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 Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks

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Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks Empty
PostSubject: Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks   Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2021 10:36 am

In the Jurassic Park novel, it is said that InGen had no way of knowing what DNA was stored in the amber beforehand, so the only way to know was to grow and see what the DNA turned into, and this was how the sharks from JAWS was born. InGen created two female prehistoric Great White Sharks. Now, because of the sequence gaps in the DNA, Dr. Wu sliced frog DNA and some other DNA as well.

Due to the frog DNA, one of the sharks became male in order to mate with the other female shark. Due to Dr. Wu's cocktail of DNA mixed into the sharks, the sharks became mutated and grew stronger and bigger, and they eventually escaped Isla Sorna and made their way to open ocean where they breed and had an offspring.

This is the reason why the sharks from JAWS were stronger, smarter and bigger than the average shark, because InGen, through the efforts of Dr. Wu, bio-engineered them that way.

Due to the events seen in JAWS, InGen decided to implement a lysine contingency in their future creations.

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Posts : 2366
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Join date : 2016-06-07
Location : Maryland

Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks   Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2021 10:36 am

This fan theory would sound better if they were talking about Deep Blue Sea and not Jaws, considering the plot of Deep Blue Sea involved genetically modified mako sharks. Could have easily been part of InGen's aquatics division.
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Fan Theory: InGen created the JAWS sharks
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