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 Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.

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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2016 12:52 pm

Quite some time ago, I began work on my own RPG and Forum. With the help of MissDNA and Caudipteryx, a lot of work was completled but the RPG remains unfinished. However, I see a time now that could potentially begin new work on my forum/rpg. So, I'd like to invite you all to join. Here is a brief summary of Terra Magna.


What Is Terra Magna:

This RPG is intended to take place a world not all so different from our own. Members will surely notice that the humans and dinosaurs are all, at least somewhat, based on our world’s history. However, to bring these two distinct groups together, the founders have decided to create a separate world. This world, Terra Magna, never saw the extinction of the dinosaurs but still experienced the evolution of man.

This has created a bizarre new environment for both species to share. Humans and Dinosaurs share this world in both conflict and peace. They are one another’s greatest allies and foes.

Why Dinosaurs:

I’ve had a love of these creatures since I was a young child. Although my appreciation for them has waned at times, I’ve always come back to these beasts with a fascination and appreciation. I know this interest is shared by many, so why not further expand and create a forum for us all to share this passion.

What Can We Do In The RPG:

Honestly, the RPG is very open ended in the rules. Our largest focus is on a player’s ability to create characters that are either dinosaurs or humans in a free roaming world. By not basing our RPG within the confines of any particular book or film series, we are allowing players to shape Terra Magna as time passes.

We are attempting to create an immersive experience for each player, no matter their interest. We’ve even incorporated the idea of creating tribes and etching out the history of an entire society on Terra Magna. There are some existing tribes that we hope to inspire players with or simply give any human characters a home within the game as well.

Not only can a player “control” individual characters but entire herds/packs of dinosaurs will be at their disposal. This goes for the human element as well. Instead of merely wandering aimlessly through the wilderness as one human character, a player can set more strategic goals as a tribe leader.

The Map Is A Little Barren:

That, in fact, is part of the glory of Terra Magna. Though the rough outline of the terrain is established, the small details are barren. That means a player can basically create those details as they desire. Ancient catacombs, long forgotten shrines, or even new types of vegetation are as easy to create as simply inventing them within a post.

My Goal:

I hope to create something fun and new while encouraging activity by allowing players to have a huge amount of input. In turn, I’ll adapt the RPG based on the input to create a desirable gaming experience. I simply want to enjoy my own RPG while ensuring that anyone involved can do the same.

We also have an in game point system. Instead of having a number of slots for a particular species, each player can earn their way up to what they want. The points can be used to upgrade your society (Think sid meier's civilization in RPG form), your character, your dinosaur characters and even some crazy odds and ends like size variations, color mutation for dinosaur characters. My favorite is "This will show you" which when purchased will create a negative affect for a character or another players character of your choice. Sort of like a "Ecosaurus post" that the player simply says he wants but has no idea what will happen. Of course there is an alternative "Have a nice day event" which is meant as a random reward:

Monsters and Men is equipped with a semi - automated point collecting system. This system is intended to add a number of elements to the game such as:

- Goal setting: By allowing players to set goals, where to spend their points, we hope to increase desire and motivation to play the game.
- Rewards: By rewarding players we hope to encourage continued activity to those that deserve recognition for unique, creative, or fun posts.
- Participation: Awarding players for helping to continue to develop the game through their contributions to the forum. Not only will the members suggestion potentially be added to the game mechanics or forum but the member will receive additional points no matter if their idea or work is accepted.
- Recognition: By awarding players points we intend to give the most active players access to the best of the games content.

How to get points:

- Posting is the easiest way to get points. Normally, each post will be awarded one point when posting in any forum sections.
- Suggestions and Contributions: By suggesting changes that will help improve the forum or RPG, members will be awarded two points. Accepted suggestions will receive an additional three points to give a member a total of five additional points. Contributing artwork, for example, will be based on a case by case basis by its use and can be worth a large number of points.
- Teaching and Mentoring: By posting in the science section and increase the knowledge of others a member can receive an additional two points per post. Mentoring new members is important to the continued success of the RPG. Ten points will be awarded to any member willing to mentor new individuals. The mentor and member being mentored will also be awarded fifteen additional points once the mentoring has been deemed concluded.
Creativity: By creating any work of literature, poetry or short story included, or artwork of any nature members will be awarded additional points based on their work. Posting in clever or unique ways in the RPG will earn a member five additional points for creativity.
Competitions: Staff created competitions will earn members points for participation as well as any awards for placing in the winner's brackets.
Mini-games: By creating, participating, or winning player hosted mini games, members can earn additional points.

What to do with points:

- Purchase unlockable species for play
- Purchase the ability to tame new and larger species
- Purchase inventions or discover new things to use in the RPG
- Purchase a tribal expansion to grow your tribes population
- Purchase a good fortune event for your tribe or character
- Purchase a bad day event for another player's tribe or character
- Purchase a mutation of one of your current characters

Post Counts:

Post Counts are enabled as a method of tracking activity. However, unlike points gathered by posting in any thread, post counts only increase when posting in the RPG, science center, or creativity corner. The counted posts are used as mile stones for each player. By reaching mile stones a member will receive an award from that mile stones list. The list will be kept hidden from members and act as a surprise. Each milestone will have one to three awards a player may choose from.

Here is an example of part of the shop:

These purchases do not fit into any other section. However, player's may find them incredibly fun or interesting to purchase.

"Have a Nice Day"
- This event can be purchased for either a character or tribe. Whether purchased for one's self  or for another player, the Staff will reign good fortune upon the intended target. The actual event is not known by the purchaser, unless they wish to coordinate the purchase with staff for  another player. Only then will be the purchaser have some influence on the potential event. "Having a Nice Day" could mean a harrowing rescue for a character in danger, stumbling across lost treasures, or finding a unique/rare species of dinosaur to capture and tame.
Price: 75 Points

"This Will Show You"
- This event takes everything that "Have a Nice Day" brings and flips it on its head. The polar opposite is brought about by this purchase whether it be death, disaster, illness, or confrontation. Again, this can be purchased for one's own characters / tribe or another players. This, however, is not intended to cause issues. Purchasing "This Will Show You," can be used to take out frustrations with another player in an acceptable way or to help inspire activity.
Price: 75 Points

Size Mutation
- By purchasing a size mutation, a character can be increased in size by up to10% over the standard field guide sizes. The Size Mutation must be purchased for each measurement, meaning that a player must purchase a mutation for length, height, and weight to truly increase the size of a character by a full 10%. If a player wants the biggest and baddest character of a species, this is the way to accomplish it.
Price: 100 Points

Color Mutation
- Though the coloration of the Dinosaurs on Terra Magna is standardized, some might not be content with a simple green or brown coloration. By purchasing a Color Mutation a player can change the coloration of a single character to any realistic coloration they wish. Before changing your characters color, please submit an example of the coloration to a staff member for approval. We wish to avoid neon colored or rainbow dinosaurs and prefer realistic coloration.
Price: 75 Points


So, if you're interested feel free to register and start helping with ideas. There are staff positions that need filling as well (depending on the number of members and eventual activity). Its a work in progress. I've had help but a lot of this has fallen on only me. So, the game is not yet active but with the right group of people, we could get things up and running in no time.

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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2016 8:33 pm

So I've just completed the "Desert" section of the Vade Mecum (field guide) for my RPG I'm working on. Its been moved to the bottom for anyone interested in reading it. I'd love to see some of you there. I could really use the input, inspiration, and help. Dont worry, I'm not trying to steal you from JPP, I'm just looking for something new to play and I think this is it.

If you have an questions or comments I'd gladly hear them.

So here's a link to my Vade Mecum with the completed desert section (Note I haven't reread and edited my work yet as I like some time to pass before rereading what I just wrote)

Monsters & Men Field Guide!
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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 20, 2016 12:35 pm

For anyone keeping track, though I dont think anyone is, I completed 3 field guide entries for "The Wetlands" species.

Id really love to see some of you over at the forum there!
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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2016 6:33 pm

The Wetlands Field Guide is complete! I just began work on the Boreal Forest Field Guide (The grassland field guide is so huge I dont even want to start it yet haha).

Anyway, here's a sample of one of the forest dwelling dinosaurs in my RPG! It was actually a profile I created for a new island on Live the Legend that never came to fruition. So its been modified and doesnt talk about InGen or Science anymore to fit better into my RPG. Take a look:

Cryolophosaurus Ellioti
Length: 26 ft
Height: 10 ft
Weight: 1100 lbs
Description: Cryolophosaurus is a medium sized theropod. The skull is relatively narrow with serrated teeth lining the jaws. Well-built arms are relatively strong with three grasping fingers on each hand. The tail is rather long and used for balance while pursuing prey. Thick ankles and strong legs support the body while crossing uneven, rocky terrain. The crest is adorned atop the head slightly forward of the eyes. They eyes are well developed and able to see very well in darkness.
Coloration: The body is a burnt orange to crème tan. A blue stripe runs from the back of the crest to the tip of the tail. Blue stripes run down from the stripe along the back and fade as they get closer to the stomach. The stripes are random and run through and into each other creating patters across the dinosaur. Both males and females are adorned with an ornate crest atop their heads; however, it is more distinguished and larger in males.
Juveniles are a dull rust color with no blue markings. Young are born without their ornate crests, which will grow in as they develop.
Habitat: The Ancient Woods
Diet: Carnivore
Social Structure: Solitary until breeding season and throughout the nesting season when a male will tend to the needs of the female and offspring. Once chicks leave the nest the male will again become solitary while the female will care for the chicks until they reach a larger size.
Behavior: Cryolophosaurs is semi-nomadic predator. Males will often establish territory that is well stocked with prey. However, should prey items lessen they will often move and establish a new territory. Despite their constant moving they are extremely territorial to their own species and other small carnivores.
Cryolophosaurus displays a unique hunting strategy seen amongst, thanks to a unique trait amongst the species. Bizarrely, the Cryolophosaur shows an adaptation usually seen only amongst insects and marine life; its crest is load with luminescent cells that can change colors and display patterns at the dinosaur’s will. The exact method used to create and control the light and patterns is not known for sure. However, it is believed that certain bacteria are hosted on the crest and the Cryolophosaurs can manipulate these small bacteria to its wishing by producing pheromones or chemicals from minute glands located under the skin of the crest. The Bioluminescent crest of the Cryolophosaur can glow in only a few distinctive colors. Blue and green are the most common although yellow may be seen from time to time. Red is a very unique color that is extremely rare, it is unknown why some males can create this color and others cannot. Females will often see any male displayed red as more attractive suitor. Females will sometimes come into conflict over males with red displays.
Using this glowing light show, the Cryolophosaurs will move its head in different patterns to attract the attention of curious prey and lure it closer to. When the prey is close enough the Cryolophosaur will pounce or begin a pursuit of its intended victim, thus reducing the amount of time spent chasing prey.
During the mating season, Cryolophosaurs will put on unique night time courtship displays. Dancing and calling while using its glowing crest, males try to impress females in range of their distinctive shows. Females find mates based on these displays and will nest inside the males territory. While the female is brooding, and until the offspring reach an age capable of hunting for themselves, the male will tend to the females needs; bringing prey items back to the nest to feed his growing family.
Once the offspring have grown and left the nest, the male and female Cryolophosaurs will part ways. However, each breeding season the female will generally seek out the same breeding partner based on his distinctive light show and calls. Females will change breeding partners should they encounter stronger males with more impressive displays.
Domestication: Domestication of the Cryolophosaurus can be a difficult task but is possible. Taming a wild, adult of the species is nearly impossible but if an infant is fostered into adulthood they will remain loyal to their owner, generally.
Cryolophosaurus makes a great hunting partner with the use of its night time lure system as well as its fleet footedness. They also are capable of warding of other carnivores and even humans through their glowing display.
Rarity: Rare
Unlock Price: TBA
Cost to Tame: TBA
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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2016 8:02 pm

Continued on the Boreal Forest Vade Mecum (Field Guide) and added entries for:
Stygimoloch spinifer
Antarctopelta oliverio
Euoplocephalus tutus

Still continuing work on the guide though I'm having a hard time coming up with unique and fulfilling entries as of right now. I base entries off of real animal behaviors that I discover in my research. I tend to do this by biome, to create a bit of an ecosystem. However, I'm having a hard time finding animals with interesting behaviors right now, for the moment.

I've decided I'll be cutting away some fat from the Vade Mecum as well. The Grasslands are just too huge for one man to handle. I also want players to be able to suggest, compete for, and contribute their own entries. By having such a full roster I think it limits player involvement.

Finally, I'm hoping for members to start joining and making suggestions. Im beginning to feel a bit burnt out on ideas. I will also be looking for staff. I need help in creating this project. If you're interested please register and send me a PM. Most importantly if you do register as a member or seek a staff position, it can not interfere with your time here at JPP. If it will take away from you contributions here or role as a staff member please consider that first.
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Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2016 9:27 am

I've decided to Rename my forum and the RPG based around the book series "The Dinosaur Lords." I'm hoping to bring in a new fan base based around the book series. Thus, the game is being slightly edited and overhauled to fit that reality more so then my original vision, which happened to be insanely similar to begin with.

I intended to modify the rules the slightly to bring the idea of monarchs and empires or kingdoms into the fold more so and less of the stone age tribe. I'll be posting updates here for anyone interested.

Most importantly the URL has changed as with the Site name.


Finally, I'm still seeking staff and members. Now is a great time to come and contribute as the points system is already implemented and those points allow you to do even more in the RPG. So come take a look!
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PostSubject: Re: Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum.   Monsters & Men: A new RPG and Forum. Icon_minitime

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