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 Help my father continue singing!

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Triceratops Titan
Triceratops Titan

Posts : 5
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2018-03-25
Location : Belgrade, Serbia

Help my father continue singing! Empty
PostSubject: Help my father continue singing!   Help my father continue singing! Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2018 3:35 pm

I need your help to have my dad continue participating in a singing contest he's in, and it's crucial that I have as many votes as humanly possible!

Google "nikad nije kasno glasanje" and click on the first result!

1. Click "Prijavite se"
2. Then click on "Facebook prijava"
3. Then "continue as [your name]".
4. Vote for Igor Mrkela!

If you don't have a Facebook, and have a cellphone:
1. Click "Prijavite se"
2. Then click on "Još uvek nemate nalog"
3. Type in your phone number in this format: +3813564563 or whatever, don't space between the numbers
4. Wait for an SMS with a confirmation code, then type in said code
5. Type in a username, password, and retyped password
6. Vote for Igor Mrkela!

I would be extremely grateful if you chose to help him out. It's now, or never, because the poll ends in about 2 hours!
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Help my father continue singing!
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