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 I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?

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I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Empty
PostSubject: I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?   I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2016 11:48 pm

I'm not sure if this would be the right forum (or section) to post this, since it is regarding JPL, but I wanted to share that I've managed to archive over nearly 6 gigs worth of stuff before it went down. I have mentioned this over at JPL before it went down in the JPOG section, but I figured its worth mentioning here too.

Anyways, I backed up as many small mods, skins, and packs for JPOG as I could (from whatever links worked), any working image from the JP Production Images thread, and I also saved everything (I think) from the downloads section of the main site. I've also saved a good number of the headers that were there as well, but not all of them, since I was saving the ones showing up for me. Now I'm not sure if I would have permission to share any of this because it consists so much of other people's stuff, (especially in the case of the mods and skins) but I wanted to mention it, just in case, since I feel its important, as I tried to save what I could (if any of it in fact needed saving).  I will not do anything with what I've archived (in other words share any of it), because I will assume I have no permission to do so unless stated otherwise (preferably by the staff here, and of course I will need input from the JPOG modding community as well).

If you all need more information of what exactly I have archived I can write up a list of everything I managed to get. Could probably save some headaches in the future as well. So let me know what you all think of this. Again I'm not going to share absolutely anything until I get an okay. So please don't ask for anything, or if I have something either. This was just to inform the community here for now, and see what direction, if any, to head in with all this.
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I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?   I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2016 12:08 am

This would probably go in Off Topic just as an FYI. And you're efforts weren't alone. I too and others thankfully did the exact same thing.


If you could organize your downloads into Zip files and put them on a mediafire account, then post the links as well as a description of what's in what with said links. Put them in the thread I linked above.
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I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?   I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2016 1:00 am

Good to know I wasn't alone in this. I'll get everything organized and list what I've got. Could take me a while to get it dealt with, but when its ready I'll throw a post there.
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I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?   I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do? Icon_minitime

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I archived a ton of stuff from JPL. What to do?
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