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 The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2018 5:47 pm

The following is the edited final product of an interactive storytelling game that I ran with TheRexMan22 and SmugTheFab. I really enjoyed retelling the events of the first movie and I think that the end result, while not perfect, is still worth sharing. A sequel is currently being written and anyone interested is willing to joy. The most important rule is to have fun. Smile

Chapter One

In the commercial climate of the 1980s, it was inevitable that a company as ambitious as International Genetic Technologies, Inc., of Palo Alto, would arise. It was equally unsurprising that the genetic crisis it created went unreported. After all, InGen’s research was conducted in secret; the actual incident occurred in the most remote region of Central America; and few people were there to witness it. Of those, only a handful survived.

Even at the end, when International Genetic Technologies filed for Chapter 11 protection in San Francisco Superior Court, the proceedings drew little press attention. It appeared so ordinary: InGen was the third small American bioengineering company to fail that year, and the seventh since 1986. Few court documents were made public, since the creditors were Japanese investment consortia, such as Hamaguri and Densaka, companies which traditionally shun publicity. To avoid unnecessary disclosure, Daniel Ross, of Cowan, Swain and Ross, counsel for InGen, also represented the Japanese investors. And the rather unusual petition of the vice consul of Costa Rica was heard behind closed doors. Thus it is not surprising that, within a month, the problems of InGen were quietly and amicably settled.

Parties to that settlement, including the distinguished scientific board of advisers, signed a nondisclosure agreement, and none will speak about what happened - but many of the principal figures in the “Isla Nublar Incident” were not signatories, and were willing to discuss the remarkable events that occurred in June 1989 on a remote island off the west coast of Costa Rica…


June 11th, 1989

Isla Nublar - 120 miles west of Costa Rica

A woman ran through the jungles of Isla Nublar, clutching a bleeding arm. In her hand was a Barbasol can of shaving cream. The woman’s breathing was ragged, but she continued running regardless, refusing to stop. The wound on her arm was worsening.

A clicking sound rang out in the jungle behind her. The woman fearfully looked back. All she could see were two eyes lit up in the darkness, which encouraged the woman to flee further into the jungle away from them. She picked up a rock off the ground and threw it in a desperate and futile attempt to scare off the creatures that were stalking her.

The woman heard another eerie click and suddenly one of the creatures ran out in front of her. In another direction, another pair of eyes was looking at her. Turning back, she realized that the first set of eyes had gotten closer. The creatures were getting closer.

The woman backed up and tripped. She crawled backwards, hoping that the creatures would not get closer. Her gaze never left the eyes that were staring at her until the woman found herself at the edge of a cliff. Nowhere else to go. A creature leapt from the darkness and a set of jaws snapped at her.

Screaming, the woman fell backwards over the cliff, unable to catch herself. Her body tumbled and slid down the edge of the cliff, falling to the ground.

The exhausted woman picked herself up with some effort, still protectively grasping the Barbasol can of shaving cream, and saw a pair of eyes staring at her. She had not lost her pursuers.

Terrified, the woman ran away from the eyes before falling down an embankment and onto a road. She looked up to see a huge pair of lights coming towards her. Her vision went black.



In the hot, dry band-lands of Montana, Dr. Alan Grant was lying on the ground, his nose inches from the rock, carefully brushing and uncovering some small bone fragments. He was so preoccupied, that he didn't even notice the tall, blonde, attractive woman walking up to him until she was literally standing in front of him.

“Alan?” the woman said. Grant looked up, squinting in the sunlight. The woman pointed into the distance. “Someone’s coming.”

Grant grunted as he heaved himself up. He was a tall, barrel-chested, bearded man of thirty. He put his hands on his hips, and observed the blue sedan making its way through the dry terrain toward them.

“There’s no escape,” he said with a sigh.

The blue sedan came closer and closer, driving right into the camp. It stopped, and the driver’s-side door opened. A man in a business suit stepped out. He was wearing a white hat, not unlike the one Dr. Grant was wearing. The man looked around, as if looking for someone. One of the diggers went up to him, and after exchanging a few words, pointed at Grant. The business man started making his way toward Grant and Ellie. “Dr. Grant?”

“Yes,” Grant said.

The man extended his hand. “Donald Gennaro.”

Grant shook his hand. “This is Ellie Sattler,” he said, gesturing to his girlfriend.

“Hi,” Gennaro said, shaking her hand. “Sorry to jump on you like this, but old John Hammond sent me along to ask you guys a few questions.”

“Concerning what?” Grant wanted to know.

“Concerning the old man’s latest project,” Gennaro said.

Well that’s vague, Grant thought, shooting Ellie a glance. “Sure,” he said to Gennaro. “Let’s go inside.”

They walked across the dry ground toward Grant’s trailer, aka, the research centre.

“How long you guys been out here?” Gennaro wanted to know.

“Sixty cases,” Ellie said.

Gennaro squinted at her. “What?”

“We measure time in beer,” Grant explained.

“Oh,” Gennaro said.

They reached the trailer, and Ellie opened the door and they went in. Grant took off his dusty boots, and walked over to the ‘lounge’ area, sitting down in a worn-out chair. “Make yourself at home,” he urged Gennaro. The man brushed off the sofa before sitting on it.

“Now,” he said. “As I said before, Mr. Hammond’s working on a new project; let’s call it a zoo. A zoo on a remote island in the pacific. Isla Nublar. Tropical island, very remote.”

“Okay,” Grant said, nodding.

“He does these kinds of things a lot,” Gennaro joked. “Anyway, the zoo's almost ready. Construction’s just finishing up, the attractions are all in their pens - we’re good to go. Except for one small thing.”

“That is?”

“A couple of weeks ago… ten days, I believe it was… a worker was injured… a slight accident to do with a forklift. He sadly passed away, but now, Hammond’s investors are quite concerned. They’re worried the island is unsafe. I can assure you this accident was isolated, and completely random: a mechanical failure in the forklift. What I mean is, these people are getting worked up over nothing.”

“Not nothing, if a worker died,” Grant said.

“Everything’s been dealt with,” Gennaro continued briskly. “The man’s family has already received their money. We’d all like to just move on from this incident, but unfortunately, the investors are thinking of withdrawing funds - and that’s where you two come in.”

Grant raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“You two are… well, let’s not beat around the bush. You two are experts. The top minds in your respective fields. Ellie, I believe you do something with prehistoric plants?”

“Paleo botany,” Ellie confirmed. “But what’s that got to do with it?”

“Our investors are agreeing to make a deal,” Gennaro said. “If a couple of experts sign off on the island, they’ll continue to fund us. The allegations will be dropped. It would be a huge help,” he implored. “Mr. Hammond has generously funded your dig site for the last several years. And, as a thanks, if you agree to sign, he’s offering thirty thousand dollars each. That’s thirty thousand for both of you to continue funding your dig. As you know, Hammond just loves dinosaurs.”

Grant put his beer down on the table. “Mr. Gennaro, this is all well and good. But there’s one thing I don’t understand. Why do they want us? A couple of dusty fossil-diggers?”

“They… didn’t clarify on that point,” Gennaro said vaguely.

Grant squinted at the man.

Looking uncomfortable, Gennaro began scraping together his papers, shoving them back in his briefcase. He handed Grant a card. “Let me know if you decide to agree. I would appreciate a quick response as I’ve many matters to attend to.” And he quickly shuffled out of the trailer.

Grant watched him from the window as he got back in his car and drove off in a dust cloud.

“That was weird,” Ellie said.

“You got that right,” Grant said. “He wouldn’t answer the question.”

“He lied about it,” Ellie stated.

“I think so too,” Grant said.

“But still, thirty thousand…”

Grant glanced at the card in his hand. “Well, I suppose I could call John Hammond. Maybe I can wrangle a few straight answers out of him.”


Biosyn HQ
Cupertino, California

The ten directors sitting in the conference room were irritable and impatient. They had been talking among themselves for the last ten minutes, but slowly had fallen silent. Shuffling papers. Looking pointedly at their watches. Lewis Dodgson finally stood.

“Gentlemen, we’re here tonight to consider a target of opportunity: InGen.”

Dodgson quickly reviewed the background. InGen’s start-up in 1975. The purchase of three Cray XMP supercomputers. The purchase of Isla Nublar in Costa Rica. The stockpiling of amber. The unusual donations to zoos around the world, from the New York Zoological Society to the Rantbapur Wildlife Park in India.

“Despite all these clues we still had no idea where InGen might be going. The company seemed obviously focused on animals; and they had hired researchers with an interest in the past-paleobiologists, DNA phylogeneticists, and so on. Then, in 1987, InGen bought an obscure company called Millipore Plastic Products in Nashville, Tennessee. This was an agribusiness company that had recently patented a new plastic with the characteristics of an avian eggshell. This plastic could be shaped into an egg and used to grow chick embryos. Starting the following year, InGen took the entire output of this millipore plastic for its own use.”

“Dr. Dodgson, this is all very interesting-”

Dodgson continued. “At the same time, construction was begun on Isla Nublar. This involved massive earthworks, including a shallow lake two miles long, in the center of the island. Plans for resort facilities were let out with a high degree of confidentiality, but it appears that InGen has built a private zoo of large dimensions on the island.”

One of the directors leaned forward. “Dr. Dodgson. So what?”

“It’s not an ordinary zoo,” Dodgson said. “This zoo is unique in the world. It seems that InGen has done something quite extraordinary. They have managed to clone extinct animals from the past.”

“What animals?”

“Animals that hatch from eggs, and that require a lot of room in a zoo.”

“What animals?”

“Dinosaurs,” Dodgson said. “They are cloning dinosaurs. What they have done is build the greatest single tourist attraction in the history of the world. As you know, zoos are extremely popular. Last year, more Americans visited zoos than all professional baseball and football games combined. And the Japanese love zoos-there are fifty zoos in Japan, and more being built. And for this zoo, InGen can charge whatever they want, Two thousand dollars a day, ten thousand dollars a day… And then there is the merchandising. The picture books, T-shirts, videogames, caps, stuffed toys, comic books, and pets.”


“Of course. If InGen can make full-size dinosaurs, they can also make pygmy dinosaurs as household pets. What child won’t want a little dinosaur as a pet? A little patented animal for their very own. InGen will sell millions of them. And InGen will engineer them so that these pet dinosaurs can only eat InGen pet food…”

“Jesus,” somebody said.

“Exactly,” Dodgson said. “The zoo is the centerpiece of an enormous enterprise.”

“You said these dinosaurs will be patented?”

“Yes. Genetically engineered animals can now be patented. The Supreme Court ruled on that in favor of Harvard in 1987. InGen will own its dinosaurs, and no one else can legally make them.”

“What prevents us from creating our own dinosaurs?” someone asked.

“Nothing, except that they have a five-year start. It’ll be almost impossible to catch up before the end of the century. Of course, if we could obtain examples of their dinosaurs, we could reverse engineer them and make our own, with enough modifications in the DNA to evade their patents.”

“Can we obtain examples of their dinosaurs?”

“I believe we can, yes.”

Somebody cleared his throat. “There wouldn’t be anything illegal about it…”

“Oh no,” Dodgson said quickly. “Nothing illegal. I’m talking about a legitimate source of their DNA. A disgruntled employee, or some trash improperly disposed of, something like that.”

“Do you have a legitimate source, Dr. Dodgson?”

“I do,” Dodgson said. “But I’m afraid there is some urgency to the decision, because InGen is experiencing a small crisis, and my source will have to act within the next twenty-four hours.”

A long silence descended over the room.

“I don’t see the need for a formal resolution on this,” Dodgson said. “Just a sense of the room, as to whether you feel I should proceed…”

Slowly the heads nodded silently.

“Thank you for coming, gentlemen,” Dodgson said. “I’ll take it from here.”


San Francisco

Lewis Dodgson walked into the restaurant and quickly scanned the patrons. His gaze fell on an obese man in one corner, who was shoveling food into his face. Dodgson quickly made his way toward the man's table and sat down.

“Hi,” he said.

The obese man eyed Dodgson's suitcase. “It’s all in there?” he asked.

“Half,” Dodgson cleared up. “Seven-fifty.”

"I want to see it," the man said.

Dodgson sighed and pulled the suitcase onto his lap. He snapped the clamps, and opened the lid just an inch. The man peeked inside. He nodded. “Okay. And the rest?”

“It’s yours when you get the embryos to the dock,” Dodgson said.

“How do I transport them?” the man asked.

Dodgson reached into his bag and pulled out a can of shaving cream. He twisted the bottom of the can. It came open. He twisted the lid back on and handed it to the man. “There’s a coolant system installed,” he explained. “It’ll keep them cold for twenty four hours. After that, they’re useless. So I need them before then.”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” the man said, smiling. “I have it all covered. You just make sure your guy is there to pick them up.”

“I’ll be there personally," Dodgson said. “I’m making sure this is done right. Remember: tomorrow night at the east dock.”

“Yeah yeah,” the man said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “It’ll be a piece of cake.”

“You’re sure you understand how to-”

“Look, I got it. This isn’t my first rodeo.” The man chuckled. “And by the way, you might want to lose the hat.”

Dodgson stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”


Hammond’s private jet came roaring down the runway to meet them. Grant held his hat still to prevent it from blowing away.

They boarded the plane. “Ah, Dr. Grant! Dr. Sattler!” a raspy voice called. It was John Hammond; exuberant, enthusiastic. Hammond quickly shook both their hands. “It’s marvelous to see you both. I was concerned for a while that you wouldn't agree to come along.”

“Well, we had some free time this weekend, so we thought…”

“Excellent, excellent,” Hammond said. “But come, come, sit down, sit down, we’re taking off in just a moment.”

They took their seats. Gennaro was asleep in his chair. “You’ll have to excuse him,” Hammond said. “He’s been awake for thirty six hours straight.”

“That’s quite all right,” Grant said.

“We have one final stop to make before we head off to Isla Nublar,” Hammond said. “Gennaro insisted we bring along one more passenger.”

“Who is that?” Ellie asked.

“Ian Malcolm,” Hammond sputtered with disdain. “He’s a chaotician. Has no business being here if you ask me.”

Grant and Ellie shared a look. “I’ve never met a chaotician before.”

“They’re a rare species,” Hammond said.


At the Dallas airport, a tall, thin, balding man of thirty-five, dressed entirely in black stepped on the plane.

“Ah, Dr. Malcolm,” Hammond said, smiling with forced graciousness.

Malcolm grinned. “Hello, John. Yes, I am afraid your old nemesis is here.”

“Ian Malcolm, how do you do?” Malcolm said quickly as he shook hands with everyone. “I do maths.” He struck Grant as being more amused by the outing than anything else.

Malcolm sat in one of the padded chairs. The stewardess asked him if he wanted a drink. “Diet Coke, shaken not stirred.” He leaned over to Grant and Ellie. “So you two dig up dinosaurs?”

“Try to!” Grant answered.

Malcolm laughed, finding this very amusing, which confused Grant.

“You’ll have to get use to Dr. Malcolm!” Hammond said, annoyed. “He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician!

“Chaotician, actually!” Malcolm corrected. “Chaotician! John doesn’t subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project!”

“Codswollop!” Hammond snorted, no longer even bothering to cover his contempt for Malcolm. “Ian, you’ve never come close to explaining these concerns of yours about this island!”

“I certainly have! Very clearly! Because of the behavior of the system in phase space!”

Hammond just waved him off. “A load, if I may say so, of fashionable number crunching, that’s all it is!”

Malcolm started poking at Hammond’s knee. “John, John.”

Hammond pushed him away. “Don’t do that!”

“Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler - you’ve heard of Chaos Theory?”

“No,” Ellie answered, shaking her head.

“No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractions?”

She shrugged.

“Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you are not familiar with the concept of attraction!”

Humid Dallas air drifted through the open door. “Isn’t it a little warm for black?” Ellie asked.

“You’re extremely pretty, Dr. Sattler. I could look at your legs all day. But no, as a matter of fact, black is an excellent Color for heat. If you remember your black-body radiation, black is actually best in heat. Efficient radiation. In any case, I wear only two colors, black and gray.” Ellie was staring at him, her mouth open. “These colors are appropriate for any occasion and they go well together, should I mistakenly put on a pair of gray socks with my black trousers.”

“But don’t you find it boring to wear only two colors?”

“Not at all. I find it liberating. I believe my life has value, and I don’t want to waste it thinking about clothing. I don’t want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports.”

“Dr. Malcolm is a man of strong opinions,” Hammond explained.

“And mad as a hatter,” Malcolm said cheerfully. “But you must admit, these are non trivial issues. We live in a world of frightful givens. It is given that you will behave like this, given that you will care about that. No one thinks about the givens. Isn’t it amazing? In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought.”

Hammond turned to Gennaro, who had awakened when they briefly landed, and raised his hands. “You invited him. I suggested scientists, you suggested a rock star.”

“And a lucky thing, too,” Malcolm said. “Because it sounds as if you have a serious problem.”

“We have no problem,” Hammond defended quickly.

“I always maintained this island would be unworkable,” Malcolm said. “I predicted it from the beginning.” He reached into a soft leather briefcase. “And I trust by now we all know what the eventual outcome is going to be. You’re going to have to shut the thing down.”

“Shut it down!” Hammond stood angrily. “This is ridiculous.”

Malcolm shrugged, indifferent to Hammond’s outburst, and started passing around sheets of paper. “I’ve brought copies of my original paper for you to took at. The original consultancy paper I did for InGen. The mathematics are a bit sticky, but I can walk you through it. Are you leaving now?”

“I have some phone calls to make,” Hammond excused himself and he went into the adjoining cabin.

“Well, it’s a long flight,” Malcolm said to the others, smiling. “At least my paper will give you something to do.”


Some hours later...

Grant looked out his window at the clear blue sky. On the horizon, the sky merged with the ocean and became one. This had been the view for the last several hours. Grant looked around the cabin. Gennaro was asleep again; Ellie was reading a book; Malcolm was flipping through the pages of his report, or whatever.

“Ah!” John Hammond said suddenly. He turned, a bright smile on his face. “There it is!”

Grant looked forward. A pillar of landmass protruded from the ocean. The island was shrouded in a dense layer of fog, giving it an ominous vibe.

“Wait a minute,” Malcolm said. “Alcatraz? I thought we were going to Isla Nublar.”

Hammond snorted and shook his head at the man’s snarky comment.

The island grew in size. A blanket of fog appeared in front of them. They entered the cloud, and suddenly all visibility was gone. Grant watched the pilot nervously.

“There’s bad wind sheers,” Hammond warned. “This part can be a little rough…”

The chopper suddenly bounced like a rollercoaster ride. Grant gripped the arms of his seat. The chopper bounced several more times, each time heightening the tension. Suddenly, a tree loomed in front of them, and the pilot swerved sharply to avoid it. Ellie swore.

Another tree in front of them, the pilot avoided it like before. Then they set down. Relief flooded through Grant and he let out a sigh.

Hammond was on his feet, cane in hand, smile on his face. “Come along, come along!” he urged his guests.

Everyone got up and left. Grant found himself standing on the helipad, surrounded by fog. He couldn’t see more than a foot in front of him.

“Oh,” Hammond said, disappointment in his voice. “I was hoping it’d be clear today.”

“Alan?” Ellie said.

“I’m over here,” Grant said. He saw her silhouette in the fog.

Grant heard footsteps and turned to see someone emerging from the fog. It was a young red-haired man with a baseball cap on. He smiled. “Mr. Hammond, guests. Welcome to Jurassic Park! I’m Ed Regis. Everyone follow me, please.”

“Jurassic Park?” Ellie repeated.

“Yes, yes,” Hammond said, jovially, and started brushing them along.

They came to a gate. To the right of the gate, a sign that said ‘Welcome to Jurassic Park.’ Grant turned his attention to the gate. It was thirty feet high and looked electrified.

Ed Regis swiped a card through the slot. There was a beep. Then he reached and pushed open the gate, swinging it wide. He waved them through. Then he fell back with Hammond and whispered: “Have you told-”

“Shh, shh,” Hammond shushed him. “Let them see for themselves.”

Grant found himself in front of the group, walking down a winding path through the jungle. The fog gradually cleared up, enough that he could see again. A tree loomed up in front of him. The trunk had interesting texture. Grant reached out to touch it. It was warm on his hand. Realization dawned on him: this wasn’t a tree; this was skin! He jumped away from it. The thing he thought was a tree was actually a leg. A huge leg. It went up and up. It was connected to a gargantuan body. And higher yet, a towering neck, upon which sat a tiny head that fed upon the treetops.

Grant put a hand on his mouth. Tears began to streak down his cheeks. He couldn’t stop looking at it: a dinosaur. A living breathing dinosaur. It had to be.

A brief moment where he lost awareness. When he came to, he was lying on the ground.

Hammond looking down on him, concerned. “Dr. Grant, are you alright?” Ed Regis asked.

“Yeah,” Grant said airily.

“You fainted,” Regis said as he helped Grant up. Grant thought for a moment that he might have dreamed it. But when he looked up, there it was, grazing on the treetops.

He looked at the others. Gennaro had a big stupid grin on his face. Ellie was blinking repeatedly as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Malcolm was still as a statue as he gazed up at the creature, wonderment on his face. “That’s pretty… fantastic,” he breathed.

The massive dinosaur didn’t seem to have noticed them. It went on eating like it was the only thing in the world.

“How?” Grant whispered.

Hammond grabbed his shoulder. He was beaming. “I’ll show you.”
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

Posts : 307
Reputation : -8
Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2018 5:48 pm

Chapter Two

The group moved into a green tunnel of overarching palms leading toward the main visitor building. Everywhere, extensive and elaborate planting emphasized the feeling that they were entering a new world, a prehistoric tropical world, and leaving the normal world behind.

“They look pretty good,” Ellie said to Grant.

“Yes,” Grant said. “I want to see them up close. I want to lift up their toe pads and inspect their claws and feel their skin and open their laws and have a look at their teeth. Until then I don’t know for sure. But yes, they look good.”

“I suppose it changes your field a bit,” Malcolm commented.

Grant shook his head. “It changes everything.”

“You don’t seem upset.”

“It’s been discussed, in the field. Many people imagined it was coming. But not so soon.”

“Story of our species,” Malcolm said, laughing. “Everybody knows it’s coming, but not so soon.”

Even though they could no longer see the dinosaurs, but they could hear them, trumpeting softly in the distance.

“So what are you thinking?” Ellie asked

“We’re out of job.”

“Don’t you mean extinct?” Malcolm popped in.

“My only question is, where’d they get the DNA?”

“You can’t reproduce a real dinosaur, because you can’t get real dinosaur DNA,” Ellie agreed.

“Unless there’s a way we haven’t thought of,” Grant said.

“Like what?” she said.

“I don’t know,” Grant admitted.

Beyond a fence, they came to the swimming pool, which spilled over into a series of waterfalls and smaller rocky pools. The area was planted with huge ferns. “Isn’t this extraordinary?” Ed Regis asked. “Especially on a misty day, these plants really contribute to the prehistoric atmosphere. These are authentic Jurassic ferns, of course. If you look up ahead, you’ll see our Safari Lodge.” They saw a dramatic, low building, with a series of glass pyramids on the roof. “That’s where you’ll all be staying here in Jurassic Park.”


Grant and Ellie’s suite was done in beige tones, the rattan furniture in green jungle-print motifs. There was a television set in the corner, with a card on top:

Channel 2: Hypsilophodont Highlands
Channel 3: Triceratops Territory
Channel 4: Sauropod Swamp
Channel 5: Carnivore Country
Channel 6: Stegosaurus South
Channel 7: Velociraptor Valley
Channel 8: Pterosaur Peak

He found the names irritatingly cute.

“By the way, those ferns are poison,” Ellie told him. “But did you notice anything about these rooms, Alan?”

Grant moved around the room. “The windows are small and the glass is tempered, set in a steel frame. The doors are steel-clad. That shouldn’t be necessary. And did you see the fence when we came in?”

Ellie nodded. The entire lodge was enclosed within a fence, with bars of inch-thick steel. The fence was gracefully landscaped and painted flat black to resemble wrought iron, but no cosmetic effort could disguise the thickness of the metal, or its twelve-foot height.

“It looks to me like they’ve turned this place into a fortress.”

Grant looked at his watch. “We’ll be sure to ask why. The tour starts in twenty minutes.”


Hammond lead his guests toward the visitor center, talking as he goes.

“You four are going to have a little company out in the park,” he explained. “Spend a little time with our target audience.”

Grant heard the sound of a speeding jeep and he turned.

Racing toward them was a red jeep. Regis was at the steering wheel. Two kids bounced happily around in the open jeep. The jeep stopped. The boy, was about nine years old and his sister looked around twelve.


Hammond looked up, delighted. Arms open. Gennaro pulled him close.

“John, this is a serious investigation of the island, not a weekend excursion or a social outing. We’re talking about the safety of this place!”

Hammond waved to the children. “I’m aware of that. But I built this place for children. You can’t investigate it without their reactions. They’re what this place is all about.”

Hammond beamed to Grant and Ellie and indicated the running kids.

“My grandchildren,” he explained. “Genetics were kind.”

The kids raced into Hammond’s arms, knocking him over. Hammond shined. Gennaro held in his fury.

“We missed you,” the girl said.

“Thanks for the presents,” the boy added.

“We loved them,” the girl agreed.

“You must be careful with me,” Hammond laughed. “Did you like the helicopter?

“It was great!” the boy said excitedly. “It drops, we were dropping!”


The group entered the lobby of the visitor center, which displayed the skeleton of a tyrannosaurus attacking an Alamosaurus.

“-the most advanced amusement park in the world, incorporating all the latest technologies,” Hammond was explaining. “And I’m not talking just about rides, you know. Everybody has rides. No, we’ve made living, biological attractions so astounding, that they’ll capture the imagination of the entire planet! Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering just how we created our dinosaurs.”

“I was wondering that,” Grant said.

“Well, follow me. There’s someone I’d like to introduce you to: Doctor Wu. He’s the head geneticist, and played his part in making Jurassic Park feasible.”

The old man led them down a corridor to the genetics room. He swiped a card through the slot, and the door slid open. They went into the room. Men and women in white lab coats looked through microscopes and jogged notes down on clipboards. One Asian-American man with a clipboard tucked under his arm, walked toward them.

“Hi,” he said, smiling. “I’m Henry Wu, nice to meet you all. So, what do you think of the dinosaurs?”

“They’re incredible,” Grant said.

“I was hoping you’d think so, Dr. Grant,” Wu said. “Now, I’m sure you’re all dying to know just how we made them.”


“It’s not as outlandish as it seems. First, do any of you know what amber is?”

“Yes, it’s fossilized tree resin.”

“Exactly.” Wu crossed the room to a table and picked up a honey-colored stone. He held it in the light. “This here is the key to cloning living, breathing dinosaurs.”

They waited for him to continue.

“Sometimes, insects get trapped in tree sap. The tree sap hardens and becomes fossilized; becoming what we know as amber. Some of those insects that got stuck are mosquitos. Mosquitoes, as everyone knows, suck the blood of other animals. Today, they suck our blood. But a hundred and fifty million years ago, they preyed upon a very different type of animal.”

There was a breathless pause. “You mean…” Grant started to say.

Henry Wu smiled. “That’s right. Mosquitos sucked the blood of dinosaurs, and then became trapped in tree sap. The tree sap fossilized, becoming amber. And there you go. Access to a hundred and fifty million year old dinosaur DNA.”

“That just might work,” Ellie said. Grant laughed. Malcolm nodded.

“Oh, I assure you doctor Sattler, it does work,” Wu said. “As you have seen for yourselves. But the DNA we extract from the fossilized mosquitoes is rarely, if ever, the complete strand. So we needed a substitute to finish the strand. We selected amphibians for a number of reasons that I’ll explain later. By combining the DNA of frogs with the fossilized dinosaur DNA, we were able to reconstruct a useable strand. And there you have it. Dinosaur DNA.”

Heads nodded. Grant scratched his chin thoughtfully. “That’s really quite clever.”

“Thank you,” Wu said. “I thought so too. Now, if you’ll all come with me, we’ll have a look at the hatchery where we keep the eggs.”

They went through a door and entered another room. This one had a low mist throughout the room. Scientists walked around, waist-deep in the mist.

“We have to keep this room humid,” Wu explained. “But if any of you start to feel lightheaded, let me know.”

He led them to a table. There was a tray containing straw and four oblong circles. As the humans crowded around to look, one of the circles gave a little shake.

Ellie gasped and grabbed Grant's arm.

“Oh, wonderful!” Wu said. “I was hoping for this.”

“Move out of my way!” Hammond barked to a scientist who was unintentionally blocking his view. “I insist on being here when they are born. I’ve been present for the birth of every little creature on this island, so far!”

“Surely not the ones that are bred in the wild though,” Malcolm said.

“Oh, no, there’s no question about that: they can’t breed in the wild,” Wu said. “Population control is one of our security measures. There is no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Park.”

“Huh,” Malcolm said, scratching his chin.

The little egg shook again. Grant, Ellie, Gennaro, Hammond and the kids leaned in closer.

“Well, again, how do you know they can’t breed?” Malcolm asked, looking at Wu.

Wu smiled. “Well, because all the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are female. We engineered them that way.”

“Engineered?” Ellie repeated.

Wu nodded.

The egg gave a final little shudder, and then a crack appeared in its surface. The crack grew larger and larger, until a little three-clawed hand poked its way to the surface.

“Look at it!” Tim whispered. “It’s so small!”

The creature inside strained to break out of her confines, screeching shrilly all the while. Hammond put on a pair of gloves, and began to gently remove pieces of eggshell, revealing more and more of the baby underneath. The dinosaur was covered in red membrane, which stretched as she moved around. The baby screeched.

Malcolm paced around the table. “And, how do you know they’re all female?” he asked. “Does someone go out in the park and, uh… pull up the dinosaurs skirts?”

“We control their chromosomes, it’s really not that difficult,” Wu explained. “All vertebrate embryos are inherently female, anyway. They just require the right hormone given at the right developmental stage to make the male. We simply deny them that.”

Malcolm rubbed his eyes. “Ah, I was afraid of this…”

“Sorry?” Wu said, perking an eyebrow. “Afraid of what?”

“This… this misplaced idea that you can control nature,” Malcolm said.


“Listen,” Malcolm said. “Life can’t be contained; life breaks free. It, expands new territories, crashes through barriers. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But, uh... well, there it is.”

“There it is,” Hammond agreed. He looked unhappy with Malcolm’s statements.

“You’re implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will… breed?” Wu asked.

“No, no,” Malcolm soothed. “I’m simply saying that life finds a way. That’s all.”

“Indeed, you are correct,” Wu said.

Grant picked up the newborn and held it in his gloved hands. He examined the skin, the claws, gently opening her jaws to have a look at its teeth. Razor sharp teeth, and she wasn’t even a day old. Suddenly, he thought of something. He looked up at Wu. “What species is this?” he asked.

Wu seemed distracted. He looked at Grant. “Oh, it’s a Velociraptor.”

“You… you bred raptors?” Grant asked, aghast.

“Yes, we did,” Wu said. “Is something wrong?”

Grant looked down at the tiny critter in his hands, finding it hard to believe that in just a few short years, this baby would become the most deadly creature to have ever walked the planet.


The group detoured to an enclosure that was a walled in area made of concrete. It had an observation tower and a platform around the walls. Snarling could be heard in the dense plants within the enclosure. A crane was lifting a black steer up into the air.

“What are they doing?” Grant asked.

“Feeding them,” Hammond explained.

Grant and Ellie walked up onto the platform to watch, with the others following. The steer was slowly lowered into the enclosure where it disappeared into the foliage. Suddenly, shrieking could be heard as some unknown creatures attacked the steer. Ripping and crunching, along with the terrified cries of the steer could be heard as the plants violently shook from the attack. The attack ended as quickly as it had started.

“Fascinating animals, fascinating,” Hammond commented.

“Oh my God,” Ellie gasped.

“Give time, they’ll out draw the T-rex,” Hammond told them. “Guarantee it.”

“I want to see them,” Grant said. “Can we get closer?”

Ellie put a hand on his arm, like calming an over excited child.

“Alan, these aren’t bones anymore.”

We’re still perfecting a viewing system,” Hammond admitted. “The raptors seem to be a bit resistant to integration into a park setting.”

“They should all be destroyed,” a voice said.

A man dressed in a safari outfit with a slouch hat came onto the platform.

“Robert Muldoon, my game warden from Kenya,” Hammond introduced. “Bit of an alarmist, but knows more about raptors than anyone.”

Grant shook hands with Muldoon. “What kind of metabolism do they have?” he asked. “What’s their growth rate?”

“They’re lethal at eight months, and I do mean lethal,” Muldoon replied. “I’ve hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move-”

“Fast for a biped?”

“Cheetah speed. Fifty, sixty miles per hour if they ever got out in the open. And they’re astonishing jumpers.”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” Hammond dismissed. “That’s why we are taking extreme precautions. Their viewing area below us will have eight-inch tempered glass set in reinforced steel frames to-”

“Do they show intelligence?” Grant asked, interrupting Hammond. “With their brain cavities, I assumed that-”

“They’re extremely intelligent,” Muldoon responded. “Even problem-solving intelligence; especially the Big One. That one, when she looks at you, you can see she’s working things out. That’s why we have to feed them like this. She had them all attacking the fences when the feeders came.”

“But the fences are electrified, though, right?” Ellie asked.

“That’s right, but they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses systematically. They remember.”

Suddenly, the crane emerged out of the enclosure. The leather harness that was holding the steer was in shreds.

Ellie tapped Grant on the shoulder, and pointed.

Amid the ferns, Grant saw the head of an animal. It was motionless, partially hidden in the fronds, the two large dark eyes watching them coldly.

The head was two feet long. From a pointed snout, a long row of teeth ran back to the hole of the auditory meatus which served as an ear. The head reminded him of a large lizard, or perhaps a crocodile. The eyes did not blink, and the animal did not move. Its skin was leathery, with a pebbled texture, and basically the same coloration as the infant’s.

As Grant watched, a single forelimb reached up very slowly to part the ferns beside the animal's face. The limb, Grant saw, was strongly muscled. The hand had three grasping fingers, each ending in curved claws. The band gently, slowly, pushed aside the ferns.

The attack came suddenly, from the left and right. Charging raptors covered the ten yards to the fence with shocking speed. Grant had a blurred impression of powerful, six-foot-tall bodies, stiff balancing tails, limbs with curving claws, open jaws with rows of jagged teeth.

The animals snarled as they came forward, and then leapt bodily into the air, raising their hind legs with their big dagger-claws. Then they struck the fence in front of them, throwing off twin bursts of hot sparks.

The Velociraptors fell backward to the ground, hissing. The visitors all moved forward, fascinated. Only then did the third animal attack, leaping up to strike the fence at chest level. Tim screamed in fright as the sparks exploded all around him. The creatures snarled, a low reptilian hissing sound, and leapt back among the ferns. Then they were gone, leaving behind a faint odor of decay, and banging acrid smoke.

“Holy shit,” Tim swore.

“It was so fast,” Ellie said.

“Pack hunters,” Grant said, shaking his head. “Pack hunters for whom ambush is an instinct… Fascinating.”

On the other side of the fence, they heard snorting in the palm trees. Several heads poked slowly out of the foliage. The animals watched them. Staring coldly.


“This way, everybody, this way,” Ed Regis said. By his side, a woman was passing out pith helmets with ‘Jurassic Park’ labeled on the headband, and a little blue dinosaur logo.

A line of Toyota Land Cruisers came out of an underground garage beneath the visitor center. Each car pulled up, driverless and silent. Two black men in safari uniforms were opening the doors for passengers.

“Two to four passengers to a car, please, two to four passengers to a car,” a recorded voice was saying. “Children under ten must be accompanied by an adult. Two to four passengers to a car, please…”

“Where are the brakes?” Gennaro asked.

“Brakes?” Regis shook his head. “No. No brakes. They’re electric cars, guided by this track in the roadway, and top of the line!”

Tim watched as Grant, Sattler, and Malcolm got into the first Land Cruiser with Gennaro. “Can I go with them?”

“I’m afraid they have things to discuss,” Regis answered. “Technical things.”

“I’m interested in technical things,” Tim insisted. “I’d rather go with them.”

“Well, you’ll be able to hear what they’re saying,” Regis explained. “We’ll have a radio open between the cars.”

The second car came. Tim and Lex got in, and Regis followed. Mounted in the dashboard were two computer screens and a box that looked like a…

“It’s an interactive CD-ROM,” Lex identified. “You just touch the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want.”

Regis pressed the intercom button. “In keeping with the non polluting policies of Jurassic Park, these lightweight electric Land Cruisers have been specially built for us by Toyota in Osaka. Eventually we hope to drive among the animals-just as they do in African game parks-but, for now, sit back and enjoy the self-guided tour.”


Robert Muldoon enters the Jurassic Park control room, Hammond right behind him. They go straight to the main console, where John “Ray” Arnold, a chronic worrier and chain-smoker, is seated.

“National Weather Service is tracking a tropical storm about seventy-five miles west of us,” Muldoon explained.

Hammond sighed and looked over Arnold’s shoulder. “Why didn’t I build in Orlando?”

“I’ll keep an eye on it,” Muldoon told him. “Maybe it’ll swing south like the last one.

Hammond took a deep breath. “Ray, start the tour program.”

Ray punched a button on the console.

“Hold onto your butts.”
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2018 5:49 pm

Chapter Three

The Land Cruisers began to rumble forward. Tim pressed his face against the window eagerly. It was like they were entering another world!

He looked forward, and saw in the distance an enormous wooden gate. The sides of the gate were painted black; meeting at the top, it formed an arch, which had words JURASSIC PARK painted on.

The huge doors swung open and the Land Cruisers passed through them.

Tim grinned. “Lex, did you see that?”

“Yep,” Lex said. She was still pressing buttons on the CD-ROM, not really paying attention.

A voice came on the intercom. “Welcome to a world in which only a small percentage of human beings have ever witnessed,” the voice said. “I’m Richard Kiley, and I'll be your tour guide today.”

The cars moved through the jungle. “If you look to your right,” Richard Kiley’s voice said, “you may catch a glimpse of the first dinosaurs on our tour: Dilophosaurus. For this exhibit, I would like to ask you to please keep your windows rolled up.”

“Just a precaution,” Regis said rigidly. Tim glanced at the man, and saw that he had his thumb on the intercom; he was talking to the people in the other car, too.

Dilophosaurus! Tim peered out his window, desperate to see them. “What’s a Dilophosaurus?” Lex asked him.

“Shh!” he said. “Just look.”

The cars moved slowly past. Tim stared into the foliage. Where were they? He couldn't see them anywhere. Maybe they were hiding.

“Dilophosaurus are rather skittish creatures,” Richard Kiley said. “They prefer to hide during the day. At night, that is when the show really begins. We now know that Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting their venom at their prey. Their venom contains a number of harmful toxins that paralyze the victim, allowing the carnivore to eat at their leisure. All this makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful yet deadly addition to the animals you’ll see here at Jurassic Park.”

Tim stared but he still didn't see the creatures. He sat back in his chair, disappointed.

“Next, we’ll have a look at some graceful herbivores,” Richard Kiley said.

The cars rumbled on through the park.


“I’m sure you all noticed,” Malcolm said, in the other car, “that the man told us to keep our windows rolled up.”

“Yes,” Gennaro said.

“Because the animals can spit.”

“Yes,” Gennaro said again. He sounded worried.

“Would they spit at the cars, though?” Ellie asked.

“They must think so,” Malcolm said. “And that’s why they told us to keep our windows up.”


In the control room, Hammond scowled. There he went again, that Malcolm, ruining what was supposed to be a fantastic moment, an awesome moment. It was in his nature, it was, to be naturally opposed to anything and everything Hammond did.

“I told you we shoulda taken that part of the recording out,” Muldoon said from where he was leaning on the wall.

“Yes,” Hammond said. “It’s going to frighten the guests. Arnold, will you take care of it?”

Arnold puffed on his cigarette. “No,” he said.

“No?” Hammond repeated, angered.

“Yes, no,” Arnold confirmed. “The dilos can spit up to thirty feet. All it would take is for some moron to stick his head out the window.”

“But Wu said they won’t spit at the cars,” Hammond protested. “They prefer to eat small creatures; mice and what have you.”

“Wu’s been wrong before. And I’m not taking a risk when it comes to visitor safety.”

There was a pause. “Fine.”

“I’m doing it for you,” Arnold said.

Hammond just grunted.


“Continuing on our prehistoric safari, we come next to the herbivores of the ornithischian group. If you look to your right, you can probably see them now.”

Tim saw two animals standing motionless in the shade of a large tree. Triceratops: the size and gray color of an elephant, with the truculent stance of a rhino. The horns above each eye curved five feet into the air, looking almost like inverted elephant tusks. A third, rhino-like born was located near the nose. And they had the beaky snout of a rhino.

“Unlike other dinosaurs, Triceratops horridus can’t see well. They’re nearsighted, like the rhinos of today, and they tend to be surprised by moving objects. They’d charge our car if they were close enough to see it! But relax, folks-we're safe enough here. Triceratops have a fan-shaped crest behind their heads. It’s made of solid bone, and it’s very strong. These animals weigh about seven tons each. Despite their appearance, they are actually quite docile. They know their handlers, and they’ll allow themselves to be petted. They particularly like to be scratched in the hindquarters.”

The Land Cruiser rumbled forward.


Gerry Harding, the chief veterinarian of Jurassic Park was looking over a stream surrounded by jungle. At his side was his youngest daughter Jess.

“Yeah, it’s a great view, but where are the dinosaurs?" Jess asked.

“There should be Triceratops out there.” Gerry said. “Sometimes they’re kind of hard to spot…”

“Oh yeah?” Jess pulled a pair of binoculars out of her pocket and looked out at the jungle.

“Where’d you get those?” Gerry asked.

“Uh, these?” Jess motioned the binoculars.

“Yeah, those.”

“That guy gave them to me,” Jess explained. "Your boss, John Hammer, or whatever. He likes me.”

“That was… generous of him.” Gerry was not completely sure Jess was being truthful.

“I see jungle and stuff, but no dinos,” Jess said, again looking out with the binoculars.

“Just look around, you’ll find them.”

Jess lowered the binoculars and looked at her father. “Can we go down there and see the dinos up close?”

“When I worked in San Diego, did I let you into the tiger enclosure?”

“That was different,” Jess defended. “Besides, I was only seven!”

“Right. And you scared the daylights out of me!”

Jess looked down towards a red and grey car parked on a road.

“There’s a car down there,” she told her father.

“Must be Hammond’s visitors,” Gerry explained. “He’s got some hotshot paleontologists here to see the park.”

“I bet they get to see some dinos up close,” Jess grumbled. A Triceratops emerged from the bushes.

“Okay, I see one! Wait… there’s a bunch of them. Oh awesome, they’re fighting! I wanted to see this!”

“Well, actually it’s more of a dominance display than a fight,” Gerry corrected.

The larger Triceratops and a smaller Triceratops charged, ramming their horns against each other.

“You remember how Patchie was when your mom got that new puppy?” Gerry asked. “Lady Margaret’s like that with the younger Triceratops.”

“Seriously?” Jess asked incredulously. “Lady Margaret?”

“Yep, that’s what we call the alpha. See those horns? They’re more than three feet long.”

“Good for fighting T-rex, right?” Jess asked. “When do we get to see that?”

“That’s not going to happen,” Gerry said. “I’m busy enough without holding gladiator fights. Which reminds me… remember I said I’ve got a sick Stegosaurus to check on? We should get going. The boat leaves tonight, remember?”

“But I practically just got here,” Jess complained as she walked towards the car.

“Well at least you got to see Triceratops fight,” Gerry pointed out.

“Actually, it was more like a dominance display.”

“Smartass,” Gerry said, smiling. “Come on, let’s go.” The two got into the jeep. “Let’s hope for clear skies. No fun on that boat when the waves are rough.”


The ground slowly rose up. For a moment, the road ahead was hidden from the passengers in the cars. Until they cleared the hill, and the valley opened up before them. Grant peered out his window as Richard Kiley's voice interluded: “Now we're coming to the Stegosaurus pen. Stegosaurus needs no introduction: it is one of the most famous dinosaurs known to man. What you might not know, though, is that those plates on their backs are used to regulate the animal's body temperature, rather than for self defense.”

“Who’s that?” Ellie asked.

Grant looked out her window. There was a jeep parked in the stegosaur area. A man and a teenage girl were standing near a stegosaur, which was lying on its side.

The intercom clicked, and Regis said, “That there is Gerry Harding, and I think that’s his kid. Gerry's the vet. Looks like he’s checking up on the stegos.”

“Is the stego dead?” Malcolm asked.

“No,” Regis said. “Look at her breathing. She might be sick, though.”

Grant’s fascination overtook him, and he opened his door and stepped out. Ellie was right behind him, and after a moment, Malcolm and Gennaro too. Gennaro was displeased.

“Don’t you think we should…” he started to say.

“Shh,” Grant said.

He, Ellie and Malcolm ran ahead to the stegosaur. The vet, Harding, turned toward them. “Oh hi,” he said. He seemed a little surprised to see them out of the car.

Grant looked at the fallen stego. “What’s the problem here?” he asked.

“Oh, she’s just a little sick,” Harding said. “It happens every few months. All of them come down. We haven’t figured out yet what’s causing it.”

Grant knelt in the dirt. After a moment of hesitation, he reached out, and placed his palm on the animal’s leathery hide. He smiled at Ellie. Ellie quickly reached out and touched it as well.

“Oh sure go ahead,” Harding muttered.

“You’re sure this is safe?” Gennaro asked nervously.

“Oh yeah, should be perfectly fine,” Harding said. “She’s too sick to care anyway.”

Ellie was opening the stego’s jaws.

“Doctor Sattler…” Gennaro started to say.

“Alan, take a look at this,” Ellie said.

Grant crouched toward her. He peered into the animal’s open mouth. “What?” he asked.

“The tongue’s blistered,” she explained. She squeezed one of the blisters with her nails, causing it to pop. “Hmm. Does anyone have a flashlight?”

Harding reached into his pocket and pulled one out, and handed it to her. She turned it one and shone the light in the animal’s eyes. “Dilated,” she said. “Very interesting…”

Meanwhile, Malcolm was investigating the surrounding area. He turned when he heard Gennaro walking up. “I don’t like this,” the man said.

“Relax,” Malcolm laughed. “It’s just a vacation, right?”

Gennaro scowled at him. “You know, you haven't exactly been a great help so far.”

“Oh?” Malcolm said. Something had caught his eye; he knelt down to look closer.

“Yeah,” Gennaro said. “I’m here trying to conduct a proper investigation, and the best you can do is play mind games…”

“Mind games, indeed,” Malcolm said. He’d found a piece of white… something. A little eggshell it looked like. He turned the object over in his hand, examined it, ran his finger along it.

“Better get Grant over here quick,” he said.


“Absolutely absurd,” Hammond said in the control room, listening to the report over the radio. “It must be a bird egg. That’s all it can be. We have literally dozens of species on the island.”

“The shell is almost flat,” Grant explained over the radio. “That’s from a very big egg. And notice the thickness of the shell. Unless you have ostriches on this island, it’s a dinosaur egg. What gives it away is the patterning on the interior surface, the interior curve. Turn it over and you will notice a faint pattern of raised lines, making roughly triangular shapes. I’ve dug out two eggs with patterns like that at my site in Montana.”

“Can you tell the species?” Malcolm asked, making himself heard.

“Yes,” Grant answered grimly. “It’s a Velociraptor egg.”

“Christ,” Muldoon swore. “There are raptors free in the park.”

“But they can’t possibly breed," Hammond insisted. “All the animals are female.”

“Amphibian DNA,” Grant realized.


“Well, on the tour Doctor Wu said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps. They mutated the dinosaur’s genetic code and blended it with that of frogs. Now, some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female, in a single sex environment. Ian, you were right!”

“Life found a way…” Malcolm agreed.

Furious, Hammond stormed out.


Thunder rumbles as the storm overhead is about to bust loose. The group starts heading back to their vehicles. Except for Ellie.

“Oh, you know, if it’s alright, I'd like to stay with Dr. Harding and finish with the Stegosaurus. Is that okay?”

Harding nodded. “Sure. I’ve got a gas powered jeep. I can drop her at the visitor’s center before I take my daughter to catch the boat.”

“I’ll catch up with you,” Ellie told Grant. “You can go with the others.”

“Are you sure?”

“I just want to finish.”

“I think I’ll stay too and go back with Harding in his Jeep with Dr. Sattler,” Gennaro decided.

“Fine,” Grant nodded. “Let’s go.”

They started walking. “Why exactly is our lawyer staying?” Malcolm asked.

Grant shrugged. “I think it might have something to do with Ellie.”

“Really? The shorts, you think?”

“It’s happened before.”

Grant got in the second car with Malcolm. He looked through the windshield and saw the first Cruiser starting up. He turned his attention to Malcolm as the cars began to drive. “That eggshell was a disturbing find,” he said.

Malcolm nodded gravely. “Indeed. I’m glad you're not so awestruck that you can't seen the legitimate dangers of this place.”

“I’ve always been conscious of the dangers,” Grant said, “I'm just not as focal about it as you are.”

Malcolm smiled. “Well. Hopefully I’m wrong and everything will be fine. But I’m rarely ever wrong.”


In the control room, Arnold and Wu were still arguing.

“I can’t be a dinosaur egg,” Wu said for the fourth or fifth time. “The dinosaurs are all female.”

“Regardless of that, they’ve found an eggshell that can only belong to a dinosaur,” Arnold said.

“There must be some other explanation. Perhaps there’s an undiscovered species of large bird on the island.”

“Yes,” Hammond said, pointing at the scientist. “That has to be it. It’s the only logical explanation.”

“But you heard Grant…”

“What does Grant know?” Wu snapped. “I mean, he’s a smart man and all - but he’s been on this island for what, a few hours? And I created these animals. Me. Believe me when I say the dinosaurs cannot breed.”

Meanwhile, Muldoon was watching the approaching storm nervously. “How long before those cars get back here?” he asked.

“Should be about fifteen minutes.”

Muldoon rubbed his chin. “I don’t like this. Raptors on the loose, those people out there all alone…”

“They’ll be fine,” Hammond said. “The Cruisers are durable. Besides, we don’t even know if there are loose raptors out there.”

“Mmm,” Muldoon said. He turned and went out of the room. He went down a staircase that led to the garage. There was a door on the far wall. He unlocked it and reached inside. The closet was full of weapons. He took one of the shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and carried it back to the jeep. He put it inside the jeep and then threw a cloth over it.

Upstairs, Dennis Nedry glanced around. “Well," he said, “looks like the tour program went off without a hitch.”

“Yes. Thank you, Dennis,” Arnold said.

Dennis grinned at Hammond. “Looks like I’m not the waste of space you thought, eh?”

Hammond glared at him. “Get back to work.”

Nedry turned back to his consoles.

Arnold looked over at Hammond. “You can’t deny we wouldn't have got the program up and running without him,” he said.

Hammond sighed. “Yes, I know, but why does he have to be so infuriatingly annoying?”

“Just ignore him,” Arnold said.


Gerry Harding looked up at the amassing thunderclouds. “It’s about to pour,” he said. He looked down at Sattler. “Just about done there?”

Ellie brushed the dust off her hands and stood. “Yeah. I still don't know what’s making her sick, but maybe with a bit more research…”

A belt of thunder rumbled in the distance. Gennaro looked at Harding. “It’s time to go.” Harding nodded. “Jess?” he turned around. “Jess!”

“I’m right here dad,” Jess called. Her head poked out from behind the Stegosaur. “Relax.”

“Sorry,” he said. He turned to Ellie and Gennaro. “Alright, let’s get out of here.”

Harding got behind the wheel in the jeep. Jess sat next to him. Gennaro and Ellie got in the back. Harding started up the car. There was a flash of lightning that illuminated parts of the jungle that had previously been shrouded in darkness. Harding spotted something running past - a dark green shape. It was brief, just a glimpse.

“Woah!” he said.


“I saw it too!” Jess exclaimed.

“Saw what?” Gennaro asked.

“A dinosaur," Harding said. “Right over there. Just ran past.”

“What kind of dinosaur?” Gennaro said, worried.

“I… I’m not sure. It was small, about ten feet long.”

“Could it have been a raptor?” Ellie asked.

“It… maybe," Harding said. “More likely thought that it’s just a othy. They’re always escaping their paddocks.”

“Are they dangerous?” Gennaro wanted to know.

“No, they’re herbivores.”

“Let’s hope that's what it was, and not a raptor.”

Harding started up the jeep and they began the trip back. “We’ll be following the Land Cruisers,” Harding said. “It’s the fastest way back, that road.”

They sped off into the gathering darkness.


Back in the control room Dennis Nedry stood up, shaking in his shoes, but trying like hell to be casual.

“Anybody want a Coke or something?” he asked. “I’m going up to the machine. I thought, you know, maybe I’d get somebody something. I’ve had only sweets, and I think I’m gonna get something salty. I thought maybe somebody would, uh…”

Hammond and Arnold shook their heads. Nedry started to leave, then turned back with an afterthought that is so rehearsed its almost obvious.

“Oh, I finished debugging the phones, but the system’s compiling for eighteen minutes, or twenty. So, some minor systems may go on and off for a while. There’s nothing to worry about. Simple thing…”

“Okay, okay, okay, okay, that’s enough!” Hammond snapped. “Ahh!”

Nedry turned, stretched one finger out to his screen, and selected an option.


He then quickly gathered his things, including a can of shaving cream...

“Don’t touch my console, okay?”

The door closed.

“What a slob,” Hammond scoffed.

“Yeah,” Arnold agreed. “But I guess he knows what he’s doing.”


Rain fell in drenching sheets on the roofs and hoods of the Explorers, which were making their way slowly back to the visitor’s center.

Grant stared out the window, lost in his thoughts.

“You got any kids?” he asked Malcolm

“Me?” Malcolm smiled, glowing. “Oh, hell yes. Three. I love them. I love kids. Anything at all can and does happen.

He took a flask from a jacket pocket and unscrews the top. His expression darkened.

“Same with wives, for that matter,” he added.

“You’re married?”

“Occasionally. Always on the lookout for the future ex-Mrs. Malcolm.”


Gerry stopped the car. The road ahead was blocked by a huge, fallen tree. He tried lifting it, but it didn’t budge.

“We’ll have to go back and take the maintenance road into the park,” he told the others, who were waiting back in the car. “It’ll take a little longer, but think of it as the scenic route.”

“Will we still make the boat?” Jess asked.

Gerry shook his head as he got back in the car. “I don’t think so. This storm looks like it’s only going to get worse. My weather prediction was completely off. Seems like you might get your wish, Jess.”

Jess smiled, glad that her stay in Jurassic Park might last a little longer.


Arnold noticed that the alarm systems in the Visitor’s Center were shutting down, as noted by the red blinking bulbs.

“That’s odd.”

“What?” Hammond asked.

“Door security systems are down.”

“Well Nedry said a few systems would go down, didn’t he?”


Grant and Malcolm didn’t notice the video screen in the middle of their front console suddenly going black.

“By the way, Dr. Sattler,” Malcolm continued. “She’s not like, uh, available, is she?”


“Why? Oh, I’m sorry. Are you two, uh-”


“Oh. Well, I wish you the best luck.”

The cars jerked to a stop. The lights in the vehicles and along the road went out, plunging them into blackness. Grant jerked his hands away from the steering column, immediately assuming it’s his fault.

“What’d I touch?!”

“You didn’t touch anything. We’ve stopped.”

“I must’ve touched something. This happens all the time. It must be my fault. Machines hate me.”

“Machines hate you?” Malcolm asked, amused.

“Yeah, they hate me.”

“You want to talk about this?”



Arnold stared at his terminal, aghast, as row upon row of colored lights crawls off on his screen.

“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell, what the hell?”

“What now?” Hammond groaned.

“Fences are failing, all over the park! A few minor systems, he said!”

Muldoon stepped forward, growing alarmed.

“The raptor fences aren’t out, are they?”

Arnold checked. “No, they’re still on.”

“What about the two Land Cruisers?”

“Stopped somewhere around the tyrannosaur paddock…”
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

Posts : 307
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Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2018 5:50 pm

Chapter Four

Tim was having fun with a pair of night vision goggles he’d found. He turned his head left to right, scanning the jungle. The night vision turned everything to dark shades of black and green. He could see Dr. Grant and Dr. Malcolm. He could see the steer wandering around the enclosure to their left.

He turned his head to the right, and froze. There was a dinosaur standing near the treeline. It was small, only a couple of feet long; but Tim knew what it was.

“Raptor!” he exclaimed.

“What?” Regis said, twisting in his seat.

“I see a raptor!” Tim said.

“That’s impossible!” Regis said.

“Take a look, Lex.” Tim handed the goggles to his sister. She put them on. “I don’t see it,” she said.

“To the right,” Tim said. “Move them to the right…”

“I am, I am,” Lex told him. “I don’t see it.”

Tim grabbed the goggles back from her and put them on.

The raptor was gone!

“Well?” Regis said.

“It must have run away,” Tim said despondently. “But I know I saw it!”

Regis looked grim. He thumbed the intercom. “Dr. Grant?”

“Right here,” Grant said.

“Tim says he saw a raptor.”

“What? Where did he see it?”

“It was close to the trees,” Tim reported. “About fifty feet away.”

“Are you positive it was a raptor?” Grant asked.

“Yes,” Tim said firmly.

There was a pause. “Radio control,” Grant ordered.

Regis picked up the radio, but all they heard was static. “It’s dead,” he reported. “Try yours.”

A brief pause, and then, “Ours is dead, too.”

“Great,” Regis said. “What do we do now?”

“Are we safe in the cars?” Grant asked.

Regis paused. “Yeah, we’re safe. Not to worry.”

To Tim, he sounded pretty worried.


“Well, this isn’t good,” Malcolm said, in the other car.

“No,” Grant said. “It isn’t.”

“How in the world could he have seen it? It’s darker than the inside of a…”

Grant thumbed the intercom. “Tim?”

“Yes, Dr. Grant?” the boy said.

“If you see anything else, let us know, okay?”

“Okay, Dr. Grant.”

“Seems a smart kid,” Malcolm murmured.

Grant bent over. “What are you doing?” Malcolm asked.

Grant reached under his seat. He’d noticed the box there before. He slid the box out from under his seat and opened it. Inside, there was a pair of brand new night vision goggles.

Grant put the goggles on. Suddenly, he could see for miles, despite the storm.

“This must be how the boy saw the creature,” he said.

Grant moved his head, taking in the surrounding jungle. He moved up the electric fence, stopping when he reached the top.

“Uh oh,” he said.

“What?” Malcolm asked.

“The lights on the fences are off,” Grant said.

“So the power in the fences is off?”

“Could very well be.”

Malcolm took a deep, shuddering breath.


Dennis Nedry moved down the corridors as the storm raged on outside.

He checked his watch. Yes, now was the time. All the staff would be at lunch.

He reached the end of the corridor and opened a door marked ‘Freezer.’ Cold air washed over him and he shivered. There were three pillars in the room. He walked over to the first one, grabbed hold of the handle on top, and pulled it up. There was a hissing as the coolant released. Inside, rows and rows of frozen dinosaur embryos.

Dennis glanced behind him, just to make sure no one was there. Then he reached into his bag and pulled out the can of shaving cream Dodgson gave him. He untwisted the bottom, like Dodgson had shown him. He removed the covering, revealing a secret compartment within the can with two dozen slots - perfect for stashing embryos inside.

He quickly began filling the can with embryos. He took several from each species, like Dodgson had told him. Two minutes later, he was done. He put the can in his bag, shouldered his bag, and walked out of the room.

He checked his watch. So far so good. On to the next stage.

He headed downstairs, to the garage. One of the jeeps was gone, so he took the other one. There was something hidden under a cloth in the passenger seat. He picked the cloth up, revealing a rocket launcher. Huh. He didn't know how to use the weapon, so it was useless to him.

Nedry stepped on the gas and drove out of the garage, heading east into the park.


The turbulent waves rocked the little fishing boat. Miles Chadwick looked up. The lamps throughout the park were turned off. “Well, the guy’s done his job so far,” he said. He turned around, to the woman behind him. “Don’t relax yet, sweetheart: there’s still a chance he’ll screw something up, and if that happens we're gonna have to go in there.”

The woman, a Costa Rican, shrugged. “It’s just a zoo. What’s the problem?”

Miles laughed, as if he found that funny for some reason. “Well, there’s always the guards we have to deal with.”

“Oh, not to worry,” the woman said. She patted the gun in her belt.

“I like the way you think,” Miles said.


“Where in the world is Nedry?” Hammond said. “Are the vending machines broken again?”

Robert Muldoon walked into the room. “He’s not at the vending machines.”

“Then where is he?”

“I don’t know. Ray?”

“Yeah?” Arnold sounded distracted.

“How are things?”

“Not good,” Arnold said. “No, not good at all.”

“We have to find Nedry.” Muldoon turned around and left the room. He ran into Henry Wu in the hallway.

“Something’s wrong!” the man exclaimed.

“Tell me about it-”

“Someone’s stolen the embryos!”

“What?” Muldoon roared.

“I was just in there a minute ago. At least two dozen are missing.” Wu sounded hysterical.
Muldoon stared at the man. “Nedry,” he said.


Muldoon couldn’t believe this was happening. He brushed past Wu without saying another word. He was heading for the garage.

When he got to the garage, he found the jeep missing. The one with the rocket launcher inside. He swore and quickly ran back upstairs.


When the power went out, David Banks’ first priority was checking on the dinosaurs. Dr. Laura Sorkin had told him to stay away from the quarantine pens, but he had to make sure that they were alright, taking a flashlight and a tranquilizer rifle with him. He wasn’t expecting it to be so… quiet. He found it uncomfortable.

The silence was broken by frightened chirping. Turning his flashlight toward the jungle, he saw a group of fearful compies running past him. They were fleeing from something, David realized. But what?

That question was answered by a clicking sound in the dark. David froze, recognizing the sound.

“Oh no.”

He stared into the darkness and found a pair of eyes staring back at him. David realized with horror that the species designated IG74726f6f646f6e had escaped containment and he found himself wishing that had listened to Laura…

More pairs of eyes were now staring at him. The creatures were communicating to each other, their eerie clicks scaring the shit out of David. He knew he had to get out of here, that he had to somehow escape back to the field laboratory. He turned around and started to run, but felt jaws clamp down on one of his legs. David cried out and fell forward, the flashlight shutting off as it tumbled away. The only light that remained were the eyes of the creatures that now surrounded him. David desperately reached for his tranquilizer gun, which had also escaped his grip, but before his fingers could even brush against it he found himself being dragged away from his weapon by the creatures. David frantically clawed at the ground in an attempt to save himself, but it did no good. The only thing David could do now was scream.

And scream he did as the pack began to feast upon him. To think that his life was being ended by the creatures he and Laura had saved from being exterminated. How cruelly ironic.

Eventually, David’s screams ceased and the only thing that could be heard were the clickings of his killers. Their hunger not yet satisfied, they headed out into the park to look for new prey. Despite how horrible his death had been, David was lucky, for a far worse fate awaited some of the victims of the newly freed carnivores…


The sign said ELECTRIFIED FENCE 10,000 VOLTS DO NOT TOUCH, but Nedry opened it with his bare hands and unlocked the gate, swinging it wide. He went back to the Jeep, drove through the gate, and then walked back to close it behind him.

Now he was inside the park itself, no more than a mile from the east dock. He stepped on the accelerator and bunched forward over the steering wheel, peering through the rain-slashed windshield as he drove the Jeep down the narrow road. He was driving fast-too fast-but he had to keep to his timetable. He was surrounded on all sides by black jungle, but soon he should be able to see the beach and the ocean off to his left.

This damned storm, he thought. It might screw up everything. Because if Dodgson’s boat wasn’t waiting for him at the east dock when Nedry got there, the whole plan would be ruined.

Something dashed across the road, a white flash in his headlights. It looked like a large rat. It scurried into the underbrush, dragging a fat tail. Possum. Amazing that a possum could survive here. You’d think the dinosaurs would get an animal like that.

“Shoulda been there by now,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head. “Shoulda been there-”

He hauled it around a corner and looked down, checking his watch. When he looked back up, his eyes go wide.

There was a white wood guard rail fence, right in front of him. He slammed on the brakes as hard as he can. The jeep fishtailed, skidding out of control in the mud towards the fence.

Nedry hauled the wheel hard to the side to try to control the skid, but the jeep skidded off the road, going halfway over the muddied embankment.

“God damn it!”

He dropped the car in reverse and hit the gas. The wheels spinned, sending mud flying everywhere, but the jeep went nowhere and just digged in further.

Nedry couldn’t believe it. Frustrated, he got out of the jeep. He stopped suddenly, seeing another park road down the sloping embankment about twenty feet below.

There was a large sign alongside the road. Nedry leaned forward excitedly to get a better look. It read “To East Dock”. He scrambled to the front of the jeep.

Nedry cranked a winch its coil on the front end of the jeep.

“No problem,” he mumbled to himself. “Winch this sucker off the thing, tie it to a thing, pull it down the thing, and pull it back up.

He lost his balance and slipped, falling back on his rear. He slid down the muddy embankment, across the road below. Pissed, he got to his knees and searched for his glasses.

“Where are my glasses? I can afford new ones.”

He stood and grabbed the winch, going to a sturdy-looking tree on the other side.

“You can make it!”

From the distance, there was a soft hooting sound. There’s some movement in the bushes. Nedry looked around for the source of the sound and movement. He didn’t find it. He nervously checked his watch and went back to the winch, but faster.

“No problem. Pop this thing right down-”

The hooting came again and Nedry turned. Again, nothing.

A figure ducked around the tree and popped out on the other side, hooting playfully.


Nedry looked around one side of the tree. Nothing. It popped up on the other side, hooting again. And Nedry looked again. Nothing. It seemed like a friendly game of hide-and-seek. But Nedry began to get rattled.

“That’s nice. Gotta go. I’m getting out of here. Come on, you can make it!”

He secured the winch and started across the road, back up the embankment. He froze, as he felt something behind him. He turned around slowly and saw a juvenile dilophosaur. She stood only about four feet high, she was spotted like an owl, and had a brilliant colored crest that flanked her head. She doesn’t look very dangerous. In fact, she’s kind of cute.

“Oh! Ah, nice girl. Nice girl! Nice dinosaur. I thought you were one of your big sisters. You’re not so bad. You’re not so bad. What do you want? You want food? Look at me. I just fell down a hill. I’m soaking wet. I don’t have any food. I have no food on me. I have nothing on me.”

The dilophosaur just stared at Nedry, tilting her head curiously. Nedry looked around on the ground and found a stick. He picked it up and chucked it at the thing. He threw it as far as he can.

“Nice juicy stick! Fetch!”

The dilophosaur watched the stick fly into the bushes, but turned her attention back on Nedry.

“Lame brain! What’s the matter with you?”

He shook his head and started back towards the jeep, muttering to himself.

“Walnut brain… extinct kangaroo… hope I run over you on the way down-”

He’s near the top when the dilophosaur suddenly hopped out right in front him, startling him. Nedry lost his balance and fell back. He got back to his feet, angry. He picked up a stick and chucks it at the thing.

“I said beat it!”

The animal hissed. The brightly colored fan around its neck flared wildly, two bulbous sacs on either side of her neck inflate. She reared her head back and Nedry felt something smack wetly against his chest. He looked down and saw a dripping glob of foam on his rain-soaked shirt. He touched it curiously, not comprehending…

It was spit.

The dinosaur had spit on him.

It was creepy, he thought. He looked back at the dinosaur and saw the head snap again, and immediately felt another wet smack against his neck, just above the shirt collar. He wiped it away with his hand.

Jesus, it was disgusting. But the skin of his neck was already starting to tingle and burn. And
his hand was tingling, too. It was almost like he had been touched with acid.

Nedry opened the car door, glancing back at the dinosaur to make sure it wasn’t going to attack, and felt a sudden, excruciating pain in his eyes, stabbing like spikes into the back of his skull, and he squeezed his eyes shut and gasped with the intensity of it and threw up his hands to cover his eyes and felt the slippery foam trickling down both sides of his nose.


The dinosaur had spit in his eyes.

Even as he realized it, the pain overwhelmed him, and he dropped to his knees, disoriented, wheezing. He collapsed onto his side, his cheek pressed to the wet ground, his breath coming in thin whistles through the constant, ever-screaming pain that caused flashing spots of light to appear behind his tightly shut eyelids. Despite the pain he forced his eyes open and still he saw nothing but flashing spots against black. Slowly the realization came to him.

He was blind.

Nedry scrambled to his feet and staggered forward to try to get into the jeep, but smacked his head on the door frame and collapsed.

The can of shaving cream flew out of Nedry’s jacket pocket and tumbled into runoff water, down the muddy hillside. Nedry got to his feet again and staggered in the general direction of the jeep. He reached the open door and felt his way in. He slammed the door.

There was another hoot. From inside the jeep.

Nedry turned and screamed. The dilophosaur was right there, in the passenger’s seat. She hissed louder than before, her crest fanning angrily, vibrating, reaching a crescendo… And then there was a new, searing pain, like a fiery knife in Nedry’s belly, and he reached blindly down to touch the ragged edge of his shirt, and then a thick, slippery mass that was surprisingly warm, and with horror he suddenly knew he was holding his own intestines in his hands. The dinosaur had torn him open. His guts had fallen out.

And she pounced, slamming Nedry back against the driver’s window, shattering it. There was new pain on both sides of his head and he knew that the dinosaur had his head in her jaws, and the horror of that realization was followed by a final wish, that it would all be ended soon.

As Nedry’s screams died out, rain and mud washed over the shaving cream can, burying it.


“You feel that?” Tim asked Lex.


There was a faint rumble. “That.”

Tim looked at the glasses of water on the dashboard of the car. There was another rumble. The water rippled. There was another rumble. The water rippled again. Another rumble.

“What is that?” Lex asked.

“It’s probably the power trying to come back on,” Regis reassured.

Then Regis saw something outside the car. His eyes went wide with fear.

“Jesus Christ,” he swore.

Tim heard the sound of a door opening and he turned his head to see Regis stepping out through the open door, ducking his head in the rain.

“Hey, where are you going?” Lex asked.

Regis ran away without a word, not even bothering to close the door to the Land Cruiser behind him.


“Where does he think he’s going?” Grant asked as Regis disappeared into the woods.

A sudden noise alerted Malcolm and Grant to the electric fence. Several of the cables snapped off the poles. The fence eerily creaked from being torn apart.

Then they heard it. A terrifying roar. A scream from some other world…

And a fully grown Tyrannosaurus Rex stepped onto the road in front of them.

Grant had never felt so afraid before. The rex stood on the road between the two cars, her head moving back and forth, as if trying to decide which one to go for first. Then, with a great heave, she turned and started making her way toward their car.

Malcolm let out a moan.

The rex took great heaving steps, each time she stepped, the ground shook like an earthquake. Grant’s fear rose to exhilarating levels. He watched, petrified, as the rex stopped in front of the car, and there was a brief pause. Then the head came down low, near the hood. Grant saw every line and detail in the animal’s skin, including the scarring on her cheeks. The monster grunted, and then licked the hood of the car with a big, purple tongue. Then she raised one, massive foot and stepped on the hood. The front of the car bounced, Grant smashed his head against the ceiling. He heard Malcolm let out a little squeak of terror and turned his head. The rex’s enormous head was right outside Malcolm's window! The eye peered in at them, in a cold, reptilian stare.

A long and low growl emanated from the rex.

Suddenly, a beam of light cut the darkness. Grant’s head snapped towards it, and he realized that it was coming from the other car. Probably a flashlight or something… maybe… Grant’s brain wasn’t working right. But then the rex stepped down, causing the Explorer to jump yet again. The massive beast turned, and started making her way to the other car. At first Grant was relieved; but then he realized: those kids are in that car!


Tim saw the animal in full view, attracted by the light. “Turn it off!” he screamed at Lex. When Lex saw Grant and Malcolm in danger, she’d grabbed the flashlight and flicked it on, and started waving it around in an attempt to get the rex’s attention. Well, she had! And now she was coming straight for them!

Lex switched the light off, and darkness descended.

Tim heard his and Lex’s panicked gasps as the minutes dragged on. Nothing happened. The rex was out there - somewhere. But where?

Then the lightning flashed, illuminating the outside of the vehicle. And Tim saw it. Two massive legs. For one brief moment he saw them, standing directly outside. Then it was dark again. Thunder rolled.

“Stay calm, Timmy,” he heard Lex whisper, panicked.

Tim tried to stay calm.

But in the next moment the car jumped. Lex screamed. Lightning flashed and Tim saw the rex’s jaws around the hood of the car, sinking into the metal like it was nothing. And he saw the yellow eye, staring coldly.

Then, with a heave, the car began to lift up off the ground. Tim couldn’t believe the incredible strength the animal possessed - but he was terrified.

But it seemed the weight was too much for even a tyrannosaur, and after a few moments the beast dropped them. The car bounced when it landed, rattling the two frightened children inside. A terrifying bellow ripped through the air, and to Tim, it sounded as if the rex were angry.

He prayed she would go away.

The next second he lost awareness - and when he came to, he was lying on his face on the window. He blinked, and realized that Lex was whispering at him.

“Tim! Tim! Are you okay?”

Tim groaned and opened his eyes. He looked up, and saw the seats turned upside-down. He realized he was lying on the ceiling of the car. That could only mean the car was no longer on its tires. It was on its roof.

The rex bellowed into the night.


Malcolm had remained frozen to his seat up until that moment, when the rex lashed out with its mighty foot and kicked the car onto its roof. That moment - that was when he broke out of his reprieve, and began digging around in the backseat for something, anything he could use to help those poor kids…

He found a flashlight, a big, durable flashlight. He kept looking. He found a box and opened it. Flares! He grabbed one. He glanced at Grant, but Grant was still staring forward out the window, oblivious to him. Malcolm opened the door and got out of the car. He lit the flare and began waving it, shouting “Hey! Hey! Over here! Hey!”

The rex stopped throttling the car for a moment and turned her massive head toward him. And Malcolm peed in his pants. He quickly got back in the car.

The rex turned and started making her way back to them.

“Oh no,” Malcolm said.


Harding drove into the garage, and was surprised to see Muldoon there, waiting for him.

“Muldoon!” he said. “What’s going on? What’s wrong with the lamps?”

“It’s more than the lamps!” Muldoon replied. “We’ve lost all power. And we think Nedry might have had something to do with it.”

“What?” Harding said. Now Ellie, Gennaro, and his daughter were out of the jeep too.

“What did you just say?” Gennaro demanded.

Muldoon didn’t answer. “I have to go and find that man. Are you coming with me?” he asked Harding.

“But where are we…” Harding started to say.

Muldoon moved past him and got in the jeep. “Get in if you’re going to.”

Harding looked at Jess. "Dad?" she said. “If the power's off then the fences…”

“I know,” Harding said. “I’m going with him. All of you go and find Hammond!”

“Dad!” Jess said.

“I’ll be fine, Jess.”

Harding got in the jeep beside Muldoon. “Weapons?” he asked.

Muldoon unshouldered two combat rifles. Then he put the jeep in forward drive and skidded out of the garage, back into the open.


As she waited for Dennis Nedry with Miles Chadwick at the East Dock, the Costa Rican woman looked off into the jungle. “Mariquita… stay warm tonight…” she whispered, before turning to Miles. “This storm is only gonna get worse.”

“I know!” Miles responded. “Nedry isn’t here. Fat bastard’s probably stuck in a doorway somewhere. I guess we have to go with Plan B.” He pulled out a photo of a cylindrical object. “This is what we’re here to collect.”

“Shaving cream?” the woman asked. This struck her as odd, but as long as she got paid and was screwing over InGen, she didn’t care.

“Uh-huh. Sure. Shaving cream.”

“Let’s just get going.” She started walking towards the jungle, Miles following as they went in after Nedry.


Malcolm took a death breath as the Rex took slow, ominous strides toward them. He turned to Grant.

“You know, at times like this one feels, well, perhaps extinct animals should be left extinct. Don’t you have that feeling now?”

Grant nodded, feeling his heart pounding. “Yes.”

“Get the kids.”

In a second Malcolm was out of the car and running away from the Land Cruisers while waving his arms and yelling at the top of his lungs. He was successful at getting the attention of the rex, which was quickly gaining as she pursued him.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit.”

He could feel the tyrannosaur’s breath down his neck. He was terrified and had no doubt that he was about to die. Boy, I hate being right all the time, he thought as he tried to stay ahead of the rex for as long as he could, to buy Grant as much time as possible…

As he was flung into the air he thought of Kelly.


It took Grant a moment to pull himself together. Then he was out of the car and in the rain, running to help the kids while Malcolm distracted the rex. He tried not to think about what the Tyrannosaur might do to the chaotician.

He dragged Lex out first. He was about to pull out Tim as well, when he heard Lex scream.

He turned around and to his horror there was a second tyrannosaur. This one was smaller, a juvenile. But still dangerous.

For a moment, Grant and Lex stared at the young tyrannosaur and she stared back. Then, with a roar, she charged.

Acting fast, Grant pushed Lex onto the overturned Land Crusier before scrambling up himself. The young rex snapped at his foot, grabbing his shoe with her teeth. Grant tried to shake himself loose, but the baby had an iron grip. She yanked, and Grant was pulled backward. He grabbed onto… something… he didn’t know what… but for a moment his grip held. Lex grabbed his arm and started pulling on him. It was a tug of war between a juvenile T-rex and a young girl. Grant heaved with all his might. He kicked with his free leg, landing a blow to the juvenile’s head. She didn’t even flinch. She continued to tug on his shoe. Grant felt his grip weakening…

The juvenile released Grant when she heard a roar louder than her own. The fully-grown adult was coming back, snapping at the juvenile. The young tyrannosaur fled while Lex helped Grant onto the concrete barrier that was behind the Land Cruiser. Beyond that was a drop. The rex paid no attention to them. Instead, the rex bended down and saw Tim still in the wreckage. Tim weakly tried to back away, but there was almost no room to move in there. The rex opened her mouth wide and stretched her tongue into the car. Tim screamed and violently kicked as the tongue tried to wrap around him. But it failed and withdrew from the car. Roaring in frustration, she began pushing the car toward the edge. Grant saw it coming and he grabbed one of the dangling fence cables on the other side of the barrier.

“Grab a hold of me!” he told Lex.

She obeyed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He scrambled to the edge of the barrier and started to climb down. The cable was slick with rain, and all Grant could do was hang on as he and Lex slid rapidly down. Above them, the vehicle was now teetering over the edge, threatening to drop right on top of them if they didn’t hurry. Grant gasped, as Lex had unwittingly started to choke him as she held on for dear life.

“You’re choking me!”

The car groaned, nearly over the edge now. Grant looked to the side. There were other cables, out of the line of the car’s impending drop. His feet scrambling along the concrete wall, Grant tried to swing over towards one.

“Grab a wire!” he shouted to Lex.

Lex nodded frantically and on the second swing she manages to grab hold of the second cable.

“I got it!”

The car fell. Lex and Grant were clear by inches, clinging to the second cable.

“Timmy!” Lex screamed.

The car crunched into the leafy top of a tree, resting on its roof some fifteen feet below them. Grant and Lex could see the rex staring down at them from above, before letting out one final roar and turning away.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

Posts : 307
Reputation : -8
Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2018 5:51 pm

Chapter Five

The jeep’s tires ground through the muddied road. Muldoon sat at the wheel, grim and determined, trying to figure out what to do.

“If Nedry has the embryos then his next move is to get off this island,” Harding said.

Muldoon nodded. “And he only has a couple of ways to do that. He can fly out or take a boat. Flying in this weather is suicide, so his only real choice is a boat.”

“He must have someone waiting for him, to collect the stash,” Harding said. “But not at the main dock.”

“No. Far too obvious. But the east dock…”

“That’s where he is. I bet my life on it,” Harding said.

Muldoon turned the jeep around and started driving in the opposite direction.

“I just hope we get there in time.”


Regis stepped out from behind the boulder, shivering. He looked around, making sure the coast was clear, and then started down the little service road. Man, was it dark. The jungle was a creepy place at night. But in the rain? He had the shivers all over.

Regis was glad to be alive. When he realized that the fence wasn’t electrified, he hadn't given it another thought; he’d just ran. Now that time had passed, he felt incredibly ashamed and cowardly. Leaving those kids all on their own. Running away. Saving himself. Yes, he was ashamed. As he walked, he was plagued by thoughts of what had transpired on the road after he left. Had the rex attacked them? Attacked the kids? Were they alright? Had someone come to save them?

Regis made a decision then. He would make his way back to the visitor center; he would tell Hammond and Muldoon what had happened; and then he would personally accompany them to go and find those kids. If they were still alive.

The thought of going back started him quaking, but he refused to give in to fear this time. He was not going to run away again. He was going to help.

But first, he had to make it back.


“At least the rain’s easing up,” Chadwick commented before he smacked his head off a tree branch. “Ow! InGen should’ve paved this whole island!”

His companion, a woman named Nima, turned around to face him. Her hands were on her hips and she stared at Chadwick intently.

“InGen should never have come here. Step back, Mr. Chadwick.”

“What, you don’t like my aftershave?” Chadwick asked.

“I don’t want any accidents.” Nima said, pulling out her machete.

She walked towards the thick foliage and began hacking her way through the jungle. After a trek through the jungle, the two came upon a large fence.

“What is this monstruosidad?” Nima exclaimed. “InGen is ruining the island.”

She noticed a sign on the fence stating that the fence was a ten-thousand volt electric fence.

“Is it so important to keep people out?” she asked out loud.

“Don’t worry about it,” Chadwick told her. “Just find a way through. The power should be out.”

Nima noticed a stick laying on the ground. She walked over, picked it up, and tossed it at the fence. Nothing happened. She then walked up to the fence, slowly reaching out a hand and grasping a cable. Still, nothing happened.

“Lead the way,” Chadwick insisted.

As Nima and Chadwick climbed over the tall fence, they never noticed the sign labeled, ‘Dilophosaurus.’

As Nima and Chadwick walked through the jungle, Nima noticed a strange shape on the ground. She knelt down to examine it.

“What is it?” Chadwick asked.

“Que es esto?” Nima wondered. “Not báquiro. Like a bird, but much too big…”

“It’s a zoo, remember?” Chadwick reminded. “All kinds of animals! Get moving. Our tracking device says we’re close.”

The two continued their trek until they were halted by a faint hoot that echoed in the jungle.

“Did you hear that?” Chadwick said nervously. “What was that?”

“An animal,” Nima said. “Something that I’ve never heard before…”

Nima pulled out her machete and proceeded to poke at various bushes with the machete. Suddenly a toucan flew out of the bushes, startling Chadwick. “Oh God!”

“That animal, I know,” Nima recognized. “We call him Moku-Pa.”

“I hate this damn jungle!” Chadwick whined.

“Look,” Nima said, drawing Chadwick’s attention to a tunnel off in the distance. “This way.”

As the two walked along the road, they noticed car on a slope by the road.

“Over there,” Nima pointed out.

“There we go,” Chadwick grinned. “Hey Nedry! You get stuck or something? Nedry! You deaf!?”

No one answered.

Nima began climbing up the slope. “Hey I’m going to go around,” Chadwick told her. “It’ll be faster.” He vanished.

Nima approached the car. “Somebody in there?” She tapped on the window. Nothing. She tried to open the door, but the door refused to budge. She looked into the windshield, but the inside was fogged up. She went back to the door and tugged on the handle with all her might, finally opening the door. Inside was the eaten remains of Dennis Nedry. Suddenly a creature leapt out with a hoot and fled, knocking Nima down.

Chadwick walked around from behind the car and saw Nima on the ground, panting.

“All tired out, huh? I told you it was better to go around!”

“Something just… jumped me,” Nima gasped. “It was on your friend here.”

Chadwick peered into the car and saw what was left of Nedry.

“Aw, that’s disgusting!” he cried out.

“There was something… feeding on him.” She needed answers. “What the hell kind of zoo is this?”


Ed Regis heard voices and quickened his pace. In the dark tunnel, he couldn’t see anything. But he heard voices. Maybe it was Muldoon…

He ran faster, his footsteps echoing in the tunnel. He could see the end, it wasn't far now.


“You hear that?” Chadwick asked. He put a hand to his ear.

Nima listened. Yes, footsteps. They were coming from the tunnel. Nima turned and saw a man coming out of the tunnel.


Regis froze when he saw two people he didn’t recognize. One was a Costa Rican woman and the other was a man wearing glasses and an InGen uniform. Both were armed with guns and the woman had a machete. They also seemed baffled at the sight of the dirty mud-covered Regis with stains between his legs.

“Who the hell are you people?” Regis asked cautiously.


Grant and Lex were at the bottom of the large barrier leading up to the park road. Like it or not, they were in the park now, and are surrounded by think jungle foliage on all sides. Grant was bent over a big puddle, splashing water on his face, rinsing the blood off and trying to bring himself to.

Poor Lex was scared as hell. She stood behind Grant, ramrod straight, her breath coming short, desperate gasps. Her eyes were wide and she didn’t look like she could move.

Grant turned and looked up to the tree the Explorer fell in. It was stuck there, nose down in the thickest top branches.

Lex’s gasps were getting louder. She was terrified.

“Hey, come on, don’t - don’t - don’t - just - just - stop, stop.” Grant touched her, but it was awfully awkward, more of a pat on the head than anything strong or reassured.

But she responded to the contact, hurling herself forward and throwing her arms tightly around his waist. She clamps here, holding on for dear life, sobbing.

“Lex, you gotta be quiet, please,” Grant told her. “Stop it. Shhhhh.”

This seemed to quiet her. Grant turned and looked up at the tree again.

“Timmy!” Grant called out in a whispered shout. “Timmy!”

He heard a cracking sound and the Explorer fell a few feet lower into the branches.

Grant looked down at Lex, who is sitting on a rock.

“Dad,” she said to herself. “Dad-”

“Shhh, I’m right here, Lex,” Grant reassured. “I’m going to look after you. I’m going to help your brother. I want you to stay here and wait for me, okay?”

“He left us,” she whimpered, referring to Regis. “He left us.”

“That’s not what I’m going to do,” Grant promised.

Grant walked to the tree. Lex scampered into the culvert.

Grant took a deep breath. grabbed hold of the first branch, and started his long climb. Fortunately, it was a good climbing tree, its branches were thick and regularly spaced.

Grant moved at a good pace. He reached the car’s level, on the driver’s side five or six feet to one side of it.

The car was in rough shape. It was much thinner that it use to be, its nose completely smashed in, the front wheels driven solidly into a thick branch, holding it in placed.

“Tim?” Grant called out. “Tim?”

Grant came up to the car and looked in. Tim was huddled on the floor on the passenger side, frightened, hugging his knees to his chest.

He looked up at Grant with a tear and blood-streaked face. “I threw up,” he said, his voice barely audible.

“That’s okay,” Grant told him. “Listen, give me your hand.”

Tim didn’t move.

“I won’t tell anybody you threw up,” Grant promised. “Just give me your hand, okay?”

He reached out. Tim reached too, but they were still about a foot apart. Grant grabbed hold of the steering wheel to pull himself further in. The wheel turned.

On the branch, the front wheel turned, losing a bit of their grip on the thick branch they’re resting on.

Tim and Grant grabbed hands. Grant held on to him, getting an arm securely around his waist. They climbed down. They stopped on a branch.

“Okay, that’s not so bad, ah Tim?”

“Yes it is.”

“It’s just like coming out of a tree house. Did your dad ever build you a treehouse, Tim, eh?”


“Me too.” He started to move down. “Okay. Well, the main thing about climbing is never, never look down, never.

“This is impossible,” Tim complained. “How am I going… I can’t make it. This is… it’s about fifty feet. What if the car falls?”

The car groans forward on the branch, which sagged in their direction. They looked up. The car began to shift dramatically towards them.

“Oh no,” Grant realized.

They both climbed down, as fast as they could, as the big branch that was supporting the car creaked, ready to give way any second.

“Go, Tim, go!” Grant urged. “Faster! Faster!”

The branch broke. Disintegrated, really, and the car fell straight at them.

Grant and Tim released the branch that they were on and fell, thudding into another branch a few feet down. The car smacked into the big branch they just vacated, and stopped there.

Grant and Tim were half climbing, half falling down the tree now, slipping on the resin-covered branches, just trying like hell to get out of the way.

The second branch broke, and now the car smashed and crashed through a network of thinner branches, headed right for them. It hit open space and went into free fall.

Grant turned, and put up his arms in defense and the car stopped, slamming into a thick branch just above him.

Grant looked up, eyeball to eyeball with the front grill.

The new branch started to creak.

Grant and Tim basically fell down the rest of the tree, the car bashing its way through right behind them. They jumped the last six or seven feet and hit the ground, hard.

Grant grabbed Tim and rolled with him, to the side, just as the car smashed into the earth behind them.

Lex was still in the culvert, terrified, slowly banging her head against the wall.

Grant was at the mouth of the culvert, carefully studying a map of the park. He looked up, picking a direction, and shoved the map in his pocket decisively.

He looked back in at Lex.

“Lex, you’re going to have to get out of there.” He walked towards her. “Hiding isn’t a rational solution; we have to improve our situation.”

She didn’t move. Grant gestured to Tim.

“Tim’s out here. He’s okay.”

Still nothing. Grant tried a new tactic and started walking away.

“Of course you could just wait in there while we go back and get help.”

Tim followed Grant, playing along. He nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

“You’ll probably be safe enough on your own…”

“I doubt it,” Tim added.

“Maybe.” Grant shrugged. “It’s hard to say.”

“Liar!” Lex snapped. “You said you wouldn't leave!”

“I’m trying to use psychology to get you out of the drain, you know!” he explained.

She just stared at him like he was nuts. Tim shook his head at Grant, as if to say “nice try”. Grant calmed his tone.

“Alright,” he said. “We’re just going to walk back home. Together.”

We walked over to Lex at the culvert and sat across from her.

“But we can’t go back the way we came. What we have is a free-range T-Rex on the road. If we meet her between here and the lodge, we’d have problems. But what this means is that this whole paddock is empty. It’s safe.”

“It’s safe?” Lex asked.

“It’s safe,” Grant nodded. “And that’s the way we’re going to go. What do you say?”

“Alright,” Lex finally said.

Lex crawled out of the culvert and stood next to him.

“Good girl,” Grant smiled.

Tim and Lex nodded, and he started off in the direction he indicated. They trailed behind him.


“Uh, we, we’re…” Chadwick stammered. “We uh, we’re guards, yeah, and we found this guy, this guy here.”

The red-haired man remained frozen where he was, looking back and forth from Chadwick to Nima. Nima reached into her pocket and pulled out her gun. She pointed it at the man. The man’s eyes widened with shock. “What are you-” he started to say.

“Come over here,” Nima ordered.

The man didn’t budge. He goggled at her disbelievingly.

“I said move!” Nima yelled. “Come on, right now.”

The man remained frozen for another moment before taking a tentative step forward, his hands up. His whole body was vibrating.

“I have had a really difficult day!” he exclaimed.

“That’s alright man, we don’t want trouble,” Chadwick said. “Just come up here and we’ll talk. Come on, we can be civilized.” He glanced at Nima.

“Hurry up,” Nima ordered.

The man began to scramble up the slope, a difficult task as he was still holding his hands up.

“What are we gonna do?” Chadwick whispered to Nima. “We can’t let him go; he’ll squeal.”

“You’re right,” Nima said.

“You’re not gonna…”

Nima didn’t answer.

The man reached the top of the muddied slope and looked from Chadwick to Nima. His chest was rising and falling in quick gasps. He looked terrified. "Don’t kill me."

"I don't want to kill you," Miles said. "We just-"

Suddenly the bushes to the right of them shook. Everyone's gaze darted to the movement. "What was that?" Miles asked.

A soft hooting carried across the road. Nima glanced at their prisoner and saw that he was shaking with fear. “It’s the-”

At the bottom of the road, a little green dinosaur about the size of a large dog, hopped out of the bushes and looked at the humans.

“It’s a dilo,” the man squeaked. “It can shoot poison spit.”

“What?!” Chadwick said incredulously.

The little dinosaur observed the three humans with something akin to curiosity. Then it took a bounding step forward.

“Shoot it!” Chadwick shouted.

Nima pulled the trigger several times in quick succession. The explosions rattled the dinosaur and it turned around and fled back into the bushes.

“Good one,” Chadwick said.

Nima turned to face him. That was when she noticed that the red-haired man was gone.

“Where’d he go?” Chadwick asked.

“Forget about him,” Nima decided. “We have a job to do and I’d rather not waste anymore valuable time. But first, you have some explaining to do, Miles. What the hell was that thing? And don’t lie.”

“A dinosaur.”

“A dinosaur?” Nima wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth. “Are you kidding me?”

“InGen has been making dinosaurs on this island and are planning on using them as theme park attractions.”

Nima thought for a moment. That thing did look prehistoric… “Alright. I believe you. And what does shaving cream have to do with this? No more need-to-know crap.”

“The can has a false bottom that can be screwed open,” Chadwick explained. “It’s a secret container for stolen dinosaur embryos. But they won't last forever, so we really need to find it now…”

Chadwick looked through Nedry’s jeep. “Shit!” he cursed. “It’s not here! Dammit! We’re screwed!”

“Calm down,” Nima told him. “It can’t be far from here. Look around.”

“Alright,” Chadwick nodded. “Can I ask you something, Nima?”


“Were you going to kill that guy?”

Nima didn’t answer. She turned away from Chadwick. He shrugged. “Fine. Forget I asked.”

Honestly, Nima didn’t know. Would she have pulled the trigger? It didn’t matter, she decided. And hopefully this would all be worth it…

Chadwick pulled out a flashlight and turned it on, and began searching the ground around the jeep while Nima kept watch. “Look at all this mud!” Chadwick said incredulously. “It could be buried. We’ll never find it.” He kicked the tire again.

“Don’t give up,” Nima told him. “Keep looking.”

Chadwick muttered a bunch of swear words as he continued looking.

Nima heard that soft hoot again and looked up. The creature was standing with just her head poking out of the foliage. Nima raised her gun and shot once. Chadwick screamed. “What’s the deal?” he demanded. “You scared me.”

The creature ducked her head and disappeared back into the foliage.

“Don’t mind me,” Nima said. “Keep looking for the can.”

Chadwick resumed looking, and he looked for about five minutes. During that time, the little green dinosaur revealed herself three more times, and each time Nima dissuaded her with a bullet.

“It’s hopeless,” Chadwick said at last. “It’s probably hidden under all this mud. It’s impossible to find it.”

Nima came over to him. “You are stepping on the clues!” she exclaimed.

“What?” Chadwick said, confused.

Nima bent down, examined the ground. “The man. He was a fat man, wasn’t he?”

“Very fat,” Chadwick said.

“Look at this, here,” Nima said. She gestured to the big indent in the mud, like someone had fallen down.

“He fell,” Nima observed. She moved her gaze slowly down. “And he dropped the can.”

She scuttled to the bottom of the slope. There was a big mound of mud at the bottom. She began to dig through it, her hopes soaring.

Her fingers closed around something hard, and she pulled it out.

The can!

“Well done!” Chadwick exclaimed.

She brushed the can off. “What a lot of work for shaving cream.”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” Chadwick said. “Can I have it?”

She looked at him, suspicious. He rolled his eyes. “Come on, I’m not going to screw you over.”

“How can I believe that?” she asked.

Chadwick sighed, exasperated. “There are dinosaur embryos in there,” he explained. “They need to be kept frozen, or they’re worthless.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out… something. A little tube it looked like. He held it up to her. “I need to freeze them so they stay fresh for the boat ride back.”

“Okay,” Nima said. She handed him the can.

“There,” he said, and Nima heard the release of chemicals. “That’ll do the trick. Alright, now all we gotta do is get out of here.”

Nima nodded. “We can take the car,” she suggested.

Chadwick looked horrified. “The car? With Nedry’s dead body inside?”

Nima put her hands on her hips.

“Okay, fine,” Chadwick grumbled. He looked up at the vehicle. “But first we have to get it down.”

“The tow cable.” Nima pointed to the winch on the front of the jeep.

“Good plan,” Chadwick said.

Chadwick and Nima walked behind the car and began pushing against it. Using all their strength, they managed to push the car over the log. The car went down the slope and struck a tree.

“Yeah!” Chadwick cheered. “We did it!”

Nima smiled. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”

She climbed down the slope and pulled what was left of Nedry out of the car. “Sorry, Nedry. Nothing personal, you just smell really awful.” She did feel sorry for Nedry though, even though she didn’t know him. Nobody deserved to die that way. She turned to Chadwick. “Ready to go?”

He didn’t answer.

“Miles, are you ready to go?”


She turned around and saw Chadwick staring at her wide-eyed.

“What?” Nima asked.

Miles pointed behind her. “Look,” he said quietly.

Nima looked in the direction he pointed and she heard the soft hooting sound. The juvenile dilophosaurus emerged from the jungle. And she wasn’t alone...

She had brought friends.

Nima checked her gun to see how many bullets she had left. “Not enough.”

“Oh God,” Chadwick whimpered fearfully. “Oh God.”

The lead dilophosaur lowered her body to the ground, letting out a rattling hiss. Then, she jerked upright again, and the flaps of skin on her neck stretched out like a fan, and began to rattle.

Chadwick screamed. Nima heard the sound of a door opening and closing. She turned and saw that Chadwick had gotten in the car. She decided she had better do that to.

The rest of the dilophosaurs copied the first one with the neck-flap thing. Nima thought it was a sign of aggression.

She opened the door and got in the car - sitting down right where Nedry’s body had been. A horrible stench washed over her, it was nauseating. She scooched as far away from the stains as she could, disgusted.

She heard odd little chirping noises and looked out the window. The dinosaurs were eagerly hopping around the car, sniffing it, sliding their bodies against it. One of them jumped on the hood. She stared at Nima with a cold reptilian gaze. Then she brought her head down on the windshield. A crack appeared in the glass, and Chadwick said, “Hurry, drive!”

Nima attempted to start up the car but nothing happened.

“Dammit!” Nima yelled. “Come on!”

Nima tried to start up the car again. The glass started to crack more as the dilophosaurus continued slamming the windshield with her snout. Chadwick screamed. “Holy shit!”

The car finally started and Nima it into reverse. As the car began swerving around, the dilophosaurus fell off and onto the ground. Another dilophosaurus looked up and was crushed by the car as it ran over her.

“I think we just killed something!” Chadwick shouted.

“Good!” Nima responded.

She got the car out of reverse and drove into the tunnel, leaving the dilophosaurs behind them. Chadwick started to laugh uncontrollably. “We did it! Thank God! East Dock here we come!”

Nima noticed a stain between his legs. Chadwick covered it, embarrassed. “Keep your eyes on the road!”

It seemed like their troubles were behind them…


Muldoon and Harding were tense as Muldoon drove the jeep down the slippery, muddy road. One false move and they’ve be in the ditch. But that was the least of their problems.

It had been at least fifteen, maybe twenty minutes since the power went off and Nedry vanished.

If he really had taken the embryos, and his target of escape was the east dock, they had precious little time to get there…

Muldoon glanced up as he drove and saw a sign that said ‘East Dock,’ and underneath, an arrow pointing them in the right direction.

“If we don’t catch that sucker…” Muldoon didn't want to think of the implications.

At last the dock came into sight. And sure enough, there was the other jeep.

“That fat son of a…” Muldoon said darkly.

Harding glanced at him. Part of him wondered if Muldoon planned on bringing Nedry back alive.

They drove closer and closer to the dock. Harding could make out two figures walking toward a boat. Wait, two figures?

The car skidded into the clearing. Muldoon jumped out, gun in hand, and Harding quickly followed. “Freeze!” Muldoon screamed, like a ravage animal. “Dennis! Put your hands up!”

A gunshot rang crisp and clear through the air. And then Muldoon slumped to the ground.

Harding rushed to Muldoon’s side and checked his vitals. Unconscious, but still alive. He could now get a clearer look at the two figures. One of them was a man wearing glasses and an InGen uniform. The other was a Costa Rican woman. The man was holding a can of shaving cream and a gun. The woman possessed a gun and a machete, but was holding up Muldoon’s rocket launcher. “Put your hands where I can see them,” she ordered. “And put your gun down…”

Harding nodded, carefully putting his gun down and putting his hands where the man and the woman could see them. “Let’s not do anything hasty…”

“Take their guns!” the woman told the man.

“Hey, I’m the one in charge here-” the man argued.

“Dammit, now’s not the time!” the woman snapped. “Shut up and take their guns!”

The man nodded and took Harding and Muldoon’s guns, grumbling.

“Where’s Nedry?” Harding asked.

“Nedry’s dead,” the woman told him. “One of your dinos got him.”

“What are we going to do with them?” the man asked the woman.

The woman gestured toward Muldoon. “You should get your friend medical attention,” she told Harding. “Get in your car and drive away. Don’t try anything funny.”

Harding nodded obediently, not wanting to provoke them. He dragged Muldoon over to his jeep and got in himself. He began backing away.


“Are we really going to let them get away?” Chadwick asked Nima.

Nima nodded. “You got a problem with that?”

“Hey, I’m not arguing with the woman who has a rocket launcher.”

“Good choice.”

Chadwick and Nima ran to the boat and jumped in. Nima let out a tired sigh. “Yeah!” Chadwick exclaimed. He tried to high-five Nima, but she wouldn't go for it.

The captain of the vessel, Bob, looked at the two of them with something akin to fear. “Are we ready to depart?” he asked, a bit anxiously.

“Wait,” said a voice behind him. Nima turned. Her employer, Lewis Dodgson, stepped into the faint light. He was stone faced as he asked for the canister. Chadwick gave it to him: “All yours, boss.”

Dodgson unscrewed the lid and checked the embryos in the hidden compartment. After a moment, he gave a nod. “I see you refreshed them,” he said.

“Yep,” Chadwick said. “Like you told me.”

Dodgson was quiet for another moment, then nodded again. “Well done, both of you. You’ve more than earned your pay.” His gaze darted to Nima. “Especially you, Miss Cruz. Your quick action back there may have saved our lives. I know Chadwick here wouldn't have been so brave.”

Chadwick folded his arms and scowled at the jab to his ego.

“None of that matters now,” Dodgson said. He put the canister in his bag. He smiled. “Smooth sailing from here on out.”

Nima looked up at the stars. The clouds were gone. The storm had passed. She took it as a good omen. Without the crashing rain and shrieking wind, she could hear every little sound within fifty feet of them. Including the heavy splash behind them.

She turned around. She saw ripples at the shoreline where something had gone in. She turned back to the men. “Come over here, quick!”

They quickly came to her side. "What is it?" Chadwick asked.

She pointed out the ripples to them. "What’s that?” Chadwick asked.

“Something following us,” Dodgson said. He went to the back, and came back with a machine gun. He flicked the safety, then put the gun over the rail and fired. The sound was deafening. Dodgson let off a loose burst and then stopped. The ripples were gone.

“Well, there we go,” Chadwick said with finality.

Then there was a splash behind them and Nima spun around as Bob screamed. Something - a coiling mass of skin - was slathering over the rail, onto the boat. With imperceptible speed, the creature jumped on Bob. The sailor’s muffled screams were cut short. Dodgson raised his machine gun and fired. Nima and Chadwick did the same. Silence fell. Nima’s eyes darted around quickly, searching for a glimpse of this assailant.

Nima spotted a few drops of blood on the deck. Whatever that thing was, they had wounded it. But where did it go?

They were so focused on their one stowaway that they didn’t notice more creatures swimming toward the boat…


Harding hit the brakes when he saw a man standing in the road ahead. To his surprise, it was Regis. Harding immediately got out of the jeep.


“Hey, Dr. Harding,” Regis said with a smile, relieved to see a friendly face he recognized. “Can you give me a ride?”

“Of course! I was taking Muldoon back to the visitor center-”

“No!” Regis stopped him. “We need to go to the tyrannosaur paddock! Hammond’s grandchildren and his experts could be in danger!”

Harding nodded and climbed back into the car. “Climb in.”

Regis eagerly did so and Harding stepped on it, hoping that they were not too late…


Nima’s full attention was on the creature in the darkness. She was eager to shoot it once it revealed itself. But then she heard a noise behind her and turned to look. A pair of jaws snapped closed inches from her face. She screamed. Suddenly, there were more of them - swarming up the sides of the boat. Nima shot her gun without thinking. The air was filled with the sound of gunshots. Nima glimpsed a pair of three-fingered hands clutching the railing and teeth flashing in the moonlight. Terror overwhelmed her. She looked forward, and saw multiple of the creatures, their eyes blazing, blocking them from the boat’s controls. Nima knew chances of survival were slim. So at this point it didn’t matter what she did. All that considered, she turned around and jumped into the water. The water was freezing cold, chilling her to the bone in an instant. She began to swim. She expected a pair of jaws to fasten around her leg at any moment, but it didn't happen. She heard screaming. It sounded like Chadwick. Nima swam harder. She heard another splash - could it be one of the men, or a dinosaur? She swam even harder. She reached the shore and quickly pulled herself onto dry land. She’d made it. She looked back to the boat and saw the creature’s eyes blazing in the darkness. They were remaining on the boat. That could only mean they’d made a kill.

Movement caught her eye, and she turned to see a figure running like mad for the jeep. “Hey!” she exclaimed. “Wait!” The man ignored her and started up the jeep and drove out of there. Nima cursed.

She heard a rustling sound behind her. She drew her machete - the only weapon she had left - and turned to face the sound. Suddenly, something ran past her at great speed - and Nima screamed as she felt excruciating pain in her arm. She looked at her arm. Something had bit her. The pain was so intense, she had to grind her teeth to keep from screaming.

She heard an odd clicking noise in the bushes around her. Okay, that was enough. She turned and began to run.

She stopped only once when she saw something on the ground. Dodgson’s bag. How did it get here? She opened it up and found the can of shaving cream. I should probably hold onto this, she decided. She then ran into the jungle.

She never saw the glowing eyes appear in the foliage.


A few minutes later…

A woman staggered onto the road in front of a car. Beeping the horn, the driver slammed the brakes and swerved out of the way, barely missing a collision. The woman collapsed in the car's headlights and the driver got out, kneeling down and noticing the wound on the unconscious woman's arm. Not just noticed it. Recognized it.

“Shit,” Dr. Laura Sorkin cursed. She had been heading to the visitor center, figuring that was the safest place to be.

A clicking snarl erupted from the bushes ahead and a creature hidden in the darkness darted across the road.

Moving fast, Laura picked up the woman and carried her to the car.

As she drove away, three pairs of eyes lit up in the darkness…
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

Posts : 307
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Join date : 2018-02-22

The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece)   The Isla Nublar Incident (A Collaborative Piece) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2018 5:32 pm

Chapter Six

Harding drove the jeep down the smooth road. He glanced at Muldoon in the back; the man was groaning and mumbling in his sleep. Ed Regis was beside him, keeping an eye on him.

They were coming up on the T-rex paddock. They’d be there in just a couple seconds. Dread clotted in Harding’s gut. What would they find? A couple of half-eaten corpses? Or was everything perfectly fine?

The headlamps illuminated a Land Cruiser. The hood of the vehicle was bent inward, like someone had thrown a boulder onto it. Beside it, the fence had been trampled and smashed. Harding cursed. He was afraid this would happen. There was no denying the fact that the T-rex had broken out of her enclosure.

He stopped the car and he and Regis got out. They checked the remaining Cruiser. There was nobody inside. “Where’s the other one?” Regis asked.

“How should I know?” Harding replied.

“Wait - did you hear that?” Regis said.


“It sounds like breathing.”

Harding listened. Yes, he heard it too. “It’s coming from over there,” he said, pointing.

He and Regis made their way toward the sound. Harding reached into his belt and pulled out a flashlight. He turned it on and scanned the road.

He noticed something - a dark mass - lying about five yards away. At first he thought it was a piece of debris, but as he got closer, he saw the pale skin. It was a man.

“It’s Malcolm!” Regis said.

Harding bent down next to the man and checked his pulse. He felt one. “He’s alive,” he told Regis. Harding scanned him with the light. “It’s his leg. The rex bit his leg.”

“But she didn’t eat him,” Regis said.

“No,” Harding said. "Come on, I think we can carry him."

He and Regis then picked the man up and carried him back to the jeep. Muldoon was regaining consciousness. “Where’s Nedry?” he mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it,” Harding told him. “We’re going to get you to a doctor.”

“We have a doctor?” Regis asked.

“Yep,” Harding said. “It’s me.”

“But you’re a vet.”

The two men got in the jeep and drove off into the night.


“Are we going to walk all night?” Tim asked Grant.

“I don’t think I can,” Grant admitted. “We’ll have to stop, at least for a few hours.”

“Where are we going to stop?” Lex asked, immediately.

Grant thought for a moment. “I’m going to climb a tree and have a look around,” he finally announced.

High in the branches, he had a good view of the forest, the tops of the trees extending away to his left and right. They were surprisingly near the edge of the forest. Beyond that, a large open field and in the distance, more trees, and misty moonlight sparkling on the ocean. Somewhere he heard the bellowing of a dinosaur, but it was far away. Grant then saw what he was looking for: the dark strip of a service road, leading to the flat rectangle of a roof. The roof was barely above ground level, but it was there. And it wasn’t far.

When he came back down it took only a few minutes to lead the kids to the embankment leading to the below-grade service road, and the maintenance building off to the right.

Somewhere in the distance, they heard the tyrannosaur roar. “Is she around here?” Lex asked.

“No,” Grant reassured. “We’re in another section of park from her.” They slid down a grassy embankment and moved toward the concrete building. In the darkness it was forbidding, bunker-like.

“What is this place?” Lex asked.

“It’s safe,” Grant said, hoping that was true.

The entrance gate was large enough to drive a truck through. It was fitted with heavy bars. Inside, they could see, the building was an open shed, with piles of grass and bales of hay stacked among equipment.

The gate was locked with a heavy padlock. As Grant was examining it, Lex slipped sideways between the bars. “Come on, you guys.”

Tim followed her. “I think you can do it, Dr. Grant.”

He was right. It was a tight squeeze, but Grant was able to ease his body between the bars and get into the shed. As soon as he was inside, a wave of exhaustion struck him.

“I wonder if there's anything to eat,” Lex said.

“Just hay.” Grant broke open a bale, and spread it around on the concrete. The hay in the center was warm. They laid down, feeling the warmth. Lex curled up beside him, and closed her eyes. Tim put his arm around her. He heard sauropods trumpeting softly in the distance.

Neither child spoke. They were almost immediately snoring. Grant felt the warmth of the children against his own body. He closed his eyes, and slept.


Meanwhile in a maintenance shed a few miles from the tyrannosaurus paddock, three park workers sat in wait, totally oblivious to the fact that some of the most dangerous monsters to ever be created were now roaming the island, confused and out of containment. All they knew is that the power had gone out, and one of the rexes was out of its pen.

The shed was dark. They were hungry. But none of them dared to step outside.

One man, a repairman named John Harris, cranked their lamp for what must have been the fiftieth time. John could barely even remember what the maintenance shed looked like with the power on.

“I’m sick and tired of this,” he huffed. “How about we just break for the jeep and hope the rex isn’t still sticking around?”

“I don’t think he’s still around,” said Thomas Albert from in the darkness where the lamp light couldn't reach. “I haven’t heard his roar for at least an hour.”

Harris nodded. “Me neither.”

“If you’re so sure,” said Trey Roland from the corner. “Then why don't you just step outside and find out?”

John didn’t say anything. Sure, he was tired of sitting in this maintenance shed waiting for a call that wouldn’t come, but, at the end of the day, there was still a T-rex outside. At least, there was a few hours ago, and there was no telling whether or not the rex was still around. And John wasn’t taking his chances to find out.

But Thomas seemed confident that the rex had left them. He stood from the darkness and made for the door.

“Alright then,” he said, adjusting his maintenance helmet in an overly dramatic manner. “I’ll see you guys at the Visitor Center, okie dokie?” He grinned, grabbing the door handle.

Trey rolled his eyes.

John raised an eyebrow. “You’re actually going out there?”

“Yeah dude,” Thomas said. “Y’all can stay behind if you like. I understand if you’re not emotionally prepared for the challenge of travelling to a building via automobile.” He grinned again.

“Careful, your ego’s getting outta hand,” Trey said. “It’s gonna eat you alive.”

Thomas opened the door and had barely taken a step before a large green shape fell upon the man and two strong jaws clamped his head in place, keeping him still as razor sharp toe claws dug into his flesh.

John found himself running towards the door and tugging it shut before any of the monsters could get in.

He stumbled back and covered his ears to block out the screams.


Lewis Dodgson swore when he realized he had left his bag behind. Without that canister, all of this would have been for nothing! But he didn't dare go back for it. The only thing he cared more about than the canister was saving his own life. He had to try to put more distance between himself and those things that had gotten poor Chadwick. Had they gotten Cruz as well? She might have made it onto shore as well, but Dodgson was in such a panic that he didn't wait around to make sure. She was most likely dino food anyway. A damn shame.

Dodgson had no idea where he was going. This island and its layout was completely unfamiliar to him. This wasn't supposed to happen. And now Dodgson wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this. Biosyn wasn't going to send another boat. He was trapped on Isla Nublar.

Faced with this realization, Dodgson swore again and struck the wheel angrily. All his careful planning...

He turned a corner and saw a concrete barrier up ahead. He quickly slammed on the brakes and stopped short of the wall before he could hit it. Dodgson took a deep breath. He had been driving like a lunatic and could have gotten himself killed. He needed to think.

For a moment Dodgson listened to his heavy breathing and for the first time noticed the awful smell coming from his seat. It smelled like something had died in here. Then he realized something had died in here. Nedry. The poor bastard.

Dodgson knew he had to calm down. He could go back for the canister in the morning, he decided. When there was light. After that, he knew he couldn't get caught by the other people on the island. If he was lucky, maybe Biosyn would send another boat or a helicopter to find him. Unlikely, but Dodgson had to hope. It was the only chance he had.

But first Dodgson knew that he had to find some shelter. The cracked windshield told him that he wouldn't be safe forever in the car.

He took a deep breath and started the car again, driving down the dirt road at slower, less chaotic speeds. He prayed he wouldn't run into any dinosaurs. Dodgson had lost his gun when he was swimming for his life and he was no longer in control of this situation. He wasn't confident that he was going to survive, but he had to try.

Was he scared? Hell yes. But he was also determined to not end up like Nedry, Bob, Chadwick, or Cruz. He missed California though and he wished that this ordeal would already be over and behind him…


Harding drove the jeep into the garage. “Go get help,” he told Regis. Regis nodded and dashed off.

Harding heard a muffled voice behind him. Muldoon was waking up again. “Harding, what’s going on?” he asked.

Harding patted his knee. “Just hold on, we’re getting help.”

Regis returned a few minutes later with Ellie, Gennaro, Hammond, Wu, and Jess. Hammond waddled along, saying, “My grandchildren! Where are my grandchildren?”

Harding hugged his daughter before turning to the old man. “They weren’t there when we got there,” he explained.

“Where is there?” Hammond demanded.

“The T-rex paddock,” Regis said.

“What happened to them?” That was Ellie. She was in the back, looking at the two injured men. “Muldoon looks like he’s been shot!”

“One of Nedry’s accomplices did that,” Harding explained.

“And Malcolm looks like he got bit!”

“He did. By the T-rex.”

Gennaro gasped. “The T-rex got out of her pen?!”

“I’m afraid so,” Harding said.

“And my grandchildren?” Hammond asked. He was white as a sheet.

“I don’t know. We didn’t find any remains. So there’s a good chance they and Grant managed to escape.”

Hammond staggered. Gennaro reached out and steadied him.

“You!” Hammond screamed, pointing at Regis. “You were supposed to take care of them!”

Regis backed away from the man. “I tried…”

Harding stepped in between the publicist and his boss. “It’s no one's fault,” he told Hammond.

“Excuse me, Malcolm is dying over here!” Ellie called. “We have to get him some medical attention.”

“Leave that to me,” Harding said. “Let’s get him and Muldoon upstairs.”

Another jeep drove into the garage. Laura Sorkin got out.

“Dr. Sorkin,” Harding recognized. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Sorkin nodded. “I decided with the power out I should head to the visitor center.”

“Where’s David?” Wu asked.

Sorkin looked down. “He… didn’t make it. I told him it was too dangerous, but he chose to check on the quarantine pens. I heard his screams as he was eaten alive…” She fought back tears, still not over the gruesome death of her assistant and close friend. “I’m so sorry…”

“You aren’t to blame,” Harding reassured. “We’re just glad you’re safe.”

“What about the power?” Sorkin asked. “When will that come back on?”

“We don't know,” Wu answered. “Nedry sabotaged the park’s systems so he could steal dinosaur embryos and transport them to the East Dock.”

“What’s the damage?”

“The tyrannosaurus got out and injured one of Hammond’s guests. His grandchildren are missing and Nedry was killed by a dilophosaur according to Regis.”

“So we can’t get him to fix the systems and restore power.”

“Unfortunately not. Ray is trying to find out what he did, but it’s progressing slowly.”

“I found someone while driving,” Laura remembered. “She needs medical attention.”

Sorkin lead Harding and Wu to her car. An unconscious woman was in the passenger’s seat. Harding gasped.

“This was one of Nedry’s accomplices. Looks like she was bitten by something. The wound is getting worse…”

Wu recognized the bite and realized the implications. But first they had to treat this woman before it was too late. Then he would deal with Sorkin…

Carrying Malcolm and assisting Muldoon and the woman Sorkin found, the survivors made their way upstairs and to the control room.

Arnold was alone in the control room. He looked up as the group entered. “Is that Malcolm?” he asked.

“Yes,” Ellie replied. She and Harding placed the man on a table.

“Look, maybe this isn’t the best place for-”

“There’s no time,” Harding interrupted. “Malcolm needs help fast. Someone get me the first-aid-kit.”

Wu ran off to get it.

Hammond walked over to Arnold. “Progress?” he asked hopefully.

“I think I’m getting somewhere, yeah,” Arnold replied. “Check this out. White rabbit object.”

Wu came back with the first-aid-kit. Harding opened the kit and started riffling through the contents. He found the morphine and quickly injected Malcolm. He turned to Sorkin. “What do I do with her?” he asked.

“Leave it to me,” Sorkin replied. “Is there any carfentanyl in there?”

“Yeah, but what for-?”

“Trust me on this,” Sorkin said.

Harding turned his attention to Arnold. “It’s a command code,” the man was saying. “Nedry punched it in and it shut off keystroke logging, meaning I couldn’t see what he was up to.” The man sounded somewhat impressed. “It’s not a bad trick.”

“Well, can you get the power back on?” Hammond demanded.

“I’m working on it.”

Harding got back to work on Malcolm, cleaning his injuries, spraying them with disinfectant.

“How are things going?” Ellie asked him after a while.

“That T-rex’s mouth is full of bacteria,” Harding said. “I’m afraid Malcolm’s infected.”

“What can we do?”

“It’s beyond my ability to heal. We need professionals.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen unless Arnold gets the power back on.”


“She’s stable,” Sorkin reported, about the Costa Rican woman.

Wu was standing nearby, arms folded. “I’m sorry about David,” he said.

“Me too.”

“How could you have been so stupid? You knew those things were too dangerous but you kept them anyway.”

“I did what I thought was right.”

“Look where that got you.”

Sorkin sighed. “Look, I have to help this woman. I’d appreciate a little room to maneuver.”

“We’re not over this,” Wu vowed. He turned and walked away.


The pack of juvenile dilos feasted on what was left of Nedry. He was a large man and there was plenty of meat to go around.

Then in the dark the dilos heard something that made them stop eating. Clicking sounds. Immediately the dilos abandoned their meal and fled into the jungle in a frightened panic, away from the clicking sounds.

In the distance, the tyrannosaur roared.
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