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 Jurassic Park: Origins

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PostSubject: Jurassic Park: Origins   Jurassic Park: Origins Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 7:27 pm

Jurassic Park: Origins WfU2R
"Jurassic Park: Origins is a non-profit, fan-made, short-film project that will be a prequel to the original "Jurassic Park" movie released in 1993. The film will seek to tell more of the backstory about the creation of the dinosaurs, the scientific challenges, the moral and ethical struggles, and man's attempt to control nature. JP: Origins wishes to distance itself from simply being a "monster mayhem" flick, and instead will employ a strong story, compelling characters, and a well-crafted plot. Of course, the film will also have plenty of dinosaur interaction; JPOrigins has a team of CGI professionals who will be bringing the dinosaurs to life, just like ILM did in the original film. We also have a number of practical effects professionals who will be making some small models and possibly animatronics for the film. For a number of reasons, the film will be non-profit, and nobody involved with the project will gain financially in any way. For this reason, we are seeking community involvement and "crowdsourcing" to make this project possible. We're currently in pre-production and are working hard on the script, casting, and dinos to make make sure the project will be as awesome as possible. Only with your help will we be able to create this spectacular short film."- Ian Cresswell, director of Jurassic Park Origins.

Official website here.
Official facebook page here.
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