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 The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 5:12 pm

The helicopter settled on the ground, and Carter blew a sigh of relief. Flying always made her anxious- especially when there was a hurricane alert in the area. Carter thanked the pilot and then stepped out onto hard, dry ground. She surveyed her surroundings. The helipad was encroached by forest. Lush, exotic vegetation- high-towering trees and leaves the size of her- decorated the area.
But as far as she could tell, there was no welcoming committee. This was unusual. Normally, someone would be here to pick her up. But she was alone here- just her and the pilot. Maybe they’re running late, Carter thought. That was probably it. But she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

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The Malone Society
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 6:29 pm

Suddenly Carter was thrown off her feet by a large blast. She struck the ground hard and felt blood running down her face. She tried to get up, but then collapsed due to the pain. She groaned weakly.

The helicopter was destroyed. The pilot dead. Somebody had rigged the helipad with explosive charges and Carter was lucky to have survived. She was not uninjured, but she was at least alive.

Carter laid on the ground, trying to focus on her breathing. She could have been killed.

In the distance, she heard a loud roar from some animal she didn't recognize. Carter hoped that it wasn't a predator and that she would last until somebody found her. Hopefully not the people who must have set the charges. She wondered how long she would be alone until somebody or something came for her...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 9:19 pm

Levine watched Dr. Caldwell try to remove the bullet from Arnold's stomach. After drawing a lot of blood, and more than a handful of agonized moans from Arnold, Caldwell angrily slammed his tweezers down and proclaimed, "I can't to do this. I was never meant to do this. I need Carter. Where in the world is she?"
"Who is Carter?" Levine asked.
"The doctor I asked to come up here," Caldwell explained. "She was supposed to be here-" He froze mid-sentence. "I completely forgot to send someone down to pick her up. She could have been waiting for hours. I'm such an idiot."
"No you're not," Harding told him. "You're overwhelmed, that's the problem. Don't worry; I'll drive down there and check if she's there."
"Thank you," Caldwell said. "Take someone with you. Reynolds, maybe."
Harding nodded. He turned and found Atlanta and Jess. "There's someone I have to go get. A doctor. You two stay here, OK?"
"OK," Atlanta said. "Are you bringing anyone with you?"
"I will," Harding said.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 9:39 pm

The male T-Rex was still in the area, exploring the InGen facilities. Luckily, a distraction was going to be created to allow Harding to slip away unnoticed.

Harding used a different exit with Reynolds while a brave worker got the Rex's attention with a flare gun. The Rex was more interested in the flares than the worker, at least for the moment. While this happened Harding quickly got in a jeep and drove away, Reynolds in the passenger seat. Reynolds looked back and saw that the Rex didn't seem to hear them. He sighed in relief. The worker who had volunteered also made it indoors safely.

"What will we do about the Rex when we come back?" Reynolds asked Harding.

"I have a radio," Harding explained. "We'll simply contact Ruso again and she'll set up another diversion."

Reynolds nodded. This whole thing was risky, but would pay off if they got Carter back. People were dying and their lives were on the line.

Then an awful scent caught Reynolds' attention. "What is t-"

"The Rex marked his territory on the jeep," Harding quickly answered. "Time was not a luxury we had, so I just picked the nearest jeep. We'll just have to deal with the smell."

"Lovely," Reynolds grimaced as they drove down the road toward the helipad.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2018 11:02 am

Carter picked through the remains of the helicopter to see if there was anything she could salvage. A first aid kit, a flashlight, even a radio. She managed to recover the pilot's weapon, but aside from that, nothing. It was better than nothing, she thought as she checked the gun. It seemed to be in working order. Of course there was only one wait to test. But firing a weapon on this island was sure to attract unwanted attention. Or, possibly, some help.
Making up her mind, Carter switched off the safety and fired the gun into the ocean. It produced an ear-splitting bang that made her ears ache. She waited and listened, to see if anyone would come. Paranoid, she decided to climb and hide in a tree in case something dangerous came.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2018 11:23 am

Harding saw smoke in the distance and heard a loud gunshot. He feared the worse and he drove faster. praying that they weren't too late. His heart sank when he saw the remains of a helicopter up ahead. "What happened?" Harding asked.

"I'm guessing the saboteurs prepared for any unwelcome visitors to the island," Reynolds hypothesized. "Which is bad news for us."

Harding was frustrated that they had come here for apparently nothing, but then he heard branches snapping and he turned to see a woman climbing down a tree. Her clothes were dirty and she was bleeding in several places.

"Dr. Carter?" Harding asked.

"Yes," the woman answered, nodding. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"On the drive back," Harding replied. "We can't waste any time out here. It's too dangerous."

Carter got in the jeep and they started driving back to the facilities, Harding explaining how dire the situation was and what Carter had gotten herself involved in.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2018 12:35 pm

In the control room, Ruso examined the monitor. "That Hurricane's going to hit in a matter of hours," She said. She turned to Wu. "We should evacuate everyone to the storm bunker. It's not safe enough here."
"But what about the dinosaurs?" Wu argued.
"The dinosaurs are the least of our worries now. This Hurricane's going to be a bad one. It's going to blow us clean off the map if we don't get to that bunker."
"What's your plan?" Wu folded his arms over his chest.
"I don't know yet," Ruso said.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2018 2:12 pm

Meanwhile, off the coast of Isla Nublar...

Thompson, Captain of the cargo vessel S.S. Venture, realized that they weren't going to make it to the mainland before Hurricane Clarissa hit them.

He didn't like the look of this. The winds were picking up, the skies were darkening, and seabirds were flying away in a frightened attempt to flee the storm. The hurricane was going to be a big one and it was almost on them.

One of the crew ran up to Captain Thompson, his face stricken with panic. "We're going to get caught out here by the hurricane! What can we do?"

"Prepare for the worst," Thompson replied. "Secure what we can and brace ourselves for God's wrath. And most importantly, pray for His protection."

This wasn't the answer the other man had been hoping for, but it was the best comfort Thompson could offer him. The man ran off and Thompson closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer.

Any moment now they would be at the hurricane's mercy. Though Thompson didn't consider himself a religious man, asking to be spared from this act of God seemed like the only thing he could do for himself and his men. He hoped that was enough.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2018 4:20 pm

The announcement came on the loudspeaker. “Attention everyone, this is Lori Ruso. I have news. A hurricane is about to hit the island. We must evacuate to the storm bunker at once. Wait there until I arrive.”
Trey, who had listened quietly to the announcement, reached out and grabbed Dr. Caldwell’s arm. “What are we going to do?” He asked, panicked. “What about Arnold and me? We can’t walk.”
“We’ll figure something out,” Caldwell assured him, but on the inside he was panicking as he tried to think of a way to get all the injured to the bunker in time. “Wait til Ruso gets here. She’ll have a plan. In the meantime, let’s get ready to move.”

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2018 4:31 pm

There was also still the rex to deal with. Somebody had to lure him away so InGen personnel could evacuate to the bunker. One man immediately volunteered. Noah.

Bravely heading out to face the dinosaur, Noah climbed into a jeep and loudly honked on the horn. "Hey, you! Hey, stupid!"

This caught the rex's attention. He looked at Noah and roared ferociously. If Noah had any second thoughts, he didn't show them. His expression was one of determination.

The rex lunged forward and charged Noah. The man hit the jeep's gas and started driving away from the facilities. The rex pursued without hesitation, roaring loudly. Within moments, both Noah and the rex were gone. Roars could be heard in the distance.

Thanks to Noah, they had an opening to evacuate now. And they weren't about to waste it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2018 3:04 pm

Harding could heard the tyrant's footsteps growing softer as they faded into the distance. It appeared as though the beast had found something else to occupy it.
"That hurricane is coming in," Carter, who was sitting in the passenger seat, noted. Harding nodded in agreement. The sky was dark gray with clouds churning in expectance of a great storm. "I sure hope Ruso has a plan to get everyone to the bunker, 'cause we're gonna need one."
The first of the buildings became visible through the jungle. The Jeep skidded around the corner and stopped in front of the infirmary. Harding and the other two passengers clambered out and stood in the soft mud.
"I think the coast is clear," Reynolds announced, his hand resting lightly on his gun.
The three of them crossed the road. Harding opened the door and ushered his companions through. They were greeted by Wu and Ruso.
"You made it back," Wu said, clearly relieved.
Carter looked at the sick and injured people lying in the cots. "Looks like you had a rough night," she said.
"You don't know the half of it," Ruso said. "We're just about to evacuate to the bunker. We need people to escort us and keep us safe. Would you be able to help, Gerry?"
"I'll do my best," Harding promised.

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2018 4:35 pm

Harding spotted his daughters on the other side of the infirmary, sitting back against the wall. He went over to them. "Hey."

"How'd it go?" Jess asked.

"We got Dr. Carter, you remember her, back safely. But her helicopter was destroyed. And right now we're getting ready to move to the storm bunker. Ready to go?"

The girls nodded and stood up. "There are still Troodon in these walls," Atlanta pointed out. "And we'd prefer not to be in the same building as them."

Since they were children, Atlanta and Jess were meant to be the first evacuated to the bunker for their safety.


Howard King heard a nearby roar. "Was that the T-Rex?" he asked Caleb, worried.

"It could be a T-Rex, since there are six on Sorna," Caleb answered.

King's face went white with fear. "Six?"

"Don't worry," Caleb reassured. "We're perfectly sa-"

Their jeep turned a corner and Caleb saw another jeep heading right toward them. And behind that jeep was a pursuing T-Rex.

The screams began.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 7:19 pm

The Rex was in hot pursuit of Noah's jeep. Noah stomped on the gas so the jeep leapt forward like some kind of growling animal. He looked in the rear-view mirror and saw the Rex falling behind. He cheered.
Then he felt a great shuddering impact as his body was flung through the windshield and came to rest on a bed of wet leaves. Weakly he lifted his head and saw what had happened. He had hit a rock. He dropped his head and fell unconscious.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 7:41 pm

Wu went looking for Atherton. Nobody had seen him recently, but Wu had to find him and make sure his mentor got to the storm bunker in time.

Wu knocked on the door to Atherton's office. No answer, but Wu still felt like he shook check. The door was unlocked, so Wu walked in. It looked empty at first, but then Wu heard a cough. Behind his desk, Atherton was lying on the floor with a framed photograph from many years ago. Atherton, Hammond, and Lockwood with the "dwarf element" responsible for starting InGen.

"Norman?" Wu asked, concerned.

"It's all gone to hell, hasn't it?" Atherton asked with a sigh. "Everything was different back then. The possibilities of what we could do with this technology was so exciting. We were going to share it with the world. Give them wonders. But all it's brought was broken friendships and death." He coughed again. "I thought nothing like the Incident could happen here. I thought we could start over with Site B. See our dream brought to life before..."

"Before what?"

"I have cancer, Henry," Atherton admitted. "I won't be around much longer. I had hoped to see the project I began with John and Benjamin completed before I left the world. But I realize now that was never going to happen. Not even in your capable hands. It was damned from the start."

Wu was silent for a moment, stunned by the reveal that Atherton was dying. Finally, he spoke. "There's a storm coming. We have to evacuate to the bunker."

"We were fools," Atherton said to himself. "Playing God. How many are dead because of us? And Benjamin wanted to take it even farther..."

This got Wu's attention. He knew very little about what had driven Lockwood away. "What did he want to do, Norman?"

"After starting InGen, Hammond proposed Jurassic Park," Atherton explained. "But Lockwood had different ideas. He wanted to go down a path we couldn't follow. Maybe I should have tried harder to deescalate things. But Hammond never made amends with Lockwood before his death." He sighed.

Wu heard people run by as the office as they evacuated the building. "We need to leave, Norman. It isn't safe here."

Atherton finally allowed himself to be taken out of his office. Wu helped him, hoping that everyone would be able to reach safety in time before the hurricane struck...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 7:47 pm

Lori stared at the screen in horror. She'd seen Noah crash, and now watched helplessly as the T.Rex made its way slowly toward the battered jeep. It sniffed cautiously at the jeep, then moved further down the road to Noah. Lori clapped a hand over her mouth as the tyrant bent down and picked Noah up in its jaws. Lori looked away, unable to watch the inevitable.
When she looked back, there was no Noah, and no T.Rex.
Lori collapsed into a chair and sobbed. What a mess. What a terrible mess.
Then she heard a voice behind her. "Mrs. Ruso?" Lori turned and saw Abby standing there.
"Yes?" Lori asked, wiping away the tears.
"You better come down to the bunker," Abby told her.
"Right," Lori said, standing up. "Right, I'm coming."

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 8:03 pm

Ludlow and Gustavus ran through the jungle, hearing gunshots going off behind them. The two men had managed to steal a smaller boat and escape back to the island, but their absence was quickly noticed. Men and women were sent after Ludlow and Gustavus to stop them. Capture them alive, if possible. Kill them, if necessary.

Ludlow was never much of an athletic person and he found himself quickly running out of breath. The people behind them were gaining, but Ludlow wasn't sure how long he could keep this up.

"Come on!" Gustavus said to Ludlow, pulling him forward.

A bullet sailed forward and struck Ludlow in the shoulder. He cried out in pain from the shot and stumbled.

To make things worse, it seemed like the weather was taking a nasty turn as well. Anyone outside would need to find shelter before it was too late.

Ludlow saw that their chances didn't look good. But this was better than giving Sorkin and Dodgson the satisfaction of being their prisoner. He tried his best to keep up with Gustavus, praying for a miracle. Hoping that luck would be on their side.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 10:21 pm

Then, Ludlow and Gustavus heard pained screams coming from behind them. Gustavus stopped and looked back. He saw shapes in the dark, dinosaurs. They were attacking the men.
Gustavus turned to the exhausted Ludlow, and the pair shared a frightened, panicked look.
"Come on," Gustavus said. "There's a maintenance shed not too far from here."
The two men carried on through the jungle, leaving the sounds of screams and gunfire behind them.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2018 10:35 pm

Eventually, the screams of the dying were silenced. The commotion made by the armed men had gotten the attention of Gustavus' raptor pack. The raptors ambushed these loud humans, quickly and effectively taking them out. The last time they attempted to attack a group of humans had not gone too well for them, but the raptors had learned from their mistakes. The raptors could smell two other humans nearby, but did not care for them. There was more than enough meat from these new kills. Besides, the raptors had to eat fast. The winds had changed and every creature on the island knew that something terrible was coming to the island. The raptors would soon have to find sanctuary. They had no idea that they saved their creator by killing these men.


Caleb parked the Jeep and got out. King was still shaking after the close encounter with the Rex.

"Hey, you ready to do this?" Caleb asked.

King seemed unsure, but he nodded. "Yeah, I am."

Caleb gripped his gun tightly. "Good." He turned to the other men with him. "Let's go finish InGen off. We take the staff out and Site B will be ours."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2018 12:15 am

After walking for about ten minutes, Gustavus and Ludlow saw the roof of the maintenance shed poking out above the trees.
Gustavus sighed with relief.
Ludlow peered into the darkness around the shed.
"What if there's something lurking around?" he asked.
Gustavus reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol. Ludlow regarded him with wide eyes.
"Stole it from one of the guys on the boat," Gustavus explained.
The gun looked natural in his hand, like it was a part of him. Gustavus shivered with unease. I'm not a killer, he thought, remembering how he had accidently shot that guard.
Gustavus and Ludlow crept closer to the shed. The coast looked clear. Gustavus broke into a run and closed the distance to the shed, Ludlow limping as fast as he could behind him. Gustavus threw open the door and held it open for Ludlow, who slammed it shut. The two men sank against the wall, coughing and wheezing with a mixture of terror and adrenaline.
It was pitch black in the shed. Not a single ray of light.
"You got a torch?" Gustavus asked.
"No," Ludlow told him, still panting.
"Maybe there's one in here somewhere." Gustavus stood up and began rummaging around, stumbling around like a blind man. After a moment, Ludlow joined him.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2018 8:15 pm

Richard Levine and Abby were helping Dr. Caldwell evacuate the wounded from the infirmary. It was a slow process, but they were making good progress with the little time that they had. Though they weren't sure if they could everyone to the bunker in time.

A new figure walked into the infirmary. He was dressed in camouflage and body armor. Heavily armed. Nobody recognized him.

"Who are you?" Dr. Caldwell asked.

The figure answered by lifting his gun and firing. Caldwell was struck by the bullet and he hit the ground, bleeding.

Abby screamed.

"Get down!" Levine screamed, pulling Abby to the floor as the figure fired his gun once more. The guards helping with the evacuation were cut down before they could get a shot at the figure.

Sounds of gunfire and screams echoed throughout the Site B facilities. Caleb Sorkin's team had arrived. And they were here to end InGen's operations on Site B... permanently.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 6:10 pm

Richard scrambled out of the room, Abby at his heels. Richard looked back, and he was filled with horror. The intruders were killing the staff left and right, leaving no survivors and ignoring their cries for mercy.
"Get back!" Abby hissed but it was too late. One of the figures turned his head and saw Richard peeking out. He raised his gun and fired. Richard ducked back in the nick of time. Abby grabbed his arm and they started running down the hall.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 6:20 pm

Howard King was breathing heavily. The gun was shaking in his hands. He listened to the screams, listened to the gunshots that silenced them.

Howard King dropped his gun and it hit the ground. He couldn't do this. He had dreaded this moment and now that it was here he couldn't bring himself to use a gun against other human beings. He was already associated with death and murder, but he couldn't do it himself. He couldn't pull the trigger.

King's knees buckled beneath him and he fell forward, unable to stand. He had hesitated. The guilt and the regret was too much for him to bare. What the hell had he gotten himself into? How had he allowed things to go so out of hand? This wasn't corporate sabotage anymore. This was terrorism. This was a massacre. Things had gone too far. Dodgson and Sorkin had gone too far... but it was too late to stop them.

Behind him, King heard a clicking sound. Turning around, he saw a pair of eyes looking at him from the shadows.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 6:47 pm

They were the eyes from his nightmares. King's body froze. He willed his limbs to move, but nothing happened. He was a dead man walking.
The Troodon in the shadows took a shuddering step toward him, then another. King broke into a sweat and peed himself, but he still couldn't move.
Then a burst of gunfire behind him, and the Troodon scuttled back into the darkness, its skin momentarily visible in the bright flashes. King turned, broken out of the spell, and saw one of Caleb's men standing there. The man looked at him.
"What are you doing, man? Why'd you drop your gun?"
King stammered but couldn't answer.
The man jerked his head, "Come on, don't get left behind in this place, or it'll be the last mistake you'll ever make."
Picking up his gun, King followed the man.

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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 7:28 pm

When Dodgson and Sorkin realized that a hurricane was coming their way, they knew that they had to get ashore. Site B would be a lot safer than a boat at sea in this weather.

"I know a building we can seek shelter in," Sorkin told Dodgson, remembering the Site B spread from her previous visits to the island.

"Is it secure?" Dodgson asked, wondering if it would protect them from both the hurricane and the dinosaurs.

"It's our best chance," Sorkin answered, her voice a little unsure. It wasn't like they had much of a choice.

As they docked their boat and got off, Sorkin tried to reach her son by radio.

"Caleb, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I hear you. What is it?"

"There's a hurricane approaching the island. Wrap up what you're doing and make sure that you get somewhere secure. Don't take any unnecessary chances."

"We'll try to finish up and find sanctuary. Don't worry about us. Worry about yourself."

"Just promise me you'll be careful and stay safe." Her voice was worried.

"Yeah," Caleb answered. "I promise. Talk to you soon."

Sorkin sighed and turned back to Dodgson.

"Have you heard from the men we sent after Wu and Gustavus?" she asked him.

"No," Dodgson answered. "But given these circumstances, I think we may have seen the last of those two. If the hurricane doesn't get them, the dinosaurs will."

"Don't jump to conclusions," Sorkin scolded. "We'll deal with them later. Right now, let's focus on getting ourselves out of harm's way."

Dodgson nodded and they continued with their business.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 9:27 pm

"I found one!" Ludlow exclaimed excitedly.
A moment later, the bright artificial beam of a flashlight cut through the darkness of the maintenance shed.
"Good job," Gustavus congratulated.
Ludlow shone the beam around the small interior. Shelves lined the walls from one end to another. A motorcycle leaned against the far back wall. "We could use that to escape," Ludlow suggested.
Gustavus shook his hairy head. "You wouldn't make it ten yards, not with raptors on the loose."
"So I guess we're stuck here?"
"Guess so."
"I wonder if there's any food."
The two men searched the shelves hoping to find some canned food or anything, but came up disappointed.
"Unless you like eating hay and grain, I think we're out of luck," Gustavus said.
Gustavus heard a chirping sound and turned. A compsagnathus stood on the floor in front of him. The little green dinosaur looked up at him with wide, curious eyes.
"Ludlow, look."
Ludlow shone on the beam on it, and the little dinosaur blinked in the harsh light, but it did not flee.
"How'd it get in here?"
"I don't know." Gustavus kicked at the creature, and it fled behind a shelf. He followed it. He arrived just in time to see the thin green tail disappear through a three-foot-long hole in the wall.
"That's not good. A raptor or Troodon would have no trouble squeezing through there."
"We have to find something to block it."
"Agreed. Let's see if we can find a radio, too."

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2018 10:45 pm

While Gustavus looked for something to block the hole with, Ludlow looked for a radio. It wasn't long before he heard the chirping sound again. Except it was louder and coming from more than one compy.

"Ludlow..." Gustavus said as he backed away from the chirping.

Ludlow turned and saw that the compy had returned with friends. Now a dozen compys shared the maintenance shed with the two men. They chirped at each other excitedly. They had come here for shelter from the weather, but they found these humans very interesting. Ludlow felt their curious gazes. For now, they weren't doing anything. They only watched...


Gerry Harding and Dr. Carter were in the storm bunker with some of the Site B personnel and the wounded, including Ray Arnold and Trey Roland. Atlanta and Jess were in the bunker as well, huddled together in fear.

Harding tried to reach Dr. Caldwell, but all he heard on the radio were gunshots. He was unable to reach Ruso and Wu as well.

"Any luck?" Carter asked.

"No," Harding answered, shaking his head. "No response."

He hoped that they were safe and on their way to the bunker, because they were quickly running out of time...
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 5:10 pm

The little dinosaurs milled around Gustavus' feet, sniffing his mud-caked shoes. One of them even snatched up his shoelace in its tiny jaws and tugged at it. Gustavus was aware that even these small, seemingly harmless dinosaurs could in fact kill you. Their bites contain a venom that causes paralysis. If you got enough of those bites, you'd be incapacitated, allowing the critters to devour you. But they usually only went after dead or dying animals. Gustavus was neither of those.
Ludlow said, "Stop playing around. And get that hole blocked up.”
Suddenly, one of the compys let out a shrill chirp. The dinosaurs became motionless, quiet, their heads bobbing up and down, their bright yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. Gustavus swallowed. Something was wrong. Then he heard it; a long, throaty purr. He knew the sound all too well. It made his blood freeze.
“Did you hear that?” he whispered.
“Yeah,” Ludlow whispered back, his voice cracking.
“Give me the torch.”
He reached for it, and felt the weight in his hand as Ludlow passed it to him. Gustavus shone the flashlight at the hole. The compys blinked in the harsh light, their pupils dilating.
A raptor head appeared in the door. The big pale eye dilated against the beam of the torch. The compys shrieked and scattered in every direction. Gustavus groaned.
“What do we do?” Ludlow cried.
The raptor hissed and stuck its head through the hole. Gustavus remembered the gun in his hand, raised it and fired three times. Each one was a bullseye. The raptor recoiled shrieking in pain. Gustavus heard the sounds of many raptors barking and braying to one another. He looked at Ludlow and saw his own terror reflected in the man’s eyes.
They were surrounded.

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2019 5:49 pm

Wu heard the gunshots and knew that he had to get himself and Atherton to the shelter and out of danger as quickly as possible.

"What's going on?" Atherton asked, coughing.

"Nothing good," Wu told Atherton, hurrying him down the facility's hallway. It was either the Troodon inside the building or the terrorists that had planted the explosives. Wu wasn't sure which option he preferred.

An armed man stepped into the hallway in front of Wu and Atherton, lifting his gun at the geneticists. The man was wearing body armor and jungle camouflage. His face was hidden behind a mask with night vision goggles. Wu and Atherton lifted their arms up when the man pointed his weapon at them.

"You're Henry Wu," the man realized.

Wu nodded, not saying anything.

The masked man pointed at Atherton with his gun. "Who's this?"

"Norman Atherton," Wu's mentor quickly spoke.

"We only need Wu alive," the armed man said as he prepared to shoot Atherton. Wu stepped in front of him.

"No!" he screamed. "If you want me, I'll do whatever you say. I'll go with you. I'll be your hostage if that's why you want me alive."

Wu couldn't see the armed man's face, but he seemed to be thinking. He figured that maybe Atherton had some value if Wu would put his life on the line for him.

"You're both then coming with me," the armed man decided. He got behind the two and told them to move forward. Wu and Atherton did not dare disobey. Wu heard their captor talk into a radio.

"I have Wu," the man spoke. "Let's go."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 15 Icon_minitime

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