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 A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes

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A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Empty
PostSubject: A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes   A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Icon_minitimeFri Sep 01, 2017 5:47 pm

A guy named Fillipo Vanzo made a beautiful map based no my Nublar map.
The artwork is awesome, too bad he changed things a his version has a lot of mistakes.

Here: https://www.cartographersguild.com/showthread.php?t=38798

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"I feel sorry for that guy Enrique." Ian Malcolm

A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Banner11
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A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes   A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Icon_minitimeSat Sep 02, 2017 9:06 am

That's a very nicely designed Novel Nublar map when it comes to the art. He have any further plans for it?

A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes Tytj10
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A new map of novel Nublar - but with a lot of mistakes
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