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 Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!

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Mr. Robustus
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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:14 am

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
I think the double post can be forgiven in this case haha!

Awesome of Colin to get back to me like that. It's a shame the maps are incorrect, but one can assume Mills simply had bad intel or something. Totally headcanon, but it's all we have until an official explanation is given.

Perhaps it was the original, intended location for the Jurassic World Resort before Masrani decided that it should instead be built in the centre of the island?
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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:17 am

Gondrasia wrote:
Tyrant Lizard wrote:
I think the double post can be forgiven in this case haha!

Awesome of Colin to get back to me like that. It's a shame the maps are incorrect, but one can assume Mills simply had bad intel or something. Totally headcanon, but it's all we have until an official explanation is given.

Perhaps it was the original, intended location for the Jurassic World Resort before Masrani decided that it should instead be built in the centre of the island?
That doesn't explain the map we see on the island itself that still has the lagoon next to the ocean, though.
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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:25 am

V.a.nublarensis wrote:
That doesn't explain the map we see on the island itself that still has the lagoon next to the ocean, though.

Perhaps that bad map on the island is the reason for Mills bad intel? Like, someone saw that particular map and was like "Welp, that's the map we're going to be basing all our maps on"

It's fun to try to come up with new headcanon to explain away continuity errors xD

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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Jpbann10
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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:29 am

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
V.a.nublarensis wrote:
That doesn't explain the map we see on the island itself that still has the lagoon next to the ocean, though.

Perhaps that bad map on the island is the reason for Mills bad intel? Like, someone saw that particular map and was like "Welp, that's the map we're going to be basing all our maps on"

It's fun to try to come up with new headcanon to explain away continuity errors xD
It sure is. Kind of off-topic, but do we have an actual explanation for the infamous T-Rex paddock plot hole?
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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 6:34 pm

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
Rhedosaurus wrote:
A fair question: What would it take to say otherwise.

A fair question. The first thing that comes to mind is a significant character retcon. The one retcon is JW that did bother me was the idea that Hammond gave Masrani his blessing before he died, as that seemed to completely contradict his character arc from the first two films.

It's hard to know exactly what my own personal breaking point would be, but I imagine it would be a significant retcon of something I am or have been invested in, such as Hammond's character arc. The location of the lagoon, despite being less explainable, isn't something I'm overly invested in.

It's the same reason some people aren't overly fond of the idea of retconning the Spinosaurus as a hybrid I would imagine.

I'm sure there are other things that would bother me as well, but I won't be aware of them until that bridge is crossed.

Okay. While I'm at it, what about the sites? I ask because a lot of people were, for a while, turned of by the Spino skeleton debacle and had a lot of doubts about the sites being canon due to it? What will be the breaking point about the sites not being proper canon for you?

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Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?!   Has the Mosasaurus Feeding Show location been changed?! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:29 pm

V.a.nublarensis wrote:
Tyrant Lizard wrote:
V.a.nublarensis wrote:
That doesn't explain the map we see on the island itself that still has the lagoon next to the ocean, though.

Perhaps that bad map on the island is the reason for Mills bad intel? Like, someone saw that particular map and was like "Welp, that's the map we're going to be basing all our maps on"

It's fun to try to come up with new headcanon to explain away continuity errors xD
It sure is. Kind of off-topic, but do we have an actual explanation for the infamous T-Rex paddock plot hole?

Kind of actually . I forget exactly how this was explained but it’s basically a visual illusion. You actually think the cars are much closer than they actually are, when if fact they are not and much more apart.


Also Rexy was supposed to drag the car much more but this was cut. https://streamable.com/dhson
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