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 The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters

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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 6:43 pm

This is from ComingSoon.net in which I'm sure most if not everyone will agree on these

The Brachiosaurus Left Behind from Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom
The Compsognathus Attack from The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Pteranodon Cage Encounter from Jurassic Park III
The Spinosaurus Vs. the T-Rex from Jurassic Park III
The T-Rex and Blue Team-Up from Jurassic World
The Dilophosaurus Attack from Jurassic Park
Two T-Rexes Attack the Trailer from The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Brachiosaurus Introduction from Jurassic Park
Velociraptors in the Kitchen from Jurassic Park
The Tyrannosaurus Rex Breaks Loose in Jurassic Park

Read more at https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/features/995323-the-10-best-jurassic-park-dinosaur-encounters#S5JehFPhDORbsdLM.99
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Nublar Velociraptor
Nublar Velociraptor

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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 6:57 pm

Really, no Kelly kicking the Raptor out the window? Razz

I'd actually add the round-up scene from TLW, the sick Trike scene from JP and the rotunda battle from JP and delete the Spino Vs. Rex, the silly T-Rex/Blue team-up and the Compie attack from TLW which honestly always felt too long and disconnected from the rest of the plot to me.
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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 8:27 pm

I'd remove the Rex/Spino fight and the Compy attack and replace them with the finale in the Visitors Center (Jurassic Park) and either the opening scene with the Raptor in Jurassic Park, the opening scene in Fallen Kingdom (Rex/Mosa attack), the "Clever Girl" scene in Jurassic Park or the Tall Grass Attack from The Lost World. The Spino attack on the boat from Jurassic Park 3 would have been a strong contender as well had it not been for the awful intersplicing of Barney with the actual scene.

Otherwise it's a pretty solid list imho.

- The Brachiosaurus being left behind in Fallen Kingdom is probably the most iconic scene in that whole film.

- The Pteranodon scene from JP3 is probabbly the standout scene of that whole film.

- The Rex/Blue team up from Jurassic World was a brilliant piece of fan service with actual precedence in the animal kingdom, so its inclusion is a no brainer.

- The Dilophosaurus attack is iconic in its own right.

- The trailer attack, while personally not my cup of tee, is one of the most iconic and fondly remembered scenes from The Lost World. Another no brainer.

- The Brachiosaurus scene from Jurassic Park was both our first full look at a dinosaur and our first look at some of the groundbreaking CGI we were going to see going forward.

- The raptors in the kitchen scene is probably the the most tense scene in the entire franchise and really separated JP from other, more kid friendly dinosaur media.

- The Rex breakout is obviously the most iconic scene in the entire franchise, so it goes without saying that this scene ends up on the list.
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Mr. Robustus
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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 10:28 pm

What's supposed to be a "dinosaur encounter"? Just any scene that has a dinosaur in it? If so, that's a really strange way to word it. Anyways, the list is mostly fine, but I would not put these in a Top 10 list of best dinosaur scenes of the franchise:

The Brachiosaurus Left Behind from Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom - I like the intention and the visuals of that scene, but from a standalone movie perspective, it was extremely unearned, and having the Brachiosaurus mimic its iconic pose as it died was eye-rolling.
The Compsognathus Attack from The Lost World: Jurassic Park - It's a fine scene on its own (if a little over-the-top), but I would not place it in a list of best scenes of the franchise.
Two T-Rexes Attack the Trailer from The Lost World: Jurassic Park - Again, a fine scene, but it always had two big problems for me: one, is that it's too much like the T. rex breakout from the first movie (so having both on the same list feels a little redundant); and two, the two T. rex are completely offscreen for most of that scene.
The Spinosaurus Vs. the T-Rex from Jurassic Park III - Again, fine scene on its own (and unique for its time), but, much like the Brachiosaurus scene from FK, it was unearned from the perspective of a standalone movie, and it's over and done way too quickly, considering what it is.

I would replace the "Two T-rexes Attack the Trailer" with the "game trail" scene, the "Compsognathus Attack" with the "Raptors in the long grass", the "Brachiosaurus Left Behind" with the "T. rex/Mosasaurus attack the mercenaries" from the FK prologue, and the "Spinosaurus vs. T. rex" with the Spinosaurus duel at the lake from the climax of JP III. I would also include the T. rex rescue at the rotunda somewhere, probably replacing either the Dilophosaurus scene or the climax from JW.
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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 06, 2018 6:19 pm

I don't get why they put the one fight from JP on this list? Didn't ANYBODY remind this person how much the fanbase HATED this scene for reasons we've mentioned at least 5 times already?

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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2018 12:48 am

I actually didn’t care for the scene in Fallen Kingdom of the animal being left behind. And it’s hardly a “encounter” imo. I know I’m splitting hairs a bit.

I really like the scene in JP3 with the raptors in the lab and the whole chase that ensued afterwards. And I would replace the JW fight with the San Diego scene from TLW. I would replace JP3 Spino battle with Spino vs airplane.

Aside from that I think I pretty much agree.

Also the scene with the Trike always gets snubbed hard. It’s such an amazing scene.
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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 7:08 pm

That looks about right to me, but I personally enjoy the Indoraptor chase scene in the mansion more than some of these.
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PostSubject: Re: The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters    The 10 Best Jurassic Park Dinosaur Encounters  Icon_minitime

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