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 T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?

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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2017 6:50 pm

There's always been a lot of debate over wether T-Rex was an active hunter or nothing more than a scavenger. Personally, based on today's predators, I think T-Rex was both a scavenger and an active hunter. There's no reason to think T-Rex couldn't have been a hunter as it has all the things an active hunter needs: a powerful bite, strong claws, terrific vision and an excellent sense of smell. On the other hand, there's also no reason to think T-Rex couldn't have just let someone else do the hunting then come along and steal the food.

Titled "Raptor vs T-Rex", episode 11 of "Jurassic Fight Club" depicts a pack of raptors killing an Edmontosaurus, only to lose half of their meal to a hungry T-Rex (the raptors are left with nothing but their victim's tail).
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PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2017 8:19 pm

Alright, time to staple this can of worms shut.
Why T. rex is a hunter:
Thank you TV Tropes
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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2017 9:55 pm

My theory is that they were just as active hunters and scavengers as today's land based predators (lions, tigers, bears oh my...pun intended). Yes they will hunt when necessary but will not pas up a free meal when presented the opportunity.

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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2017 2:31 am

I agree, T-Rex was an opportunist. It was quite happy to actively hunt but just as happy to take something that was already dead if the opportunity presented itself. The only problem I see with scavenging is that you don't know how long the animal's been dead. I've heard palaeontologists think that Sue, the largest and most complete T-Rex ever found, died of starvation after contracting a throat infection as a result of eating rotten meat.

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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2017 1:12 pm

There has been more then enough evidence via semi-healed hadrosaur and Triceratops bones that T. rex was predominantly a hunter capable of taking down live prey. True, it did scavenge sometimes, like most large predators do, but T. rex was simply too big to be a full scavenger. It's an iron law in nature that ALL big carnivores have to hunt healthy prey because they are too big to eat corpses.

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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 25, 2017 6:55 pm

Both. I belive in both. To be honest, a lot of carnivores are scavengers when needed.

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Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? LYHX0zA
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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 25, 2017 7:02 pm

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Both. I belive in both. To be honest, a lot of carnivores are scavengers when needed.

But most big carnivores are simply too big to subsist on scavenging all/most of their lives. That's not to say they never do, but it's simply impossible for such a big animal so live on corpses for so long. Only the copperhead is the only snake that scavenges and even then it prefers to hunt. Truth is, the T. rex being mostly a scavenger was based on faulty evidence. When Lawrence Lambe found Albertosaurus remains-which may/may not have been re-categorized as Gorgosaurus-he saw that the teeth had lack or wear which he saw a proof of a scavenger. Now we know that tyrannosaur of all forms shed teeth constantly.
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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 25, 2017 7:35 pm

Also I feel that saying hunter and scavenger is redundant because all terrestrial predators do so.
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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 9:26 pm

Both. To sustain itself, most large predators are opportunists. They'll hunt when they can, but will scavenge when it's there.

T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? IxTwoGb
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T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Empty
PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 27, 2017 5:09 pm

I agree with most here. To think that a formidable animal such as t-rex would pass up a kill only because it can't scavenge it is ridicilous. It's equally ridicilous that it would walk past a carcass that provides it with food.
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PostSubject: Re: T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter?   T-Rex: Scavenger or active hunter? Icon_minitime

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