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 J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series

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2 posters
Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Empty
PostSubject: J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series   J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 4:18 pm

LotR is one of my favorite film series (along with JP obviously), and I think Bayona is a strong storyteller and visualist, so this seems like a strong combo to me!

J.A. Bayona to direct LotR first 2 episodes and executive produce series
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The Geeky Zoologist
The Geeky Zoologist

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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series   J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 12:38 pm

Giving his experience on The Impossible and Fallen Kingdom, no wonder they choose him for a series that will probably deal at one point with the Akallabeth (the destruction and submersion of Numenor).

The only thing missing is BDH as the last queen of this insular realm, Tar-Míriel (http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Tar-M%C3%ADriel)   LoL
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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series   J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2019 3:53 pm

Liam Neeson (from "A Monster Calls") as Ar-Pharazon the Golden? Cool
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The Geeky Zoologist
The Geeky Zoologist

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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series   J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2019 6:30 pm

I don't know. Since the series will probably span over several decades if not centuries in the case where the show creators want to depict all the main events of the second age (The crafting of the rings of power, War between Sauron and the Elves in Eregion, Numenorean imperaliasm, Sauron bending the knee to Pharazon...), I think they will more likely pick up an actor in his thirties or forties for the role of Ar-Pharazon and age him over the course of the series (just like they did for Travis Fimmel in Vikings).
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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Empty
PostSubject: Re: J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series   J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series Icon_minitime

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J.A. Bayona is directing and producing Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" Series
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