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 Spoof a Quote - In General

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Join date : 2016-06-07

Spoof a Quote - In General Empty
PostSubject: Spoof a Quote - In General   Spoof a Quote - In General Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2016 4:17 am

I thought we already had one of these. Well, here we go. tongue

Game of Cars

Tyrion walks into the garage and is greeted by the sounds of two engines.

Two Nissan Skylines with parking boots are seen at the end of the garage.

Tyrion: I'm friends with your daughter (GTR). I'm here to help.

The Skylines ferociously rev their engines.

Tyrion: Don't run over the help.

Their engines rev again.

Tyrion: When I was a child, my uncle asked what gift I wanted when I'd get my driver's license. I begged him for a Nissan Skyline. "It wouldn't even have to be an R34," I told him. "It could be a GT-X."

He puts the torch down.

Tyrion: Everyone laughed, like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. Then my father told me, the last Skyline in the US was impounded and crushed. I cried myself to sleep that night. But here you are.

Tyrion moves closer and removes the parking boot of the first Skyline.

The second Skyline revs its engine and Tyrion removes its parking boot.

Both skylines drive back into the shadows.

Tyrion exits the garage and looks at Varys.

Tyrion: Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.

Isla Nublar Map: Mid-Size Full-Size
Formerly Alpha Raptor from JPL
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