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 Just For Fun: Chaos Island for the whole franchise

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Just For Fun: Chaos Island for the whole franchise Empty
PostSubject: Just For Fun: Chaos Island for the whole franchise   Just For Fun: Chaos Island for the whole franchise Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2016 11:07 pm

hey, all. i just thought i'd open a discussion for what we think an expanded version of Chaos Island, a relatively obscure TLW game in the vein of Command & Conquer, would be like if it was apply to the entire JP franchise. what i'm thinking is that it would still to the main parameters of the original Chaos Island in that it's a rather loose adaptation of each installment (including JPTG) and has the same number of characters and dinosaur species to each segment (six playable characters, possibly with the sixth being a generic one not based on a single character, and eight species, ideally half-and-half for herbivores and carnivores, obviously with overlap but with each having its own unique dinosaurs, too). also like Chaos Island, characters who died in the film don't die here (can you say "Muldoon saves everyone"? Very Happy)

anyone else?

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