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 Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him?

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Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him? Empty
PostSubject: Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him?   Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2016 5:45 pm

Recently, Sam Neill siad that Dr. Grant was either retired in Dayton, Ohio sick of dinosaurs and has a successful accounting business or he's dead.

Does anybody else but me believe that JP3 and the musical chairs of actors/actress, scripts, directors, screenwriters, etc, between JP3 and JW break him? I remember back on JPL how there were rumors that he got drink on the set of JP3. And given how mediocre the movie was and how it was made so that Universal could have a JP trilogy, it's not hard to believe those rumors are true. While the amount of time between JP3 and JW winded up being for the best, let's not deny that the circus that came with it was utterly ridiculous. It was.

I really think he might still care a bit, but believes that it's just too late at this point.
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Scott B
Scott B

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Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him?   Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2016 6:31 pm

That is just his polite, funny way of permanently putting this to rest. His comments about how Alan feels oddly probably mirror his own. Wink meaning he is sick of JP. 16 years of rumors and then another 8 years before that will do it. 1/3 of his life has revolved around it. I don't think anything "broke" him. He'd be sick of it whether there was a hiatus or not.

Moreover I doubt JP/// even did anything adverse to his outlook. He'd be tired of it if it was good. His JP3D touring three years ago was his last bit of good will and I am betting his own send off to retire the character--in his mind at least. He cares about Grant of course, prolly like all his characters, but he has been done.
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Does Sam Neill care about his JP character? Did JP3 and the time between it and JW break him?
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