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 Neat little tricks and tips

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Join date : 2016-06-09
Location : Pennslyvania

Neat little tricks and tips Empty
PostSubject: Neat little tricks and tips   Neat little tricks and tips Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 11:47 pm

So while I knew about the thing with letting the Dryosaurus loose in the park, I didn't know I could also let loose large herbivores like Triceratops, without people panicking. Granted I already had security camera's so that may have been why, but it was kind of cool to see people stopping and exclaiming "I can't believe my eyes", and other such things. I think I need to try it with the Brachiosaurus next and get some screenshots (you know, scene from the first JP and all that).

There's another thing that I found useful for when twisters happen. Just delete the cleaner stations to save/fire all the cleaners at once, if you care about your security's staff deaths staying 0. This stuff is probably not new by any means, but it was to me. So does anyone else have any little tips and tricks to share that are for fun or could help?

Just some images of the guests enjoying my Parasaurolophus herd:
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Join date : 2016-06-07

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PostSubject: Re: Neat little tricks and tips   Neat little tricks and tips Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2016 5:38 am

Herbivore stampedes increase the thrill rating of attractions.

Ceratosaurus can actually coexist peacefully with Allosaurus until either species becomes hungry. At that point, they might hunt each other.
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