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 Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///

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PostSubject: Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///   Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 4:16 pm

They finally have JP/// out! I can't wait until they have TLW! That will be the REAL treat! Very Happy 


Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// IxTwoGb
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Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///   Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 6:09 pm

I just found out about it today as I went to the site. I'm a regular at the movie-screencaps.com site and on the JPLegacy forums, I made the announcements about the first and forth films as they were released there. I'm glad they added Jurassic Park III! In fact, I was the one to request them add it. It's funny, but that site has an immense load of requests and I was thinking to myself, They're never going to get to this since there were so many requests before me. I'm glad they added it! My day is made! I approve!

Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// 2014_07_27

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Jurassic Mainframe News Team
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Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///   Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 6:25 pm

InGenUity wrote:
I just found out about it today as I went to the site. I'm a regular at the movie-screencaps.com site and on the JPLegacy forums, I made the announcements about the first and forth films as they were released there. I'm glad they added Jurassic Park III! In fact, I was the one to request them add it. It's funny, but that site has an immense load of requests and I was thinking to myself, They're never going to get to this since there were so many requests before me. I'm glad they added it! My day is made! I approve!
Nice! Request TLW next we might just get it! Very Happy  cheers

I found this when I was searching for some JP pics from their JP gallery for a friend. He was looking for some good shots of the Alamosaurus mount in the VC. I searched, hoping to fine TLW, but this isn't bad either. I skimmed through the pics, and I know I rag on JP/// a lot, particularly the sets and the way the movie uses them, but every now and then I get the feeling I might just be slightly too hard on the movie. Check out this gallery of some of the best shots I think JP/// well with, and you guys judge for yourself. Personally, I feel like while the sets can be lacking at times, there's some gems hidden in the rough. The stuff shot on location is especially good.


Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// IxTwoGb
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PostSubject: Re: Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///   Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 10:10 am

Eh guys the Lost World is already there

The Lost World
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Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK ///   Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 7:00 pm

Physalisfresser wrote:
Eh guys the Lost World is already there

The Lost World

Nice! Well, it must have been a day after the Jurassic Park /// images were posted because they weren't there yesterday. So, kudos to that site! I've done a lot of Photoshop manipulations with screencaps from there.

Movie-Screencaps.com Presents JURASSIC PARK /// 2014_07_27

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