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 Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible?

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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible? Empty
PostSubject: Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible?   Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2021 3:03 pm

So apparently the previously anti-streaming Spielberg has signed a deal for his production company Amblin to make new films exclusively for Netflix; this is in addition to his current ongoing production deal at Universal.


While I personally don't put any stock in the recent "Fast & Furious" Crossover or Cinematic Universe rumors, this does open up the possibility of somewhat niche Jurassic spinoff movies aimed at fans, maybe even bringing back the classic "Jurassic Park" brand, while the ongoing "Jurassic World" series aimed at mass audiences continues in movie theaters.

IMO, a film set before JW:D following Grant and Ellie's activities might be fun, possibility filling in some gaps concerning Hammond and Lockwood, InGen, biosyn ETC; or possibly a prequel (even an animated thing), about the building of the original park and Site B, featuring a younger Hammond, Lockwood, Ludlow, Wu, Muldoon, Arnold, Nedry, Gerry Harding, Dodgson, and even the Murphys?

What kind of things would you like to see if this becomes a reality? Fan-fic away!
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Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible?   Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2021 10:43 am

Hmm...I know he was always resistant to Netflix and streaming services so this is a definite change. Hope it does open the door for more Jurassic-related things.
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Spielberg's Amblin signs deal with Netflix - Jurassic spinoffs possible?
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