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 Theory Why InGen Needs Blue

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PostSubject: Theory Why InGen Needs Blue   Theory Why InGen Needs Blue Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2018 11:19 am

Just as a warning, this post will contain some spoilers from the final Fallen Kingdom trailer.

The reason they probably want Blue specifically is because Blue is birthed through the IBRIS Program, which genetically domesticated the Raptors by engineering severe aggression and unpredictability out of their genome. Utilizing Blues DNA would make the iRaptor more docile and thus more willing to take orders in military application. They have a whole manner of species DNA profiles on hand. So I imagine that it's because Blues DNA is special. They're also discussing animal trade exploitation in this one, since they're selling the iRaptor to the highest bidder, imagine owning a slightly less aggressive raptor. It'd be like owning a panther.

Another thing to consider is the grow cycle. We're theorizing that Blues DNA is mixed with that of the Indominus to create the iRaptor. But it's possible they're using advanced growth hormones to increase the growth rate of the iRaptor. If this is true, then unlike Blue bonding with Owen and gaining a positive relationship with him, the iRaptor has no relationship formed with humans and thus has no idea what they are and is instantly afraid (and in turn, aggressive) of them. This would continue another side of the Frankenstein story where the monster was fearful of humanity, yet also curious of it and slowly learned civility through observation. If this is the case, then the scene where the iRaptor is investigating Masie in her bed directly mirrors the scene in Frankenstein when the monster curiously investigates Dr. Frankenstein while he's sleeping in his bed.

I think I'm going to like Fallen Kingdom.

Theory Why InGen Needs Blue IxTwoGb
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PostSubject: Re: Theory Why InGen Needs Blue   Theory Why InGen Needs Blue Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2018 10:58 am

Great assessment! I was thinking since the Indoraptor is male, and blue is a female maybe they’d like to breed them to get extra special results?

But yea I think you’re pretty spot on with that guess.

Im still wondering why the Indoraptor is interested in the little girl though, rather than someone like Lockwood or Wu? I suppose it’s safe to assume Lockwood is dead at this point in the film. But I can’t imagine the little girl interacting with it while it was young. Perhaps it’s juts curious of such a small and innocent being?

This might be a really dumb question, but is the Indoraptor more interested in just killing the girl or finding out what she is? Yeah he looks scary in the trailers but there’s not really a way to make him not look like that.

Anyway you should post this to Reddit when the film comes out to silence the mindless droves of “its just a dumb monster movie”.
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Six-Foot Turkey
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PostSubject: Re: Theory Why InGen Needs Blue   Theory Why InGen Needs Blue Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2018 6:45 pm

Sounds so cool!
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PostSubject: Re: Theory Why InGen Needs Blue   Theory Why InGen Needs Blue Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2018 1:33 am

Fact 1. Indominus as hybrid was created between 2012 and 2015. So at least few months is needed for growth
Fact 2. Masrani Backdoor log mentions hybridization as way to include feathers on dinosaurs we know.
Fact 3. No new hybrids in JW 3

I think Blue DNA might be needed for merging her code with Indoraptors. The new animal Mills is talking about on the trailer might be some new subspecies od raptors, that technically is not a hybrid. Just sayin.
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PostSubject: Re: Theory Why InGen Needs Blue   Theory Why InGen Needs Blue Icon_minitime

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