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 The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.

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The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Empty
PostSubject: The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.   The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2018 6:11 pm

Concept artist Carlos Huante said that the planned dino/human JP4 script was meant to kill the JP franchise on purpose. Thankfully, Universal decided to kill this dumb idea.

Here's the Reddit site on which it was talked about.

As hard as I've been on Universal, thank God that they had enough common sense to get rid of this idea. If made, JP3, the movie that crippled the JP franchise for over 10 years-would have been a masterpiece compared to this...trainwreck.

My only question is that who would possibly agree to sign off on this idea...

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The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.   The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2018 6:38 pm

Im taking this with a grain of salt. No movie studio would allow writers to kill off a franchise if it was making them money.

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The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.   The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 6:43 am

Dead2009 wrote:
Im taking this with a grain of salt. No movie studio would allow writers to kill off a franchise if it was making them money.

Maybe this was Spielberg's idea. I heard that he was the one to originally come up with this.

The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.

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The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.   The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose. Icon_minitime

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The planned human-dinosaur JP4 movie was supposed to have killed the franchise on purpose.
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