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 The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.

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The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Empty
PostSubject: The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.   The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 03, 2017 9:59 pm

At the start of The Lost World, we have the scene where the girl is attacked on the beach by compies but this scene is actually part of the first novel, which is not included in the first film.

Why would Spielberg take that scene out of the first film but put it in The Lost World?

story progression? pacing issues perhaps?

What do you guys think?
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The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.   The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 04, 2017 2:02 am

They're adaptations of the source material but they take liberties, for TLW they didn't follow the book a lot however we see a few scenes of the first and second books in JP/// and JW. They just take what they like and use it in their movies, and they continue to go back for inspiration, we know JWFK is going to include some quotes from TLW.

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The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.   The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2017 11:00 am

The first novel has multiple openings covering multiple story threads. You simply cannot fit them all into one film. Spielberg likely picked the Raptor attack because that's the real catalyst to get the story going. The Compy opening works for the second movie because it serves to set up the second island. The original TLW opening from the novel wouldn't have worked because in the novel Hammond is dead, AND Richard Levine is the catalyst. Because Levine is cut out of the story all together, Spielberg had to find a way to get the story moving that both involved Hammond and didn't include Levine.

The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. IxTwoGb
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The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.   The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach. Icon_minitime

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The scene where the girl is attacked by compies on the beach.
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