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 J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."

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Mr. Robustus
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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2018 5:34 pm

J.A. Bayona recently gave another interview regarding Jurassic, and when asked about whether or not he was involved with JW3, he said he wasn't and the following:

"I think it is great that Colin, who started it all, finishes the story. I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe but I think it is time for Colin to finish what he started.”


So, it seems there's a possibility that there will be more films after JW3? Would you like to see Bayona return and bring his visual style to the Jurassic universe again?

I'd like to see him do a prequel personally, set on Nublar and Site B sometime before the events of the first film (okay, "nothing happened before the first film", but I'm sure they could come up with something if they tried).

Topps already did a prequel with Return to Jurassic Park 9 remember.

Last edited by Robotpo on Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Robustus
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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2018 8:18 pm

I'm pretty sure he's just being polite. Big blockbusters aren't really his thing, and the only reason he got interested in directing Fallen Kingdom in the first place was the setting of the third act of the movie (dinosaurs stalking people in a gothic mansion). That, coupled with the fact that Fallen Kingdom was - critically - his worst-received movie yet, makes me doubtful that he would really want to come back for another JP movie.

As for the possibility of new movies after JW3, I really hope not. From a storytelling perspective, this franchise has already run out of steam, and I really don't want new Jurassic Park movies just for the sake of having new movies.

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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2018 8:22 pm

Actually The Impossible and A Monster Calls were both fairly big movies...and The Orphanage was a smaller movie with effects.

He hasn't done a franchise movie before, but it's not like he's adverse to genre or tentpole-filmmaking.

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2018 8:39 pm

Quote :
I'd like to see him do a prequel personally, set on Nublar and Site B sometime before the events of the first film (okay, "nothing happened before the first film", but I'm sure they could come up with something if they tried).
I'd like to see a prequel, and I'd like to see Bayona back, but I don't know if those should be the same project. I think he did a very solid job on FK, so I don't mean this as a criticism, but his skill is mostly in suspense and horror, and neither of those really apply to a prequel, imo; and shoehorning those elements would hurt more than help.

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2018 10:41 am

I really liked what Bayona did with JWFK even though it's divisive for a lot of people out there. I really feel like he gets what makes a Jurassic film a Jurassic film. So, that said, it is unfortunate he isn't going to be back in any official capacity, but I did notice he didn't say anything about unofficial ties to it though. So maybe they can channel the positive aspects of his energy into the final film of the new trilogy.

J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Tytj10
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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2018 12:40 pm

It's for the best that he's not coming back. He did a better job directing, but the script that Trevorrow and Connelly wrote just utterly sucked. Not only that, but judging from what I've seen in the deleted scene thread, and what Sobek said about Bayona being a puppet of Trevorrow and Uni is right. I really don't what to see another director's vision get trainwrecked by the ineptitude of others.

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2018 5:02 am

Rhedosaurus wrote:
the script that Trevorrow and Connelly wrote just utterly sucked.

I didn't think it was that bad IMO. Bayona did a great directing so it's shame he won't be a part of JW3.

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Sorna Velociraptor
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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2018 5:04 pm

FK's script was an improvement on JW so at least Colin is slowly improving, let's hope the next one is even better...
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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2018 5:29 pm

^^ I agree, I thought FK was a big improvement over the first JW in both writing and direction.

It seems like it gets slammed by some for being a TLW clone, and by some for being a B-monster movie, but IMO it works despite having elements of both to a degree.
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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."   J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..." Icon_minitime

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J.A. Bayona: "I would love to come back some day to the Jurassic universe..."
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