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 Imagine you lived in Dinotopia....

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Posts : 169
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2017-01-16
Location : Waterfall City, Dinotopia

Imagine you lived in Dinotopia.... Empty
PostSubject: Imagine you lived in Dinotopia....   Imagine you lived in Dinotopia.... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 09, 2017 12:09 am

On this forum, my profile says my location is Waterfall City, Dinotopia. For those who don't know, Dinotopia is a fictional island where humans and dinosaurs live together in peace and harmony (most of the time!). If it was real, Waterfall City would be a beautiful place to live. It gets its name from the fact that the entire city is surrounded by no less than seven huge waterfalls. Other places where people live include Pooktook, Chandara, Volcaneum, Sauropolis (the captital city) and Treetown, a village perched in the canopy of an oak forest.

For anyone who interested, there's a series of Dinotopia books written by James Gurney and there's also a movie.

One more thing: my motto, "Breathe deep, seek peace", is a Dinotopian greeting (watch the movie and you'll hear this greeting being used).
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Imagine you lived in Dinotopia....
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