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 Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?

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Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Empty
PostSubject: Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?   Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 28, 2018 9:00 am

Hi there, I'm doing a bit of general research on the canon and such. I'm wondering if Ingen maintained the monopoly/exclusivity on dinosaur embryos? I've put this here cos I'm more in touch with the movies than the novels these days.

Now, we know from the movies and JP: The Game, that the barbasol can with the stolen embryos never left the island. But I'm wondering if there is hints or knowledge outside of that fact that perhaps, somewhere down the line, Ingen maybe gave others the right to create dinosaurs, perhaps sold or "contracted" the technology to others, or maybe there were other attempts to get embryos from them that were more successful (than the attempts I know of?) Afterall, I'd imagine they would balance the profits of holding the exclusive with the profits generated from subsidiaries or such doing similar things?

Or, by the time we reach Fallen Kingdom, Ingen are still the only company in the entire world with the technology? Do we know how far the company Dodgson was stealing for ever got? Could JP scientists have leaked the info on creation? Could the process/tech have been stolen or the likes from Sorna? That place is a hot-bed for trespassers, after-all.

Then again, the JP "kind of a ride" with Mr. DNA sort of gives the entire process away so in effect, from the early days, it was never a big secret.

What are your thoughts please? I like the idea that Ingen did it first, but I have to wonder if they were the "last" to do it. I vaguely recall something from the novels explaining in more detail rival companies, but it's been a long time since reading.

Any help or ideas are appreciated, whether it's canon fact or speculative. Thank you!
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Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?   Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 28, 2018 2:43 pm

The canons are very separate when it comes to this as they all more or less walk their own path. The games constantly paint BioSyn as the bad guys as well as the US military in a few cases depending on the game plot, sometimes it is InGen itself as well. In the Topps comics BioSyn is constantly locked into conflict with InGen over getting the islands and embryos. In the IDW comics Tim is seen trying to rebuild what his grandfather started, but is betrayed in doing so. Tim's company is actually based out of Glen Rose, Texas. In the novels, you have the one-off mentions and nothing else really aside from BioSyn's involvement in the second book with Dodgson and his team in contrast to Malcolm and Levine's group cataloging and documenting.

In the film canon we don't know entirely for sure, but we can presume InGen did maintain some exclusivity as they are the only company to be holding onto the islands and then that ownership switches around under Masrani when InGen becomes a subsidiary there so Masrani holds the keys basically. I do recall (though I can't find the source where it is from) that after the San Diego Incident (or around) that the sale of amber was strictly prohibited, obviously that's no longer the case when it came to Jurassic World as they are still using it and recording the genomes from the amber that are found. Outside of that there's a lot of room for prospective fan fiction writing or even licensed fiction to write for it in the end. I do know Trevorrow's concept for FK is that the dinosaurs become more "open source" so I can imagine that's where InGen will ultimately lose that exclusivity that they have on the embryos. We just have to wait and see.
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Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?   Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 06, 2018 4:32 pm

Thank you. Very interesting comments. Processing new info now with the FK superbowl advert and the selling/bidding of... well, your guess is good as mine. Embryos or pre-built dinosaurs. Regardless it looks that film might actually answer some of these questions. Thanks again for interesting viewpoints!
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Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?   Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly? Icon_minitime

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Did Ingen ever lose the embryo monopoly?
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