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 Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park

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Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Empty
PostSubject: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2012 12:40 pm

Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park

Chapter 1: The Incident

Robby was watching his father raise the gate to the electrified cage the creature was being held in. It was Father-Son work day at InGen's secret operation Center in the Appalachian Mountains. His father had been hiding what his job was until today. Robby Johnson was simply amazed at what his father was working on. Apparently, the company his dad worked for, InGen (International Genetics Technologies), had figured out how to clone prehistoric creatures by collecting dinosaur blood from mosquito's stuck in amber, fossilized tree sap. His father had shown him some cartoon of how they did it.

Robby was mesmerized, as he loved genetics. He was 14, in the midst of the 8th Grade. He loved the idea of gene splicing and genome decoding. He was a recluse, he avoided others, so he could focus. His parents had always nagged him about getting a better relationship with peers and to think of a more practical career, but he ignored their complaints. He stayed secluded. He was an honors student, and could easily have skipped up to 2 grades. He was one who was against taking great risks, but had a massive imagination.

Robby was in the middle of watching his dad secure the gates for a crate containing a creature his dad wouldn't identify. The complex surrounding him amazed him. It was highly electrified, which also made him worry. His dad had said that this was a secluded place where they put down the "creatures" after InGen had agreed that those "copies" needed to be put down. The word "copies" made him uneasy, as if the company was thinking of them as files or software. In any case, he was mystified and wanted to know what the heck was in that crate.

He realized he had drank 3 bottles of "Deer Park" water and needed to use the restroom badly. He asked a worker not doing anything and the worker, whose name was sowed onto his work suit which said Jay, pointed him to the direction of the restroom. Almost as soon as he was done, he heard yelling and screaming. He ran out as quickly as he could and saw everyone running everywhere. He realized that the gate wasn't guarded and then he heard a blood-curdling shriek behind him. He turned around to see the creature eating chucks of flesh from Jay's dead corpse. Suddenly, the creature stared at him. As it was gonna pounce, so his dad jumped in front of him, blocking the attack. As his dad was wrestling the vile creature, his dad yelled at him, "GO! GO SON NOW!" Robby wanted to protest, but knew there wasn't any choice. He ran toward the garage. He turned and glanced at the creature, which appeared to be being joined by more of them. It was orange-red in color with a few brown spots. It had a large claw, that seemed to retract, on its middle toe and had piercing yellow eyes. It appeared 6 feet long, and 5 feet tall, but he couldn't make it out. He turned to continue to run towards the jeeps filling with workers as the group of creatures closed in on his father. As he nearly reached the car port, the last jeep pulled away. He remembered that he and his father had arrived by helicopter and then taken a jeep to the compound. He realized someone must have ordered a chopper to pick them up. He ran as fast as he could to keep up with the fast jeeps. He heard the creatures make a sound, and realized they were done with their last meal. He swiftly pushed that thought away and continued to chase the jeeps.

He had lost the jeeps around the corner of the path and the only light left to see the road with was the rising moon. He slowly went off the trail multiple times but found his way back. Finally, after running for 2 minutes, he had to stop to rest. While resting, he thought he heard the creatures gaining on him, but pushed the thought away, as though it had just been his own wheezing. After catching his breath, he continued running down the path, until he could see dim headlights. He ran for his life, and was almost at the helipad when he heard the chopper blades lifting off. He yelped for them to come back but they rose. The became more dim, even more dim, until the helicopters lights were the size of distant stars. He knew the creatures were close, so he went to the nearest jeep and found a small pistol in the glove compartment. He took it, and held it closely. He checked it, and it was loaded. Now it was just him and the whatever the heck those vile creatures were.

Chapter 2: The Attack

The animals got so close he could hear their feet hit the ground. In a few seconds, he was able to hear their quiet communications. And after about 6 seconds later, he could even hear each individual breath between each of them. He could easily tell they were no more than 2 feet away. He slowed his heart rate. Time seemed to slow down, as a raptor slowly creeped its way up to the truck. Robby slowly slid to the floorboard, making no noises. The creature in the front, most likely the pack leader, slowly moved its head into the jeep's open door. The second the animal seemed to notice Robby, he aimed and shot the creature multiple times in the head it quickly jerked its head back out of the car. Robby quickly jumped up and started shooting in the direction of the creatures. The leader had fallen to the ground, its head gushing out blood. The others were startled and couldn't react in time. He landed two non-fatal blows on the other two creatures. He stopped wasting bullets and watched the two injured creatures. They slowly waltsed to their fallen leader. They smelled it and then looked up. They both gave death stares to Robby. Then they began walking into the forest. With one final glance, one of the creatures turned its head to Robby, and he realized that these creatures wouldn't forget what he did, and they wouldn't stop chasing him until one of them was dead. Finally, they disappeared into the thick brush.

Robby tried to gather his situation. He just killed an mysterious creature, and he was now gonna be stalked until either he or the other creatures are dead. Once he focused, he loaded the dead creature into the jeep, hoping it wasn't alive anymore. He turned on the ignition, and turned the jeep around. After maybe 5 minutes, he found himself at the compound.He dragged the creature off the jeep until he found a laptop. He opened it and looked through the files until he could find whatever the heck he killed. After searching the harddrive for several minutes, he found a file that said "Animals to be killed". He clicked it and a Password prompt showed up. He tried "access main program", "acces main security grid", and a few other failing attempts. Finally, desperate, he typed "please". The password prompt closed and the files he wanted showed up. It showed a list of what he believed were dinosaurs' names. He clicked the first one that said "Gallimimus Version 3.5", but it wasn't what he wanted. He continued down the list. Near the bottom, it showed up a new heading that said "In progress". He looked at the files below it and it showed one that said "Velociraptor N. Version 3.9". He clicked it. It showed up a picture and facts about the certain animal. This was it. Same features. He looked at the date besides the file photo and it said "Reasons for extermination". It listed" Highly aggressive, known to go into random rage, not park safe" and many more other reasons. Now that he had identified his stalkers, his main focus was finding a way of help.

He scoured the facility. After 20 minutes, he found a phone. He tried to dial 911, but the phone cord had been ripped apart. He guessed it had happened during the escape. He searched more structures, but for some reason, there was only one other phone, which was also cut. But then it struck him, if it was the middle of winter, why were the raptors seeming unphased by the cold weather, since they were reptiles. Since he had given up hope in calling for help, he went to go solve the temperature issue. He returned to the laptop, and got back to the raptor file. What he found made him realize it wouldn't be easy to avoid the raptors.

Chapter 3: The Second Encounter

He looked through the gentic files, and had discovered that a key factor had been discovered during the cloning of Velociraptor. It was warm-blooded. Robby realized that hoping they would die of cold would only end up in his demise. He looked through other data, such as traits, like its diet. Robby knew that this could be helpful in tracking them down before they track down them.

In the midst of writing down the information on a notepad he found, he heard some large yelps outside, which sounded VERY familiar. Robby instantly ended taking notes and ran frantically around. After an unsuccessful hunt for new bullets, and the growing loudness of the communications between the raptors, he decided he could only hide. But where? He scanned around, to no avail. He looked up and saw some vents he could easily fit into. He grabbed a computer chair, stood up on it, and pulled himself up onto the ventilation shaft. As soon as he successfully replaced the ceiling tile, he heard the raptors jump through a glass window into the room. Looking through small holes in the tile, he could see them smelling the room. He knew it wouldn't be long before they smelled his scent inside the air shaft. He crawled around the shaft for several minutes without making much noise. Suddenly, one of the two velociraptors jumped up and knocked the breath out of Robby. After gaining his senses, he crawled fast to get away from the hole in the ceiling. Again, the raptor jumped again, knocking the tile where his feet were out. He nearly fell through the hole, but was able to stop himself. He knew it wouldn't be long before the raptor got back up and grabbed his leg. He pulled himself up quickly, but almost too late. The raptor jumped back up and held onto another tile. Robby kicked it multiple times in the head until it dropped back onto the floor with a loud plop. Robby quickly crawled away from the hole. He could see that in a few feet the shaft went straight up. Once he reached it, he knew there was no way to climb up it. The only thing he could do was get out of the shaft and make a run for shelter. He looked under himself, and realized luck was on his side after all.

Beneath his feet was a small room, which the raptors hadn't gotten to yet. He saw cabinets filled with guns. Revolvers, rifles, shotguns, you name it. After lifting the tile and slipping into the room, he slowly crept around the room to select a gun. He heard the raptors making their way down the hallway, so he hurried up and picked a 12 Gauge Shotgun. He heard the raptors being nearly 2 feet from the steel door. He waited, and when one of the raptors was within the door's range, he smashed the door open and disoriented the raptor closest to the door. The other raptor was too confused to react. He started shooting everywhere, trying to land a hit. After shooting over 20 rounds, he stopped shooting and looked at the damage he'd done. The first thing he noticed was the ceiling lamp swaying with the lightbulb shattered. There was hundreds of tiny holes in the wall. He looked at the floor and saw some small bloody spots. The raptors were no where in sight, so he followed the trail of blood until it lead him to the front door. He realized that going outside could easily be a death sentence. Suddenly, all power went out in every building. The laptop shutdown, the lights went out, and the air conditioning went out. He knew that outside would be his only choice, and the building was only good for supplies. He found a flashlight, and used it to find supplies. After scouring the complex, he went to the front door and made a checklist. 2 Backpacks, a sleeping bag, 25 canned foods, 15 AA batteries, a flashlight, a months supply of shotgun rounds, 12 Gauge shotgun, and around 5 bottles of water. He knew he was set to go. He knew what lay ahead. Dangerous encounters, cold weather, and horrible conditions. But he would have to endure that if he was to survive. There was only one way to go, and that was into the forest of the forgotten.
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Theta Rex
Theta Rex

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Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2012 12:48 pm

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Keep it up!

Former former... former... former... yeah, you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2012 1:09 pm

Since the show is cancelled, I will continue it on here. Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 7:52 pm

Chapter 4: Sheltered
Robby, after running a long distance came to a stop, and sat down against the side of a tree. He could see the sun was nearly completely up. He checked his supplies. Everything was still in check. He hadn't slept recently. He was tired, so he threw his pack off his back, closed his eyes and was soon asleep.
After a few hours, he awoke. The sun was already halfway down, since it was much darker now. He stood up and looked around. He didn't see anything. He walked around and stretched. He knew dark would fill the forest around him very soon. He walked over to the tree he had been laying against, picked up his pack. He had only gotten a few feet when he heard it. The yelp of a Velociraptor nearby. Luckily, he had stretched, so he took off like a rocket. He was getting scraped by thorns, hit in the head by leaves and branches, but he kept running. Due to his high athleticism, he continued to run for nearly 10 minutes.
Once he thought he lost them, he slowed down to catch his breath. He realized that by now his mom and family would be wondering where he and his father were. It struck him like a knife when he remembered his fathers death. He began to sob. He wondered if he'd ever see his family again. After about 10 minutes, he stopped crying and continued his trek to find his way out of the forest, and get back home.
He was sore after all this running. He thought about it, and realized maybe he should stay in one place for a while. Though one part of his mind yelled at him for this, he decided to pick a spot. The sun was already rising, so he would have a head start with the growing light. He knew being on the ground would expose him to the raptors as well as bugs on the ground. He looked around for a while up at the trees until he found 2 trees with branches that would allow him to make a little "tree house" of sorts. By dusk, the platform was completed. He climbed up and sat down. He could stay here for a while. The trees he was under shielded him from view and rain. The sun was nearly down. He ate some Spaghettios and drank some water. His stomach filled good enough, he lied down and fell asleep again.[/u][/i]

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Theta Rex
Theta Rex

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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 7:58 pm

Nice Wink

Former former... former... former... yeah, you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeFri Jan 27, 2012 8:09 pm

Very interesting. Wish I could write this good!
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2012 6:16 pm

Chapter 5: Forwards

Robby awoke to the midday sun. Birds chirped, bugs hummed, and the wind blew throughout the never ending forest. He sat up and looked around. He was confused at first, but then he remembered. He created a shelter above the ground for shelter. He looked up and saw the top of the pine tree's and oaks. He stretched and stood up. He began to eat some more Spaghettios's and drank some water. As he was nearly done, he heard a noise he dreaded more than the news of his grandmother's death a few years back. It was the sound of a Velociraptor.

He jumped when another shriek was made. He looked around in every direction. He didn't see any raptors walking on the forest floor below. But then again, he heard a shriek, this one twice as loud. He knew they were getting close. Then it hit him, he was in a tree. He remembered that back when his father had tried to get him into hunting, he had learned that many hunters hunt in tree stands because it elevates the scent and makes the deer take longer to notice the hunter's presence. This must apply to this situation. Another great advantage was that the wind was blowing against him, away from the raptors. A great advantage for him. He quickly remembered he had a gun and swiftly grabbed a hold of it. He lied down to make himself unable to be seen easily. He listened. The forest had become extremely quiet. No birds were chirping, not a cricket moved. Suddenly, another shriek came from very close. He looked in the direction it had come from, and saw them. Two velociraptors were sneaking around, their heads high up in the air trying to catch his scent. He quietly and carefully loaded his shotgun. His adrenaline running, his heart beating faster than ever before,he aimed down the sights and pulled the trigger.

Birds squawked and flew, squirrels ran into the branches, and little scurrying animals ran for their lives. The noise was earsplitting compared to the quietness before. Robby looked down and didn't see anything. He looked all over the forest floor from his perch. Finally, he saw the dead body of a raptor. It lied on the ground with its mouth agape, and blood pouring all over its head. He knew it was dead. But it was quite clear what he'd have to do. The other velociraptor knew he was there, and would be back soon. Robby, scared, instantly packed up his base camp, and climbed back down the tree. He took one last glance at the corpse of the velociraptor, and turned away. He began his walk. He was determined to find and be reunited with his family, and go home. He hoped, that his days as a lone survivor were nearly through.

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"Creation, is an act of sheer will. Next time it'll be flawless"~ John Hammond, Founder/CEO of InGen
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Theta Rex
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2012 7:04 pm

Pretty good! Looking forward to the next one!

Former former... former... former... yeah, you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeSat Mar 03, 2012 3:44 pm

Chapter 6: The Final Showdown
It was getting fairly dark outside. The only illumination was the rising full moon. Robby could hear millions of bugs chirping around him. He could also hear the calls of animals. Bats coming out and their sharp echolocation while locating flying insects. He walked through the forest floor, stepping over thorns, ducking under low-lying branches, and hoping over nearly invisible snake holes. He grew weary of this travel, but he couldn't stop to make camp. He knew the velociraptor was somewhere near. He could sense it. It would just wait for him to stop, and then attack while he was vulnerable. He knew he would not stop. He would make it home, tell his story, and be thankful he was still alive. He would change his attitude towards life. He decided he would befriend peers, have some fun instead of sit at a computer chair all day. He would ask Lindsey Johnson, the girl of his dreams, out. He would be more friendly. Basically, he was gonna change his life, and nothing would ever stop him in his tracks after this life changing event.

Suddenly, he heard something. It made his heart skip a beat. A person yelling. A person yelling his name. At first, he though he must be hallucinating from his tiredness. But then he heard some more, from multiple people. He reached the top of a tree covered hill, and looked down the hill. He saw a cluster of flashlights. Dozens of people were wandering around yelling his name. He was so overjoyed he couldn't believe it. His heart racing with joy, adrenaline running, he dashed full speed down the hill, towards the group. Halfway down, in top speed, suddenly a large object came from the side and hit him harder than a freight train. He fell down on his backpack. With the last of the light, he could see the attacker standing back up a few feet away, the velociraptor. He quickly grabbed his shotgun from out of the pack, and aimed it at the raptor as it was getting back on its feet. He pulled the trigger. Nothing but a click. He opened the barrel, to find it was empty. He didn't have time to reload it, because the raptor was already walking towards him. He jumped up and as the raptor closed in, he ran towards the raptor and hit it in the head with the butt of the shotgun as hard as he could, knocking it on the ground. He knew he had a few seconds before it got back up. He yelled "HEEELLLPPPP!!!!!" He began dashing down the hill, leaving his backpack, towards the group, which had undoubtedly heard him, and had turned towards his direction and began coming to him. He was only a hundred yards away when a horrible pain hit his back. He instantly fell over onto the ground. He could feel the warm blood dripping down. He was becoming dizzy and disoriented. He was pulled over onto his back by the velociraptor. He looked directly into the velociraptor's eyes, and it stared right back into his. It then bared its teeth, and the last images he saw were the raptors neck plunging to bite his.

The family in mourning turned on the television, and watched the local news channel as the news reporter stated, "In other news today, Robby Jackson, 14 years old, was found dead, deep in the Appalachian mountains by a search party, after just recently hearing him yell for help. They arrived on the scene to find his body horribly mauled. He had 2 giant gashes in his back, and a large bite mark on his neck. Forensic experts have concluded these were done by an animal which has yet to be identified. The family has since then dedicated a memorial to the teen as well as his deceased father, which also had the same bite marks on what was left of his half eaten body. Lets just hope another case such as this happens. In other news, local farmers are reporting many dead livestock, and some witnesses say that they have seen the attacker, which they say looks like a dinos-". The mom turned off the TV. She had a funeral to attend to. The funeral for her son.

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"Creation, is an act of sheer will. Next time it'll be flawless"~ John Hammond, Founder/CEO of InGen
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Theta Rex
Theta Rex

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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitimeSat Mar 03, 2012 8:08 pm

Great stuff there Pokes! Really good Wink

Former former... former... former... yeah, you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park   Lone Survivor: Jurassic Park Icon_minitime

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