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 Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?

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Dr. Wu
7 posters

Which portion of "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" worked the best?
The Isla Nublar Rescue Mission
Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Vote_lcap40%Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Vote_rcap
 40% [ 4 ]
The Escape from Lockwood Estate
Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Vote_lcap60%Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Vote_rcap
 60% [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 10


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Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Empty
PostSubject: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 13, 2018 5:00 am

No, I'm not merely asking you to judge the locations, heh, but I was specifically curious which portion of Fallen Kingdom you thought was better.

Before and after seeing the film, I binged a lot of the journalistic reviews (the full original articles, not a summary) and noticed that while most reviewers seemed to be in vague agreement over the film not lining up with their expectations, they were fairly divided on what did and didn't work, chiefly between the two main locale sequences. Some saw a promising start that lost steam in the final act, and others saw a bland beginning that lead to an exciting final act.

The specific intended contrast is the rescue mission sequences set on Isla Nublar versus the scenes following the Indoraptor's escape at Lockwood Estate -- which did you think were ultimately the stronger portion of the film?
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PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 13, 2018 5:10 am

Although they felt very different, I honestly loved both parts and find it hard to vote one over the other.
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Dr. Wu
Dr. Wu

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PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 14, 2018 3:25 am

I enjoy the first half but love the second.

There are amazing moments in the first half like the opening scene.
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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 14, 2018 3:32 am

I actually preferred the first half of the film over the second half. It was obviously paced too fast, but it also gathered quite a bit of momentum as it went on, culminating in that heartbreaking Brachiosaurus scene.

I honestly got a little bored during the second half. For whatever reason I really didn't find the Indoraptor all that scary. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Rexy during the opening scene of the film was far scarier than any of the Indoraptor scenes imho.

Last edited by Tyrant Lizard on Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 14, 2018 3:36 am

The second half is more memorable and unique to me. I like the first half, but love the second.
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PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 14, 2018 4:22 am

I wouldn't say "first half" and "second half", since there are a lot of cool manor scenes also in the first half, despite the absence of dinosaurs.

Anyway, I love both Nublar and Manor scenes, but I think the Manor ones are more intriguing somehow.
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Island Queen
Island Queen

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PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2018 6:04 pm

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
I actually preferred the first half of the film over the second half. It was obviously paced too fast, but it also gathered quite a bit of momentum as it went on, culminating in that heartbreaking Brachiosaurus scene.

I honestly got a little bored during the second half. For whatever reason I really didn't find the Indoraptor all that scary. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Rexy during the opening scene of the film was far scarier than any of the Indoraptor scenes imho.

Same here, but I'll always prefer the island scenes to the mainland scenes, since I was never big on the mainland plot idea to begin with (which means I probably won't like the next movie, but I'll still go see it. If I don't care for it, I simply won't bother seeing it a second time, since why waste your money), and that opening scene, OMG! Bayona was right about it being much like the opening of a James Bond movie. I think I liked the Indominus Rex more than I liked the Indoraptor, which I didn't find all that scary, but Claire's nephews trying to outrun the I-Rex by jumping off a cliff? That's more my type of action! Very Happy
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Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate?   Isla Nublar or Lockwood Estate? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 6:52 am

Island Queen wrote:
Tyrant Lizard wrote:
I actually preferred the first half of the film over the second half. It was obviously paced too fast, but it also gathered quite a bit of momentum as it went on, culminating in that heartbreaking Brachiosaurus scene.

I honestly got a little bored during the second half. For whatever reason I really didn't find the Indoraptor all that scary. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Rexy during the opening scene of the film was far scarier than any of the Indoraptor scenes imho.

Same here, but I'll always prefer the island scenes to the mainland scenes, since I was never big on the mainland plot idea to begin with (which means I probably won't like the next movie, but I'll still go see it. If I don't care for it, I simply won't bother seeing it a second time, since why waste your money), and that opening scene, OMG! Bayona was right about it being much like the opening of a James Bond movie. I think I liked the Indominus Rex more than I liked the Indoraptor, which I didn't find all that scary, but Claire's nephews trying to outrun the I-Rex by jumping off a cliff? That's more my type of action! Very Happy

Do you think the Indoraptor not being that scary is also due to the trailer spoiling pretty much all of his scenes? I had this problem with the bedroom scene: an amazing sequence that would have terrified me, if the trailers didn't ruin everything before release.
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