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 How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate?

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How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate? Empty
PostSubject: How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate?   How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 05, 2017 7:51 pm

This is an open invitation to anyone who may have a link to a website or piece of information that explicitly states that after Jurassic World III, Universal can't produce any more films in the franchise and that the rights have to return to Michael Crichton's estate or else. I know this is a topic of keen interest for some fans here, but it's not really something that other film news sites discuss or even allude to in passing. I'm honestly starting to wonder if there are such stipulations in place, and if so why are they something that only us fans on this site talk about and yet seemingly no one else.
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How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate?   How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 05, 2017 8:02 pm

I remember Scott Borak saying that on JPL and CT-1138, formerly D4E, confirmed that on the one JP Facebook group that has 15,806 members (which includes the both of us.) when I asked about the rights a few months ago. That major details isn't known to the GA, and even to many die-hard fans. Ty also may know more about the details. After all, he was the webmaster of JPL and is the current webmaster of Jurassic-Peida.
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How do we know the rights to the Jurassic Park books revert back to the Crichton estate?
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