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 "Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary

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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Empty
PostSubject: "Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary   "Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2021 6:34 pm

So, just received the new "Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Visual History" book which was released today, and have to say it's absolutely awesome (definitely worth a buy despite being a bit pricey).

Among other things, the book contains the first detailed description of the original shooting script for "Jurassic Park III", which confirms a lot we already knew but was interesting nonetheless.

To paraphrase Hammond..."Here it is!"

"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Image010
"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Image011
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"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Image015
Sorry for the obscured text, noticed when I uploaded the pic. Here's what it says:
Quote :
"There, Finch visits a village where a dinosaur has supposedly been captured, only to find a broken cage and several dead villagers. Police also encounter frightened fishermen who have netted a headless carcass. Simone identifies the corpse as a Pteranodon at the exact moment Grant's group unwittingly enters a giant bird cage and encounters the terrifying winged creatures for the first time. Miles is snatched by a Pteranodon, which drops him in its nest of hungry babies. Billy takes the parasail recovered from Rick's remains and jumps into the canyon to save Miles, they're attacked by four of the winged beasts. Miles survives but Billy dies at the claws of a massive Pteranodon."

"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Image013
"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Image016
^^ Concept art of Paul & Miles Roby, Alan Grant, Billy Hume, and Susan Brentworth ^^

And the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jurassic-Park-Ultimate-Visual-History/dp/168383545X/

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary   "Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary Icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2022 12:01 pm

If this script had been used, I feel like the ending would have been really controversial. Even more than the overblown "Spinosaurus killing the T-Rex" controversy. Interestingly, it does remind me of the Jurassic Park drafts where Hammond refuses to leave the island and stays behind. Honestly, the part from this script that I wish they had kept the most is Cooper dying while protecting Miles. I remember that a lot of people predicted that would happen in the script after reading the leaked scene.
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"Jurassic Park III" Original Script Summary
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