters with glowing eyes had come back to finish him off. Bobbie's attempts to shush him did no good.

The clicking sounds were nearer. The Troodon had heard them. Bobbie watched the door intently, but then realized in horror that the clicking sounds weren't coming from the hallway.

They were coming from within the walls. From within the vents...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 5:37 pm

It took about twenty minutes for Grant and Ellie to locate Sorkin's private laboratory.
The white building was surrounded by towering trees and jungle fauna. There was an electric fence surrounding the perimeter. Grant and Ellie rode their bikes up to the gate, dismounted, and set about looking for a way in.
"The power's off, isn't it?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah," Grant said.
Ellie extended her hand and gave the gate a gentle push. It swung inward. She glanced back at Grant before walking through.
"Careful," Grant cautioned.
"I am," she promised.
They crossed the sodden ground to the front door. Usually, it was protected by a lock, but since the power was off, all it took was a gentle pull to get it open. Grant and Ellie stepped inside the dark building.
Grant pulled out his flashlight and shone it around. A couple of rats fled from the sudden light.
"Now where on earth will we find carfentanil?" Grant wondered.
"Let's try Sorkin's office. She's bound to have an office right?" Ellie said.
"All pompous scientists do," Grant remarked.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 6:00 pm

Grant and Ellie entered Sorkins' office. There was a desk with a computer, several cabinets, boxes scattered throughout the room, and a map of the island on one of the walls. The two searched the office and on the desk Ellie found a framed photograph of a younger Sorkin holding a smiling child in her arms. It reminded Ellie that despite the terrible things Sorkin had done, she still had loved ones and family. She wasn't evil, only human. And humans were capable of making horrible mistakes when they think they're in the right...

"Ellie, are you okay?" Alan asked.

"Yeah," Ellie nodded, opening one of the drawers of Sorkins' desk. It was completely empty except for one thing...

"Interesting," Ellie said, pulling out a journal. "Hey, Alan, I think I found Sorkins' notebook." She flipped through the contents. A few sketches caught her eye.

"Are we taking it?" Alan asked.

"It could be useful," Ellie decided, putting the notebook in her bag.

Grant was going through some of the crates in the room. They were full of supplies, including carfentanil. He also found a scrap of paper on the floor. He picked it up and noticed a message that had been quickly written on it...

"Remember: INDOMINUS"

Grant wasn't sure what to make of it, but he stashed in his pocket, figuring that it could be important.

Ellie was going through the cabinets. "Interesting... she printed and filed all her emails. I don't have time to go through all of them, but she obviously wanted to keep physical copies of her communications with other people for some reason."

"I have what we came for," Grant told her. "We should probably go. The others are depending on us."

He then paused, something catching his eye. On one of the walls was a map of an island chain called "the Five Deaths." One of the islands was labeled as Site B.

Before he could figure out what that meant, he heard a sound. The front door opening. Footsteps. He and Ellie had company.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 10:13 pm

Grant ducked behind the desk. Ellie hid behind a shelving unit. Grant peered out from around the desk, waiting to see who their visitor was.
The footsteps grew louder and louder until the person walked through the door. Grant paused, puzzled. It wasn't Sorkin, as he originally thought. This was a man... a black man. Well muscled and strong, he had tack boxes and ammo strung across his chest and a machine gun snatched in his hands.
Grant didn't know if this man was friend or foe. Whoever he was, he obviously knew what he was getting into, judging by the weaponry he had on him.
The man inclined his head, a very animalistic movement. Then he spoke, in a soft African voice, "Come out. I see you there."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 10:52 pm

Grant knew better than to test the patience and the trigger finger of the heavily armed man. Ellie knew this as well. They both got out from their hiding places, showing the man that they were unarmed.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"I'm Dr. Alan Grant and this is Dr. Ellie Sattler," Grant explained. "Look, we're just here for some carfentanil. We mean you no harm and we won't stand in your way."

The man relaxed, lowering his gun. "Continue with your business then. I'm George Lawala and I'm not here to start a fight with you. We have no bad blood."

"What are you doing here then?" Ellie asked. "Did you come with Dodgson."

"Yeah, but I don't care about his motives. I'm here on a personal matter."

"Personal matter?" Grant asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Lawala promised. "So what do you know about this building."

"It belongs to a rogue scientist named Laura Sorkin," Grant explained. "She's on this island and when we heard somebody come in we thought it was her."

"Is she dangerous?"


"Do you know about anybody else on the island?"

"We have friends waiting for us back in the safari lodge. We could use an extra gun. You should come back with us."

George Lawala considered this. He realized that it would be wise to know how to get off the island and these people could help him. "Alright, I'll come."


Sorkin made her way through the dark jungle and she came across a small stream. She saw a dark shape on the ground and realized it was Hammond.

Or at least what was left of him.

The compys must have gotten him, Sorkin realized. There were worst ways one could gave gone out and despite their disagreements and Hammond's incompetence, Sorkin was glad that he had gone out somewhat peacefully thanks to compy venom.

Pausing for a moment to pay her respects, Sorkin continued her journey. Luckily, she knew where she was going...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 2:41 am

Grant and Ellie discovered, to their delight, that Mr. Lawala had managed to find a Jeep. That made the drive back to the park much faster.
Stopping in front of the safari lodge, Grant noted that it was oddly quiet. "Where are the Troodon?" he wondered aloud.
"The what?" Lawala said. He was checking his magazine.
"They're small carnivores with big white eyes. Very dangerous. There was a flock of them here when we left, but now, no sign of them." Grant explained in a hushed tone.
Lawala popped a new magazine into his gun. "Perhaps they are waiting in ambush."
"Perhaps. They've proven themselves to be intelligent."
"What are we going to do?" Ellie asked.
Grant thought for a moment.
"Let's sneak in through the back. If anything happens, I'm sure you can handle it," he said, looking at Lawala.
The hunter grinned. "Certainly."
"Then let's move."
Grant led the way around back of the lodge, keeping a careful eye out for anything suspicious.
Grant had an odd feeling. Where were they?
They came to the door. Grant opened it and went inside, followed by Ellie and then Lawala.
They crept down the hallway to the room where the others were.
Grant opened the door...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 3:04 am

In the room Grant was shocked by the sight of what looked like the partial remains of several Troodon... and what was left of Oscar Morales. It took Grant a moment to realize that it had been an explosion that killed Oscar and those Troodon.

"Oh my God," Ellie said, disgusted. "I think I'm going to hurl..."

"What the hell happened here?" George Lawala asked.

"I think I might now," Grant told the hunter.


Oscar Morales had insisted that he should be left behind. In his state he would only slow them down and the safety of others was more important. Billy Yoder was stubborn at first, but ultimately yielded. Oscar knew it was hard for Billy, but his best friend was tough. And Oscar trusted him to see the rest of the mission through.

Once they had left, the room filled with Troodon. As they advanced on Oscar, he pulled the pin of a grenade he had been holding onto. If he had to go, he wouldat least try taking some of the Troodon with him.

When the grenade exploded Oscar died immediately. Several Troodon were also killed or injured by the blast.


Grant sighed. He didn't know Oscar well. He didn't know Oscar at all. But he didn't deserve to die like this.

But what had happened to the others?
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 12:47 pm

"Do you think they followed us?" Atlanta wondered aloud.
"I don't know," Sarah told her truthfully.
They were in one of the maintenance tunnels, deep underneath the park. It was dark and clammy, and the perfect hiding spot for Troodon. Their advantage was, thanks to Oscar's sacrifice, they might be able to sneak undetected through the bowels of the island to the beach.
Billy said it wouldn't be much longer until the rescue team arrived. All they had to do was survive.
Speaking of Billy, the mercenary wasn't doing too well. He had lost his entire team; D-Caf, Edgar, and now Oscar, his partner and friend. He had scarcely said a word since Oscar's death and deflected any attempts from the others to comfort him.
"He needs time," Harding whispered to Sarah.
But Sarah had seen that kind of hollow, desolate look in someone's eyes before. She had a feeling the events here would haunt Billy for the rest of his life.
Every so often Billy would look up to shoot a conspiratorial glance at Wu. Obviously, he blamed the scientist for the deaths of his friends. To Sarah, he looked ready to kill. She advised Sonya and Raul to keep an eye on the man.
"How are Grant and Ellie going to find us?" Raul asked.
Sonya snapped her fingers. "The radio." She pulled her radio out of her pocket and turned it on. "Grant? Ellie? Can you hear me?"


Ellie heard a tiny voice calling her name. For a moment she thought she was going crazy, which - after everything they'd been through - wasn't wholly impossible. But Grant and Lawala had heard it too.
"Where's it coming from?" Grant wondered.
Ellie went to the back of the room, carefully stepping over the remains of the Troodon. She found the radio on the ground behind the broken remains of a desk. Somehow, it had survived the explosion.
She picked it up and adjusted the frequency. "Hello? Who's there?"
"It's me, Sonya. Are you and Grant okay?"
"Yes, we're fine. We had some help."
"Military?" Sonya said hopefully.
"Afraid not. His name is Lawala. He found us in Sorkin's lab."
"Wait... Lawala? George Lawala?" Sonya repeated.
"Yes. That's his name."
"I know him! He was part of our group," Sonya said. "Of Dodgson's group. We thought he got eaten by the tylosaur."
Ellie heard Lawala chuckle with amusement.
"Listen Sonya. We have the carfentanil. But where are you?"
"We're in the maintenance tunnels. We think we can get to the beach from here," Sonya told her.
"Okay. We'll try to find you. Stay in touch okay?"
"Okay. Good luck."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 12:55 pm

Arnold realized that he had no choice. This man was a danger to himself and others. He didn't want to hurt him, but it had to be done. Arnold took aim, shut his eyes, and fired. The man fell onto the ground, wounded. Arnold sighed in relief and rushed forward to retrieve the man's gun before he could use it again.

The man had still not come to his senses and was screaming nonsense. Arnold saw the injury on the man's arm and realized that it was a Troodon bite. One of the symptoms of a Troodon bite was hallucinations and violent behavior, which explained the man's outburst. Luckily, the gunshot wound Arnold gave him was nonlethal. If Arnold hurried he would be able to save...

A Troodon clicked in the darkness. The man's violent screams had not gone unnoticed. Arnold saw several pairs of glowing eyes watching them.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 3:32 pm

Grant, Ellie and Lawala drove to the maintenance shed and disembarked.
"Sonya said they went through here," Ellie told her companions.
"Then I guess that's where we're going too," Grant said.
The three of them made their way into the dark maintenance shed. Grant flicked on a flashlight and took the lead, guiding them through the confusing network of tunnels, corridors, and pathways.
Eventually, he spotted something on the floor. He stooped and picked it up. It was a bandage, red with blood. Grant poked the blood; still fresh.
"Do you think they left that on purpose for us to find?" Ellie wondered.
"I doubt it. Fresh blood attracts predators. None of them would be so stupid as to-"
From behind, they heard a series of clicks and snarls.
Grant's eyes widened with panic. "Go!"
He, Ellie and Lawala charged down the corridor as fast as their legs could carry them. Ellie spoke into her radio as she ran:
"Sonya! Hello! Sonya! Come in!"
A moment later, Sonya's voice replied: "Ellie! What's wrong?"
"We were followed. Where are you?"
"Are you in the tunnel?"
"Hold on a minute."
Grant, Ellie and Lawala continued to run, occasionally throwing glances behind them to see if the Troodon were making progress.
Then a figure appeared at the end of the corridor, waving to them. It was Sonya.
"Come on!" she shouted.
Ellie forced her legs to move faster, even though she was already going as fast as she could. Nevertheless, fear spurred her on.
Sonya pointed to the side: "In there, go in there!" She was pointing at a door.
Ellie, Grant and Lawala went in. Sonya followed, slamming the door behind them.
They were in a small cramped boiler room. Harding, Sarah, Wu, everyone else was huddled around the flickering glow of hand-powered lanterns. Grant was happy to see them all safe.
Harding stood up and walked over to them. "Good job. Do you have the carfentanil?"

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 4:16 pm

Sorkin returned to her lab and realized that somebody had been inside. She panicked, going through her office to make sure nothing of importance had been taken. To Sorkin's horror, her journal was gone.

"Dammit!" she said angrily. She threw a framed picture against a wall in a fit of rage without thinking, once to wince in pain because of her fresh injuries. She needed to calm down.

Luckily, she had an idea where her journal might be. Wu was unaware that she had a radio and had been listening to their frequency, so she knew what his group was up to. They were hiding out in the tunnels, hoping they would lead them to the beach.

Sorkin removed some wooden boards in the floor, revealing a hidden space where she kept a firearm for emergencies. She then realized what she had thrown against the wall. Shaming herself for acting so recklessly, Laura retrieved the photo from the shattered frame and slid it into her pocket. She sighed.

This had to end. And she would not let her research fall into the hands of Henry Wu. She was determined to prevent that at any cost.


Bobbie acted quickly, moving the table that was blocking the door away. She opened the door and guided her panicking patient out of the room, doing her best to calm him down. Behind them, a Troodon burst out of the vent. As several others followed the first, Bobbie slammed the door shut. Luckily, the Troodon ignored her when they saw Manuel's corpse. Bobbie heard the Troodon feasting on her paramedic's body and she turned away, horrified. But at least she and her patient was alive, though they were vulnerable in the dark hallways of the Troodon-infested hospital.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 5:57 pm

Arnold tried to help Vargas get up, but the man screamed and hollered and flailed so much that Arnold had to back off.
"Get away from me!" the panicked man shouted.
He's going to draw them right to us, Arnold realized. He was a danger to everyone in the building. Knowing all this, Arnold still couldn't bring himself to leave him.
So he tried something else. Raising the butt of his gun, he brought it down on Vargas' forehead.
The man screamed louder.
Arnold did it again, and then a third time. Finally, on the fourth try, the man suddenly lost consciousness. Fearing for a moment that he had killed him, Arnold checked the man's pulse. A steady rhythmic beat was there. Good.
Now to get him out of here.
Arnold grabbed the man under his arms and began to drag him to the nearest safe room. Luckily, a couple of Eduardo's men found them and helped Arnold get the unconsciousness man to the safe room.
Dragging him inside, they left him in the care of one of the doctors.
One of the men spoke in rapid Spanish to Arnold. Arnold didn't understand a word. He shook his head to show he didn't understand.
The man sighed as if stuck dealing with a stupid child. Then he spoke in slow, deliberate English:
"Carter. Carter. Doctor."
Ah, yes. Carter, the doctor. That was who he meant.
Arnold realized the man was waiting for him to respond. "Uhh... yes. Si. Si. Carter. Doctor."
The man made a broad sweep of his arms. Arnold understood his meaning. Where is she?
Arnold pointed down the hall. "Follow me," he said.
The man nodded and followed him.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 8 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 6:24 pm

Grant nodded and got out the carfentanil, much to Gerry's relief. He took the carfentanil and immediately began treating his daughter with it.

Grant noticed that Billy was away from the others, acting distantly and not speaking. "Is he okay?" Grant asked Sonya.

Sonya sadly shook her head. "There's nothing we can do for him right now," she told him. "We just need to give him some space." Grant decided she was right and he nodded in agreement.

Ellie went over to Wu. "Uh, Henry, me and Grant found something of interest in Sorkin's lab."

This grabbed Wu's attention. "Really? What did you find?"

Ellie pulled out the journal and Wu took it from her, flipping through it. "This is great! Now we can see what Sorkin was doing in secret! Did you find anything else?"

Ellie shook her head. "We didn't have enough time to go through everything."

"That's fine, I can always go through her office later."


Everyone was leaving Billy alone. Everybody except for Atlanta.

"I'm sorry about Oscar," she told the mercenary.

"Why the hell do you care?" Billy asked rudely.

"My mom knew his family," Atlanta explained. "She didn't elaborate too much on their history, but she did respect Oscar's skills. And I stayed with his sister Elena recently, back on the mainland."

Billy nodded. He knew Oscar's sister. "What am I going to tell Elena?" he realized.

"You should tell her that he died a hero," Atlanta told him. "That he saved the lives of many people, including you and me. He died... like my mother did."

"Who was your mother?"

"Nima Cruz. She was killed on this island by a dinosaur. But a lot of more people would have died if she wouldn't have made that sacrifice."

Billy remembered Oscar mentioning a woman named Nima, a fellow mercenary who had a rocky history with his deceased partner. But despite their differences, Oscar respected Nima for her abilities.

"I'm sorry about your mom," Billy said sincerely.

"I still miss her, but I have to be strong," Atlanta nodded. "I have people helping me out though, so I don't have to be alone. You don't have to be alone either."

To Billy's surprise, the girl hugged him. Billy didn't stop her. Instead, he let it out and started crying.

"Thank you," he told Atlanta.

"We're in this together," Atlanta nodded. "Oscar's sacrifice won't be in vain."

"You're right," Billy decided, smiling weakly. "It won't."

Billy returned the hug, grateful for Atlanta's kindness. No more moping. He still had a job to finish.
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