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 Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?

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PostSubject: Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?   Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2019 4:41 pm

With films getting prequels and side-stories that take place during the main film, would the side story with Dr. Harding and his daughter work as a "sidequel" so to speak? Discuss!

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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?   Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2019 8:36 pm

It'd be a really interesting idea for sure, if not for any other reason than to see the old park again and maybe even get to see parts of the old park that we didn't get to see in the original film.

With that being said, while I don't have any issue with the sequels forging their own identity and taking on a different tone than the OG films, I kinda feel that a film that takes place alongside the original would have to retain a tone and feel closer to the original JP, which might prove difficult. Also, there's a strict continuity that would have to be adhered to as well.

Still, it'a an intriguing idea.

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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Jpbann10
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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?   Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2019 7:45 pm

The game was pretty much an interactive animated movie. IMO there's no reason to adapt it, but I wouldn't mind an original story set around the time of the original film.
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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?   Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2020 6:54 am

A prequel film or animated series, done properly, surrounding the time of the original, would be my dream project.
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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?   Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film? Icon_minitime

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Would the story from Jurassic Park: The Game work as a film?
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