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 Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry

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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Empty
PostSubject: Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry   Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 8:57 pm


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The clock will never strike midnight for Walt Disney’s “Cinderella”; Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison can perpetually dance all night in “My Fair Lady”; and the dinosaurs of “Jurassic Park” can live without fear of extinction: These are three of the movies that the Library of Congress has chosen for induction into its National Film Registry this year.

On Wednesday, the library plans to announce, as is its annual custom, that it has chosen 25 motion pictures to add to this registry, helping to ensure their preservation. Other films that have been selected this year include Alfred Hitchcock’s adaptation of “Rebecca”; “Hud,” the epic Martin Ritt drama starring Paul Newman; James L. Brooks’s media satire, “Broadcast News”; “Eve’s Bayou,” the feature directing debut of Kasi Lemmons; Ang Lee’s Academy Award-winning film version of “Brokeback Mountain”; the musical “On the Town,” starring Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra; and Stanley Kubrick’s terrifying take on “The Shining.”

Lemmons said in a statement that she learned of the honor upon returning from production on her next film, “Harriet,” about Harriet Tubman. The director added, “As a black woman filmmaker it is particularly meaningful to me, and to future generations of filmmakers, that the Library of Congress values diversity of culture, perspective and expression in American cinema and recognizes ‘Eve’s Bayou’ as worthy of preservation.”

The roster also includes the John Sturges thriller “Bad Day at Black Rock”; the Blake Edwards melodrama “Days of Wine and Roses,” starring Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick; Orson Welles’s “The Lady From Shanghai,” with Rita Hayworth; the documentaries “Hearts and Minds” and “Monterey Pop;” and footage from a 1908 expedition to record Native American life in Crow Agency, Mont.

The Library of Congress said in a news release that these films had been chosen for inclusion in the registry “because of their cultural, historic and aesthetic importance to the nation’s film heritage.” Carla Hayden, the librarian of Congress, said in a statement: “The National Film Registry turns 30 this year and for those three decades, we have been recognizing, celebrating and preserving this distinctive medium. These cinematic treasures must be protected because they document our history, culture, hopes and dreams.”

Films chosen for the registry must be at least 10 years old. The library said that more than 6,300 titles were nominated by the public and that final selections were made by the librarian of Congress after consulting with members of the National Film Preservation Board and other specialists.

Dinosaurs still rule the earth

Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Jpbann10
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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry   Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2018 9:03 pm

Hooray! JP's being recognized for being culturally significant, which of course we knew all along! Very Happy

The Shining and Network News are also great movies on that list.
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Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry   Jurassic Park selected for National Film Registry Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 6:46 pm

Great! So JP will survive even after the nukes go off!

Read my Story Jurassic Park: Chaos Theory!
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