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 Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 15, 2018 7:28 pm

Dead2009 wrote:
Valentines Day has always been a bullshit holiday, and no matter what the pro-Valentines Day people say, it IS a day for stores to make money.
It's a commercial holiday. Few people even know there was a St. Valentine who is commemorated on Feb 14 because he was beheaded by Roman Emperor Claudius because he tried converting the emperor while imprisoned for helping Christians, which was illegal at the time. Valentine is the patron saint of couples, and associated with birds, roses, and amicability. It's like when people say "Halloween is about kids getting candy" or "Christmas is a the birth of Jesus". People rarely think or even care to know the origin of the holidays we celebrate. For example, Halloween started as a pagan Celtic holiday celebrating the Fall equinox, and 90% of what we consider Christmas traditions originated with the Pagan holiday Yule, celebrating the Winter Solstice. The only reason Christianity got mixed up with Yule was because it was easier for the Pope to convert the Pagans to Christianity if they were allowed to keep their own traditions.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 IxTwoGb
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 15, 2018 8:16 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
Dead2009 wrote:
Valentines Day has always been a bullshit holiday, and no matter what the pro-Valentines Day people say, it IS a day for stores to make money.
It's a commercial holiday. Few people even know there was a St. Valentine who is commemorated on Feb 14 because he was beheaded by Roman Emperor Claudius because he tried converting the emperor while imprisoned for helping Christians, which was illegal at the time. Valentine is the patron saint of couples, and associated with birds, roses, and amicability. It's like when people say "Halloween is about kids getting candy" or "Christmas is a the birth of Jesus". People rarely think or even care to know the origin of the holidays we celebrate. For example, Halloween started as a pagan Celtic holiday celebrating the Fall equinox, and 90% of what we consider Christmas traditions originated with the Pagan holiday Yule, celebrating the Winter Solstice. The only reason Christianity got mixed up with Yule was because it was easier for the Pope to convert the Pagans to Christianity if they were allowed to keep their own traditions.

All fair points. But for us single people it can still hit home harder that we don't have a partner ANY DAY of the year when we see a celebration of V-day.

I'm not ready to have a GF because of my situation, but the emotions are always there.

Edit: although your post really made me laugh thinking about how couples are actually giving each other affection over a guy getting his head sliced off. XD. Way to put it in perspective haha.
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 15, 2018 9:42 pm

To me, Valentines Day isn't the holiday. The day after when all of the Valentines Day chocolate that stores didn't sell on the 14th goes on sale is the real holiday.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Jpbann10
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 5:20 pm

I didn't even know it was Valentines Day lul

Anyway, guys. If you can help me with something that I shouldn't even be bothered, but still. I have this coleague at school, she seemed fine at first but she's really acting strange with me. Like, sometimes she just doesn't talk with me at all and then when I start to talk with her she starts talking and talks a lot like we're best friends. But then, next day, she's just with a butt face and won't talk with me at all and doesn't even reply in a kind way when I adress her. She does this almost every day. It's a cicle. She seems to ignore and not want me around but when I start talking latter she seems fine. But then in the other day she just does that again and again. I don't understand this girl and honestly, I think she's a bitch because she does that with other people too sometimes, and tends to follow after people I'm 100% sure don't care shit about her, but then she treats them nice (maybe to get their attention) and treats people who really cared and wanted to talk and be nice with her like shit. Like, I never even said something to her I always try to be understanding and kind, I think she doesn't like me and just tolerates me around. I really think she just pretends to be friends with everyone but can care shit about people who really try to be nice with her. And then she breaks down and start crying and playing victim on how EVERYONE hates her and starts asking why people hates her (maybe because she acts like a piece of shit with people who try to be kind and friendship her?) and I listened to her about this a lot, but then I started to think that maybe people don't like her exactly because of that, one day she's fine and in the other day she just doesn't seem to want you around or care and then go crying and bragging why people treat her coldly or hates her like GIRL YOU ARE TREATING PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU LIKE TOYS/OBJECTS YOU CAN DISH WHEREVER YOU WANT AND THEN GO PLAY VICTIM SAYING HOW NOBODY CARES/LOVES YOU AND HOW IT HURTS YOU WHILE YOU HURT PEOPLE WHO SEEM TO CARE ABOUT YOU. AND THEN YOU ASK WHY PEOPLE "HATE" YOU?

THIS IS NOT an okay behaviour, I know it because I did it too and I just hurt people around me. And she seems to have depression (Idk if it's true but she brags about it and I'm sure she's using it as an excuse to be a bitch with people). She isn't bipolar, but she acts exactly like a bipolar person. One day she's the nicest person to you and on the other day she doesn't even look at you. I'm so fucking tired, help me guys.

I really wanted to just ignore her and delete her from my existance but I get to be around her a lot so it's kinda hard to ignore and act like she doesn't exist. What do you guys think? When I ask her if everything is fine and if she's angry or have something to say to me she says NO, maybe she's too coward to tell me that she doesn't like me or have issues with me? IDK. I'm lost.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 LYHX0zA
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 12:50 am

Well, first and foremost, I'd say do what your heart tells you.

Personally, I find that cutting cancerous entities out of my life is usually the best option. If someone makes you feel like shit, chances are they'll continue to make you feel like shit....or that's at least my experience. Personally, I find that the best thing to do is just cut them out completely, but that's just my experience talking.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Jpbann10
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 8:30 pm

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
Well, first and foremost, I'd say do what your heart tells you.

Personally, I find that cutting cancerous entities out of my life is usually the best option. If someone makes you feel like shit, chances are they'll continue to make you feel like shit....or that's at least my experience. Personally, I find that the best thing to do is just cut them out completely, but that's just my experience talking.

My heart tells me to kill her. This is making me feel horrible with myself, I wanna try ignoring her but idk it seems hard. Can't belive that piece of shit is going to make my mental health derail again.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 LYHX0zA
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 8:59 pm

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:

My heart tells me to kill her. This is making me feel horrible with myself, I wanna try ignoring her but idk it seems hard. Can't belive that piece of shit is going to make my mental health derail again.

Oh, well...don't do that then.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Jpbann10
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 9:39 pm

Please keep me in your thoughts. I decided to post this here since I know everyone is tired of me private messaging them conflicting information on twitter about my life story every other day.

We got the dog. It is not going well to say the least. I’d say we got him about 1pm and it is a little after 9:30 pm as of writing this. Well in that timeframe it’s basically been hell already. The dog has been out about 6 Times. Each time he comes in he’s displaying weird and stressful behavior. Like he won’t just sit down. He’s running from room to room like a toddler on a energy drink or something. He’s chasing the cats which we were told he wouldn’t do. He’s constantly whining. Doing weird ocd behavior such as picking up his food bowl and carrying it in a circle. Also when he finally lays down it’s in a corner away from us. Not anything like the dog I thought I met.

I’m not sure if it’s a case of terrible separation anxiety or problems we didn’t know about. Maybe both. But it’s bad enough that my parents are going to stay up all night with him while I take a break. And for the cats safety. It feels like having a baby.

I hope tomorrow is better.
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2018 10:29 pm

Troyal1 wrote:
Please keep me in your thoughts. I decided to post this here since I know everyone is tired of me private messaging them conflicting information on twitter about my life story every other day.

We got the dog. It is not going well to say the least. I’d say we got him about 1pm and it is a little after 9:30 pm as of writing this. Well in that timeframe it’s basically been hell already. The dog has been out about 6 Times. Each time he comes in he’s displaying weird and stressful behavior. Like he won’t just sit down. He’s running from room to room like a toddler on a energy drink or something. He’s chasing the cats which we were told he wouldn’t do. He’s constantly whining. Doing weird ocd behavior such as picking up his food bowl and carrying it in a circle. Also when he finally lays down it’s in a corner away from us. Not anything like the dog I thought I met.

I’m not sure if it’s a case of terrible separation anxiety or problems we didn’t know about. Maybe both. But it’s bad enough that my parents are going to stay up all night with him while I take a break. And for the cats safety. It feels like having a baby.

I hope tomorrow is better.

OMG please take it to a vet, just to make sure.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 6:03 pm

I am sick and tired of this cult-like worship around Marvel Studios.

"Life will find a way."

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 6:08 pm

I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 IxTwoGb
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 6:24 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

It's weird being a JP fan these days. It's a massive, multi-billion dollar franchise, with a movie coming out in a few months likely to add another billion or so to that number, and yet it still somehow feels like our little dinosaur franchise is irrelevant to those outside our little bubble.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Jpbann10
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 7:28 pm

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

It's weird being a JP fan these days. It's a massive, multi-billion dollar franchise, with a movie coming out in a few months likely to add another billion or so to that number, and yet it still somehow feels like our little dinosaur franchise is irrelevant to those outside our little bubble.

And now with Star Wars suddenly in a very precarious position (to say nothing of DC's very poor position as a superhero brand), Marvel Studios looks all the more poised to consolidate itself as the only relevant movie franchise on the block. And it's tearing me apart. I resent WB for not propping up their superhero franchise properly, and I resent Lucasfilm for allowing current politics to corrupt The Last Jedi and pressing ahead with a bad idea in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and I fucking hate the MCU fan culture with every ounce of my being. They are just so smug and so far up their righteous behinds that they think they were god's gift to cinema!!

Worse still, you'd swear that going by some of the articles and opinion pieces going around that Jurassic World was the second coming of Michael Bay's Transformers and take any chance they can to over-exaggerate it's flaws, which while they exist they're still tiny compared to what Marvel propagates as a studio with it's blockbuster formula. Don't tell me the bias isn't real!!

"Life will find a way."

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 8:07 pm

BarrytheOnyx wrote:
I resent Lucasfilm for allowing current politics to corrupt The Last Jedi
This is more suited for the SW thread, but... you do realize contemporary politics has always influenced Star Wars... right? From Nixonian authoritarianism of the '70s, to George Lucas downright having Darth Vader paraphrase George W. Bush.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 IxTwoGb
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2018 2:24 am

CT-1138 wrote:
BarrytheOnyx wrote:
I resent Lucasfilm for allowing current politics to corrupt The Last Jedi
This is more suited for the SW thread, but... you do realize contemporary politics has always influenced Star Wars... right? From Nixonian authoritarianism of the '70s, to George Lucas downright having Darth Vader paraphrase George W. Bush.

Well, when you're right, you're right. I could have phrased that better.

I think at the end of the day, I can't stand the fact that when Disney launched their sequel trilogy they did so without a plan, way more than Rian Johnson trying to integrate 2010s political crap into the film in a bad way.

"Life will find a way."

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2018 8:00 am

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

It's weird being a JP fan these days. It's a massive, multi-billion dollar franchise, with a movie coming out in a few months likely to add another billion or so to that number, and yet it still somehow feels like our little dinosaur franchise is irrelevant to those outside our little bubble.

You can thank Steven Spielberg for not making this franchise as large it should be by shutting down most attempts to make it larger. Not only that, but given how incompetant the heads at Universal are, they would have botched it anyway. As you said last year, they sat on all the money that JW made. All the potential that this franchise had is wasted and it's all because Spielberg is playing it safe, even though he's really done more to damage this franchise then help it. Blame Universal for allowing his to wield all this power in the first place as well.

I hope Disney gets the rights after JW3/JP6 so that they can maximize the potential because at this point, I'm convinced that Universal never will. Say what you want about Disney and the MCU, but at least they know how to maximize potential. Universal doesn't care enough/is too stupid to do so and Spielberg is too much of a coward and is too lazy to do so.

I'm sorry that I'm a broken record, but it's just that I'm so frustrated about the fact that this franchise has been mishandled since TLW and not as big as it should, that at this point, I'm one of those people who is more of a fan of what it used to be back in the 1990's when the franchise was at it's peak. At this point, Universal just doesn't really care. Just look at how it treats the Sorna movies. It might just barely get referenced in the movies and if you take these sites as canon, then it treats it like crap. We still don't know the full story of what happened there and sorry, what these sites say isn't good enough for me.

I guess at this point, I'm only interested in this movie only so that I can find a reason to get pulled back in. I only plan to support this franchise from here on via the new Mattel toys, and even then, that's far more to reward Mattel for caring about the toys rather then supporting Universal.

The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.

If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton

If you're concerned about where this franchise is headed, then please join us.
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2018 11:42 am

Rhedosaurus wrote:
Tyrant Lizard wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

It's weird being a JP fan these days. It's a massive, multi-billion dollar franchise, with a movie coming out in a few months likely to add another billion or so to that number, and yet it still somehow feels like our little dinosaur franchise is irrelevant to those outside our little bubble.

You can thank Steven Spielberg for not making this franchise as large it should be by shutting down most attempts to make it larger. Not only that, but given how incompetant the heads at Universal are, they would have botched it anyway. As you said last year, they sat on all the money that JW made. All the potential that this franchise had is wasted and it's all because Spielberg is playing it safe, even though he's really done more to damage this franchise then help it. Blame Universal for allowing his to wield all this power in the first place as well.

I hope Disney gets the rights after JW3/JP6 so that they can maximize the potential because at this point, I'm convinced that Universal never will. Say what you want about Disney and the MCU, but at least they know how to maximize potential. Universal doesn't care enough/is too stupid to do so and Spielberg is too much of a coward and is too lazy to do so.

I'm sorry that I'm a broken record, but it's just that I'm so frustrated about the fact that this franchise has been mishandled since TLW and not as big as it should, that at this point, I'm one of those people who is more of a fan of what it used to be back in the 1990's when the franchise was at it's peak. At this point, Universal just doesn't really care. Just look at how it treats the Sorna movies. It might just barely get referenced in the movies and if you take these sites as canon, then it treats it like crap. We still don't know the full story of what happened there and sorry, what these sites say isn't good enough for me.

I guess at this point, I'm only interested in this movie only so that I can find a reason to get pulled back in. I only plan to support this franchise from here on via the new Mattel toys, and even then, that's far more to reward Mattel for caring about the toys rather then supporting Universal.

I'm curious as to what regard Universal is mishandling the JP franchise? I think we can all agree that no one at Universal anticipated JW to be such a huge hit but they do seem to realize what they have on their hands now. The merchandising so far has been incredible compared to what they had for JW.

For example, Mattel is able to produce toys of much higher quality compared to Hasbro, probably a larger budget from Universal. Lego is doing much more with their JW line as well. We're getting a new novel for the first time since Crichton's The Lost World.

I am not defending Universal or anything, I just fail to see the supposed mishandling of the JP franchise but that might just be me.

Last edited by Bbrink1996 on Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2018 11:50 am

CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

Me right now. Couldn't say better.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2018 12:33 pm

Bbrink1996 wrote:
Rhedosaurus wrote:
Tyrant Lizard wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
I'm sick and tired of the cult of superheros in general.

I want more Jurassic Park love, damnit!

It's weird being a JP fan these days. It's a massive, multi-billion dollar franchise, with a movie coming out in a few months likely to add another billion or so to that number, and yet it still somehow feels like our little dinosaur franchise is irrelevant to those outside our little bubble.

You can thank Steven Spielberg for not making this franchise as large it should be by shutting down most attempts to make it larger. Not only that, but given how incompetant the heads at Universal are, they would have botched it anyway. As you said last year, they sat on all the money that JW made. All the potential that this franchise had is wasted and it's all because Spielberg is playing it safe, even though he's really done more to damage this franchise then help it. Blame Universal for allowing his to wield all this power in the first place as well.

I hope Disney gets the rights after JW3/JP6 so that they can maximize the potential because at this point, I'm convinced that Universal never will. Say what you want about Disney and the MCU, but at least they know how to maximize potential. Universal doesn't care enough/is too stupid to do so and Spielberg is too much of a coward and is too lazy to do so.

I'm sorry that I'm a broken record, but it's just that I'm so frustrated about the fact that this franchise has been mishandled since TLW and not as big as it should, that at this point, I'm one of those people who is more of a fan of what it used to be back in the 1990's when the franchise was at it's peak. At this point, Universal just doesn't really care. Just look at how it treats the Sorna movies. It might just barely get referenced in the movies and if you take these sites as canon, then it treats it like crap. We still don't know the full story of what happened there and sorry, what these sites say isn't good enough for me.

I guess at this point, I'm only interested in this movie only so that I can find a reason to get pulled back in. I only plan to support this franchise from here on via the new Mattel toys, and even then, that's far more to reward Mattel for caring about the toys rather then supporting Universal.

I'm curious as to what regard Universal is mishandling the JP franchise? I think we can all agree that no one at Universal anticipated JW to be such a huge hit but they do seem to realize what they have on their hands now. The merchandising so far has been incredible compared to what they had for JW.

For example, Mattel is able to produce toys of much higher quality compared to Hasbro, probably a larger budget from Universal. Lego is doing much more with their JW line as well. We're getting a new novel for the first time since Crichton's The Lost World.

I am not defending Universal or anything, I just fail to see the supposed mishandling of the JP franchise but that might just be me.

While it's true that Mattel is making higher-quality toys then Hasbro did (and I do plan to reward them by buying a few toys), I just believe that this franchise should be Star Wars/MCU big or at least come as close. Spielberg shut down plans for a JP cartoon back in the 1990's and one would think that with JW reviving the franchise, that Universal would have had a plan about what to do if it got as big. The problem is that it didn't and even if they did, Spielberg would have just shot it down anyway. Then you have the Sorna movies, which if you take all these sites as canon (they are not concrete enough for me to consider them canon), are being treated like crap, we were supposed to get a JW comic book, but that never happened. We should be getting a cartoon show that takes place between JP3 and JW in order to tie the 2 trilogies together better, but we don't get that. We aren't getting anything about the other islands and if they have new dinosaurs we haven't seen yet.

In other words, this franchise should be a juggernaut. But it hasn't come close since the 1990's, 1993-2000 to be precise. It just feels like between Spielberg not allowing this franchise to reach it's potential and Universal's ineptitude, that much of said potential is going to waste.

The undisputed dominant predator of Jurassic Mainframe.

If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree. Michael Crichton

If you're concerned about where this franchise is headed, then please join us.
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 9:08 pm

So my dad is bad again. He was OK for about a week after getting out of the hospital, but his condition took a nosedive after that. Now he's right back to where he was before he went in, only this time he's adamant he's not going back. He did go to the doctor earlier today, and I sat in with him during his appointment, but I was given the distinct impression that the doctor just didn't give a shit. Feels like we're all alone in this now.

We're now going over what we're going to do when he isn't around any more, and I found myself looking up to see if he meets the requirements for assisted suicide. Obviously I don't want him to die, but things look pretty bleak right now.

Dinosaurs still rule the earth

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2018 11:19 pm

Man dude I'm sorry. I'm thinking and praying for you.

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2018 6:18 pm

Dear India Knight, I don't like you.

Your recent article on the "MeToo" hashtag movement officially ruined my evening. I could literally have done a million other productive things than be strapped to my chair while my parents argued for NINETY FUCKING MINUTES of arguing over this piece of shit hashtag and it's vacuous, hollow, denigrating existence! For my part, I even managed to take your article and phrased it's underlying message with more nuance and subtlety than you could ever hope to.

You just had to write that shitstain article while my parents are going through the biggest upset I've ever seen them in, and had to drive the rift even WIDER than it was!!

Go fuck yourself you bloated bitch,

O. M. S.

Edit: This rant was produced in a state of anger and upset, and does not reflect my intended or current thought process. I wanted to get it out of my system, but I fully understand if anyone feels this is going too far.

"Life will find a way."

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2018 9:02 pm

Not really blowing off steam but just getting this off my chest lol....TMW you work with your best friend and you wanna tell her she looked nice today at lunch but you're in fear of her getting spooked  Neutral

Last Movie Watched: Firestarter (2022).
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun May 27, 2018 10:18 pm

Not a huge deal, but I nuked my Twitter account. I have this awful habit of letting other peoples opinions affect my own, and I didn't want that to happen, so I get pissed off and deactivated it.

I have 30 days to reactivate it if I want. It'll be interesting to see what life looks like without Twitter xD

Dinosaurs still rule the earth

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun May 27, 2018 11:55 pm

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
Not a huge deal, but I nuked my Twitter account. I have this awful habit of letting other peoples opinions affect my own, and I didn't want that to happen, so I get pissed off and deactivated it.

I have 30 days to reactivate it if I want. It'll be interesting to see what life looks like without Twitter xD

Just to add to awful habits. Everyone deals with things differently and that’s perfectly fine. For example I had a panic attack for 3 days straight because we changed furniture in our house. Yes you read that correctly.

So don’t ever feel ashamed to feel a certain way. Nobody can help how they feel. To feel is to be human. You did what you thought was right and made a good call imo. Now that thing is off your shoulders and you’ll probably feel much better in the meantime.

I can’t speak for everyone but the community in general loves you and your contributions to our site. But I consider you a friend and I’m in your corner. Message me anytime.
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2018 3:21 pm

Welp, it's 28 days before Toys R Us closes it's doors for good, and since I only work there on weekends now....this is going to be brutal. I've never been part of something like this and I'm not looking forward to it. Woohoo.

Last Movie Watched: Firestarter (2022).
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 2:15 pm

Not something serious but...I keep dreaming about this piece of shit girl I don't want to even look at because she's just a literal piece of shit but it appears that trash keeps following me. Damnit, my life doesn't revolve around her and I shouldn't be afraid to go to University study the subject I love because of that trash.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

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Lord Kristine
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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2018 11:55 pm

I have so much on my mind right now. I've had a lot of run-ins with certain people recently, which ended pretty ugly. I'm appalled by how disgusting some people are. One guy said he "didn't really have an opinion" about parents feeding their children bleach. He literally didn't have the morality to say that child abuse is wrong. Plus, I've had SO many people telling me that I'm subhuman for being disabled. It's gotten more frequent, recently. I've considered suicide multiple times as of late.

In recent news, my mother caught me cutting, and threatened to keep me from going to art school.

It's been a crappy time, but I'm hoping to reconnect with people on this forum, at least.

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2018 1:01 pm

Lord Kristine wrote:
One guy said he "didn't really have an opinion" about parents feeding their children bleach.
My jaw literally dropped

Well, in spite of all that I am glad you're here again. ;}

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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Lord Kristine
Lord Kristine

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PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2018 2:19 pm

TheRexMan22 wrote:
Lord Kristine wrote:
One guy said he "didn't really have an opinion" about parents feeding their children bleach.
My jaw literally dropped

Well, in spite of all that I am glad you're here again. ;}


I was gonna rant about work since I had a crappy time yesterday, but I think I’ve resolved those issues today.

Claire Dearing is a Stegoceratops and you can't disprove that.
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