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 The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2018 8:35 pm

Artie Bridges opened his eyes. For a moment he was confused; then he realized where he must be: in a doctor’s office. On the mainland? But when he looked around, he realized it wasn’t so. Wu was here, as was Ruso. He was still on the island. What had happened? He struggled to remember, but his thoughts were fuzzy. He sat upright, and groaned in pain; his shoulder was on fire. What had happened to it?
“Easy,” a voice said. It was a man. He was dressed in a long white coat, indicating his position as the doctor.
“Is he awake?” That was Wu. The geneticist walked over to him.
“Yes,” Artie growled. “Not happy to see you, doc.”
“I have to agree,” Wu retorted.
A large man with a beard walked up behind Wu. “Hey,” he said, his voice brittle. “You remember me, don’t you? I’m the one who gave you that.” He touched Artie’s wounded shoulder, causing him to flinch.
“Hey,” Caldwell interjected. “Everyone back up a little bit.”
“Do you know what this man has done, Doctor?” Wu said. “He tried to kill Ruso and myself. He’s a dangerous felon; an assassin hired by Dodgson.”
“He should be disposed of here and now,” said Noah bitterly. “It’s no more than he deserves.”
“Nobody is shooting anybody in my infirmary!” Caldwell snapped.
“We have to question this man,” Ruso said. “He can give us information about Dodgson’s plans.”
Artie laughed. “I’ll never tell you anything,” he said.
Noah cracked his knuckles. “Want to test that theory?”
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2018 9:12 pm

Ludlow slowly regained consciousness. He was indoors now, a look around at his surroundings revealed that he was probably in a large maintenance shed. And he wasn't alone. He recognized Sorkin and the masked leader of his captors. There were two other people. After a moment Ludlow realized that he was looking at the face of his competition. Lewis Dodgson, head of research at Biosyn. The man with Dodgson must be his associate.

"I knew it," Ludlow said coldly. "I knew you had to be behind this, Dodgson. Though I am surprised that Dr. Sorkin would lower herself to associate with Biosyn scum."

"Unlikely alliances are necessary to survive," Dodgson answered smoothly. "Especially when the two parties have a common enemy. In this case, we both want to see everything you've worked for fall."

"You won't get away with this," Ludlow said defiantly, though he wasn't sure what he could do about it.

"What a cliched response," Dodgson taunted. "I expected better from you, Peter. Though I guess you can't compare to your uncle. John Hammond built InGen. You just inherited it."

"And you just steal everyone's work," Ludlow replied. "Your company has more lawyers than scientists. Hammond was a visionary. You're just a corporate terrorist."

Dodgson's fist struck and Ludlow felt his nose being broken. Still, it had been worth it.

"Business is survival of the fittest, Peter," Dodgson explained. "Resourceful guys like me, we survive. Scrubs like you don't even get participation trophies. You would drive InGen into the ground anyway. We're just... speeding up the process."

"I think I hear jealousy in your tone," Ludlow spat back. "We did what nobody in your department could, so you did the only thing you're good at to compensate. You were always a better criminal, Dodgson. Your illegal activities are much more impressive than your legal ones. When Biosyn shuts down, perhaps you could become a mob boss or something."

A fist connected with Ludlow's stomach, but he didn't care. He could tell he was getting to Dodgson.

While Dodgson starting beating Ludlow, Howard King looked visibly disgusted. Even Sorkin showed some discomfort at Dodgson continuous attacks. But nobody tried to stop him and Dodgson continued striking Ludlow.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2018 11:47 pm

“I gotta take a leak,” Artie announced, somewhat embarrassed.
Caldwell looked up from his work. “All the guards are busy. I’ll call for one, just sit tight-“
“I’ve been sitting tight for over an hour,” Artie interrupted.
“I’ll take him,” Wu offered.
“No way, Henry. You’re not nearly strong enough to handle this guy.” That was Noah. The man had been leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest, up til now. Now he straightened up and walked over to them.
“I’m not sure about that,” Caldwell said.
“Neither am I,” Artie added. “You’re the guy who shot me. I don’t think I want to be alone with you.”
“Then I guess you have no choice but to pee in your pants,” Noah said.
Artie sighed. “Fine. But I want Wu to come, too.”
Noah began to tell him that he was in no position to be making demands, but Henry cut him off. “Don’t start. I’ll go if it makes it easier,” he said.
“Fine,” Noah snapped. “Let’s go, you two.”

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The Malone Society
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 17, 2018 12:23 am

Meanwhile, on the mainland...

Kelly Malcolm was making breakfast in the kitchen. She had gotten pretty good at cooking lately and she wanted to help around the house more, especially with her father's injury in consideration. Her father had come home late last night while she had been sleeping, but she hoped to surprise him this morning. They had been spending more time together since Costa Rica, but soon Kelly would need to go to school. She wanted to make the most of the end of summer.

Kelly heard somebody come downstairs into the kitchen and she turned around, expecting to see Ian Malcolm. Instead it was a woman, much to Kelly's surprise.

"Oh, hi," the woman said. "It's nice to see you again, Kelly."

Kelly knew this woman, though she hadn't seen her in two months. "Dr. Harding! It's nice to see you again too, mam. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon... in my house."

"I wanted to talk to your father yesterday," Sarah explained. "We hoped to continue our discussion today. You're up early."

"I wanted to surprise my dad with breakfast," Kelly told Sarah. "I can make some for you too."

"That's so sweet," Sarah complimented. "Thank you."

"Why are you up so early, Dr. Harding?"

"Habit, I suppose. Woke up at sunrise while in the field. And you can call me Sarah, Kelly. It sounds like you're talking to my dad when you call me Dr. Harding."

Kelly smiled. "Sure. So how is your father and Jess?"

"Good. Though my dad is right now doing some business with InGen."

"Oh," Kelly realized. "That's what you wanted to talk to my father about, isn't it? InGen?"

Sarah nodded. "I want your father's help to expose InGen and what happened in Costa Rica."

"You want him to risk his credibility?"

"The deaths of good people were covered up. They deserve better. They deserve justice."

Kelly sighed. "You're right. I wish I could help, but I'm just a kid."

"You can help by giving me some breakfast," Sarah encouraged.

Laughing, Kelly gave Sarah a plate of eggs, sasuage, and bacon. "Here you go, Sarah."

"Thank you, Kelly. I can see why your father adores you."

"He loves kids," Kelly nodded. She shared a smile with the older woman, then went back to cooking.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 17, 2018 2:28 pm

Noah and Henry escorted a handcuffed Artie Bridges down the hallway. Noah kept his hand on his gun, tucked away in his pocket. He was ready to use it at the slightest provocation.
Finally, they reached the bathrooms. "Well thanks, gents," Artie said. "I think I can handle it from here-"
Noah put a hand on the man's shoulder. "I'm not letting you out of my sight for a single second," he snarled in the man's ear.
Artie stared at him. "You gonna watch me pee?"
Noah's face was impassive.
"Whatever," Artie sighed, rolling his eyes. "You coming too, Doc?" he said to Henry. "Might as well make it a threesome-"
"I think you'd better stay here, Dr. Wu," Noah said.
Wu raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"
Instead of answering, Noah opened the bathroom door and shoved Artie inside. Then he went in and locked the door before Wu could follow.
Wu knocked on the door. "Noah? What are you doing?"
He heard Noah shouting inside: "Alright, you piece of garbage! You're gonna tell me what your superiors are planning."
"Get away from me!" Wu heard Artie's shout.
"It's cause of you that my friends are dead. You! So tell me what you're planning!"
"You're wasting your time."
Wu heard a dull thud- the impact of a fist. Artie groaned.
"Who are you working for?!" Noah shouted.
"Go to hell!"
Another impact, followed by another. Artie began to scream.

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 17, 2018 2:50 pm

Eventually, the screams ended. They were replaced by a whimpering sound.

"Laura Sorkin and Lewis Dodgson," Wu heard Artie say. "Biosyn is working with a group called Earth First. An alliance to permanently ruin InGen. They came here last night by boat, undetected. They sabotaged the enclosures and placed explosive charges. I was to escort Dr. Gustavus off the island. We lured Peter Ludlow to Site B with InGen employees who were convinced to switch their loyalties. The other target is Wu. We also rigged communications. You thought you were talking to headquarters, but it was an elaborate set-up. No help is coming..."

Then there was a snapping sound and Artie let out a final scream. The door was unlocked and Noah walked out.

"Was that really necessary?" Wu asked.

"Yes," Noah answered simply. "For me it was."
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 12:30 pm

Wu looked into the bathroom and saw Artie lying motionless in a heap.
“Did you kill him?” Wu exclaimed, horrified.
Noah glanced over his shoulder. “He’s a confessed criminal. He would have been executed anyway.”
“By the authorities,” Wu argued. “Not by you. You can’t just take the law into your own hands.”
Noah pushed Wu up against the wall. “Listen here, you little worm. This ain’t no game. I’m responsible for the lives of every man-jack on this island, including you., I do what I have to to keep you all safe, OK? If you don’t like it, you can join him.” He gestured to Artie’s corpse.
Wu stared into the man’s crazed eyes and felt certain that he would kill him. Just strangle him to death. Or break his neck, like he did to Artie. But instead, the man released him, and with a final threatening glare, walked off.
Wu was left there, breathless and terrified. Noah was out of control. He had to tell someone- someone he could trust. But who?

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 1:21 pm

Elsewhere, Ian Malcolm woke up, covered in sweat. Another nightmare. He had been having them since Nublar. They were always the same. He would be pursued by the rex with no hope of escape. Then Malcolm would feel the rex's jaws closing around his torso and picking him up. The rex would shake him like a rag doll and then throw him onto the ground. The same horrible memory, replayed over and over again. Malcolm had been meeting with a physical therapist lately about his leg, but maybe he needed to make an appointment about these night terrors as well. Not that he could tell anyone the context of the dreams though...

Malcolm noticed that he was alone in bed and he heard voices coming from downstairs. After getting dressed, he went to his kitchen where Sarah Harding and his daughter were getting along and having a discussion.

"Good morning, Dad," Kelly greeted, handing her father a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage. "I made you breakfast."

"You shouldn't have," Malcolm said, smiling as he took the plate. He nodded at the kitchen table's other occupant. "Good morning, Sarah."

"Good morning, Ian. Your daughter was just telling me about how she wants to join the gymnastics team when school starts soon."

"Yes, she can't wait for tryouts," Malcolm added, sitting down. "I'm very excited for her."

"Anyway, I gotta run," Kelly interrupted. "Arby is expecting me and I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Go ahead," Malcolm told her. Kelly kissed her dad on the cheek and waved goodbye to Sarah.

"I'll be back later," she said before leaving. Malcolm and Sarah were now alone.

"So have you reached a decision?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah," Malcolm admitted. "Who knows how many more deaths InGen may have to cover up to keep their dark secrets from becoming public. It has to stop before more lives are ruined. I think I'll give Grant a call."

"Do you think he'll help us?"

"I don't know," Malcolm replied honestly. "He wasn't very enthusiastic about it the last time we spoke. But I'll try. The survivors deserve proper closure and the casualties deserve proper justice. Hopefully I can convince Grant to give his support and his testimony. There's also Dr. Carter. The more help we can get, the better."

"Thank you for you help," Sarah said. "I understand that you could risk your reputation by doing this."

"Your family is risking a lot as well," Malcolm pointed out. "And there are more important things than my reputation."

Malcolm limped over to a phone and started to make a few calls.
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 2:31 pm

Levine heard a faint rustling in the wall. He raised an eyebrow at Abby and asked, “What is that?”
“I don’t know,” Abby replied. “Rats? Mice?”
Levine shivered. He hated rats.
The sound was moving up the wall, into the ceiling. Then across the ceiling, and fading away.
“That was weird,” Levine commented.
“It sounded bigger than a rat,” Abby said.
“What else could it be?”
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 3:01 pm

Wu and Noah heard somebody let out a fearful scream. Noah ran in the direction of the scream and Wu followed. Racing through the hallways, they caught a glimpse of a worker being dragged around a corner by something, despite his struggles to break free.

"Help me!" the worker screamed desperately. "Don't let it take me!"

The worker clawed at the floor, but was then yanked out of sight with a final scream.

Noah and Wu went around the corner to see what had become of the employee, but he was already gone. The hallway hauntingly empty.

"Where did he go?" Wu asked.

"There," Noah answered. He pointed to an uncovered vent with claw marks around it. "He was taken in there."

Wu listened closely and he could hear something in the vents. "Oh hell," he said. "There are dinosaurs in this building. We have to tell Ruso."

Other workers appeared, having heard the screams. They gathered around the open vent, sharing frightened whispers.

They weren't as safe as they thought they were.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 3:45 pm

Gustavus groaned and opened his eyes. He was aware of the floor gently swaying. He sat up and looked around. He was on a boat. There were people. Standing, talking. Gustavus was confused. “Excuse me?” He said. “Who are you people?”
A man walked over to him. Ha face was cast in shadow. Then he stepped into the light, revealing his features.
“Lewis Dodgson!” Gustavus exclaimed.
“Yes, it’s me,” Dodgson conformed. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting by you, Dr. Gustavus.”
Gustavus stood up. “Why am I here?”
“You were saved,” Dodgson told him. “From those InGen fools. Now, you work for me.”
“As if,” Gustavus said. “I have a reputation to uphold. I can’t be seen collaborating with someone like you.”
“Is that so?” Dodgson smiled.
“Get me off this boat at once,” Gustavus ordered.
“You’re not the one making the orders anymore, Gustavus.” That was a new voice. A woman came over to them. She was thin and frail, covered in scars. “Dr. Sorkin?” Gustavus asked.
“That’s correct,” Sorkin confirmed. “Welcome to BioSyn.”

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 3:59 pm

Trey Roland opened his eyes and he realized that he was in an infirmary, surrounded by the injured and the dying. Dr. Caldwell rushed over.

"Mr. Roland, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like hell," Trey answered, groaning. "Can you give me an update on the situation?"

"Saboteurs set explosive charges around the island," Caldwell explained. "Supervisor Ruso ordered all personnel to return to the main facilities for safety. The saboteurs also left the enclosures open."

"Yeah, I figured that out," Trey said, remembering the rex and the Dilophosaurus. "What about Ludlow?"

"Still missing," Caldwell replied. "Do you know what happened to him?"

"He was taken by masked men," Trey recalled. "They were armed and wanted Ludlow alive, but they left me for dead. I have no idea who they were. Are they going to send a rescue party to find Ludlow?"

Caldwell shook his head. "Ruso doesn't want to risk anymore lives. Her priority is the safety of the staff."

"Probably a good call," Trey considered. "Go tend to your other patients, Doctor. They need you more than I do."

Caldwell nodded and attended to the infirmary's other occupants. Trey closed his eyes, trying to forget the nightmare he was currently in. Hopefully it would all soon be over.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 4:40 pm

Noah burst into the infirmary. “There are dinosaurs loose in the building. Everyone stay here.”
That sent the people into an uproar. The din rose to an almost deafening volume. Noah shouted to be heard above the sound.
“Everyone must stay calm! You’re going to be alright. I and a few other guards will protect you. Dr. Caldwell?”
“Yes?” The pale doctor asked.
“You’re in charge.”
Then he left the room.
The people continued to murmur and talk quietly amongst themselves. Trey grabbed the doctor’s arm as he passed. “What kind of dinosaurs do you think are in here?” He asked.
“I would guess, small ones. Certainly nothing as big as a T-Rex,” Caldwell responded.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 4:58 pm

A male T-Rex emerged from the jungle nearby the InGen facilities. He had new territory to explore and these strange buildings caught his interest. He also picked up a familiar scent. The small humans he had encountered earlier were close.

As he came closer to the buildings, he saw several workers flee when they spotted the rex. The dinosaur roared at the workers, scaring them. The rex enjoyed the sight of the small mammals fleeing for their life. However, the rex wasn't interested in chasing them, though he did know how delicious their flesh was from the woman he had eaten earlier.

The rex marked his territory on an abandoned vehicle, leaving his scent on it. Then he set off to explore the area, hoping to find more humans to mess with.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 5:41 pm

Ruso looked out the window and saw the T-Rex - a male, judging by the markings on its hide - running amuck. The megaton predator strolled down the road, stopping now and again to sniff at the strange, manmade objects it came across.
Without taking her eyes off the predator, Ruso got on the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tyrannosaurus rex loose in the facilities. Please exercise extreme caution. Do not attempt to go outdoors. If you are outdoors, come inside at once." She knew the announcement would be broadcast all over the island.
She heard someone come in, and turned to see Henry Wu. "Henry," she said. "You look freaked out."
"That's because I am," Wu told her. "There are dinosaurs loose in the building. I came here to tell you."
"What?" Ruso exclaimed. "What kind of dinosaurs?"
Wu took a shuddering breath. "I think... Troodon."
Ruso staggered back. "No... that's imposi-"
She was cut off by a low snarl emanating from the vent to her right.
"Quick!" Wu cried, running forward, "We have to cover the vents. They move through the vents!"

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2018 6:34 pm

Atlanta heard the announcement over the intercom. A rex was in the area.

"Don't worry," Kathy comforted. "We're safe in here. The rex is too large."

Atlanta nodded, though she still had her doubts about InGen's abilities to keep them "safe."

"You should tell that to the infants," Jess commented. "They're frightened."

The baby dinosaurs in the nursery did seem to be scared of something. But what?

Then Atlanta and Jess heard something that made their blood freeze. An all-too familiar clicking sound that the girls had prayed never to hear again...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 1:43 pm

It sounded like it was coming from the walls. That was Kathy's initial thought. But it didn't make sense. What kind of animal could fit inside a wall?
"What is that?" she muttered aloud. She didn't expect either girl to answer, but Atlanta quickly said, "Troodon," in a hushed, terrified voice.
Kathy turned to her, confusion evident on her face. "What's a Troodon?" Evidently the news hadn't reached her yet.
Before Atlanta could explain, Jess let out a cry. She pointed to the vent. A pair of white eyes shone brightly in there.

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 2:52 pm

Kathy recognized the danger, though she didn't know what a "Troodon" was. She told Atlanta and Jess to run, to find help. They didn't need to be told twice and they obeyed Kathy at once. Once she saw that they had left the room, Kathy retrieved her tranquilizer gun. The dinosaur infants had to be protected. They were vulnerable and their safety was Kathy's priority. She turned back to the vent and... the pair of bright white eyes was gone.

Kathy wondered if the "Troodon" had retreated deeper into the vents, but then she heard something behind her. A clicking sound and a hiss. Kathy spun around and saw a set of jaws lunging at her. Kathy screamed and the "Troodon" was now all she could hear.


Harding heard shouting and he spotted his daughters running into the infirmary. Their faces were stricken with fear.

"What is it?" Harding asked.

"Troodon!" Jess screamed. "There are Troodon in the building!"

"No..." Harding said in dread.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 3:07 pm

"Where's Kathy?" Arnold asked the fear-stricken girls.
"She stayed behind to protect the babies," Jess explained, her voice trembling.
Arnold had seen Troodon in action. He'd been bit by one, for crying out loud. He knew what even a lone Troodon was capable of. Kathy didn't stand a chance. With that in mind, he ran to the door, threw it open, and started down the long corridor to the nursery. He had little hope that Kathy was alive.

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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The Malone Society
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 3:43 pm

Arnold ran into the nursery and the first thing he noticed was the pool of blood decorating the floor. The smell was awful. "Oh God..."

There was no sign of Kathy, but a bloody trail could be made out leading to the vent. It didn't take Arnold long to piece together what had happened to the poor woman. An abandoned tranquilizer gun rested aside and Arnold picked up what he realized was Kathy's InGen badge, made unreadable by a coating of blood.

Harding and several workers showed up behind Arnold. "Where's Kathy?" Harding asked.

"Gone," Arnold replied bitterly. "Dead, most likely. Dammit."

Harding ordered several workers to stand guard to make sure the Troodon didn't come back. He also made sure that the guards had lethal weapons.

"If you see or hear anything, don't hesitate to shoot to kill," Harding instructed. "Troodon are not to be taken lightly under any circumstances."

"You should get the janitorial team as well," Arnold added. "God, what a mess..."

Harding nodded and left. Arnold turned away from the scene in disgust, wondering if there was anyplace left same at Site B...
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 4:26 pm

Wu and Ruso pushed a desk in front of the vent, then stood back.
"They come through the vents?" Ruso asked.
Wu nodded, "Yes. They're very... clever."
"I can see that," Ruso said.  
Ruso's radio began to buzz. She answered it. "Hello?"
"Supervisor? Are you alright?" It was Arnold.
"Yes, I'm fine. Henry's here, too."
"Good. Where are you?"
"Control room. There are Troodon in the vents."
"Yes. They're running loose."
"Has anyone died?"
"Kathy. Aside from that, I don't know."
Kathy? That sweet girl? Ruso closed her eyes in sadness.
"May I speak to him?" Wu asked. Ruso gave him the radio. "Arnold, this is Wu. Where's Noah?"
"Infirmary I think."
"Listen to me, Arnold. Noah's unchained. He killed Artie."
There was a long pause. "I don't understand," Arnold said slowly.
Wu took a deep breath, then began to recount the events. "He locked himself and Artie in the bathroom. Then he began beating him. Finally, Artie told him what he wanted to know. Then he broke his neck." He was aware of Ruso staring at him with a shocked expression.
"Okay," Arnold said. "I'll deal with him."

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 4:47 pm

Arnold went to the infirmary. "Have you seen Noah?" he asked Dr. Caldwell.

"He left a few minutes ago," Caldwell answered. "I think he went to the vending machine to get a soda or chips or something."

"Thank you," Arnold nodded. "I recommend you cover up the vents. There are dinosaurs in the buildings and they hide inside the walls."

"Will that be enough?" Caldwell asked, worried.

"Probably not," Arnold admitted. "We'll send extra guards though." He remembered the mainland attacks and how the Troodon had targeted the hospital, going after the sick and wounded. The weak and vulnerable. He shivered at the memory.

"I'm grateful," Caldwell said, relieved. Arnold then left the man to his work. Going through the hallways, Arnold did in fact find Noah by the vending machines.

"Noah, Wu told me about what you did to Artie."

Noah turned away from the vending machines and glanced at Arnold. "So what?"

"You're out of control," Arnold stated. "That was an unarmed defenseless man you killed. Unprovoked as well."

"People are dead because of him," Noah spat back. "He deserved death. He and his allies did all this. They're bringing down Site B."

"We could have used him."

"Or he would have just slowed us down. I did what I thought was right. I don't regret it and I offer no apologies."

Arnold brought up his gun. "That's unfortunate then. You'll be detained and when all this is over you'll be put on trial for murder."

"I did what was needed for all of us to survive!"

"I'm sorry, Noah. I really am."

Noah then suddenly leaped at Arnold, trying to grab the gun. Arnold was surprised by the sudden attack as Noah lunged, snarling angrily.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 10:41 pm

At some point, the gun went off. Arnold felt an incredible jolt, then pain- pain like nothing he'd ever felt before- in his stomach. He fell to the ground, loosening his hold on Noah, and groaned as he clutched his bleeding stomach.
Noah stood up, a look of abstract horror on his face. "Arnold..." he gasped. "What have I done..."
Immediately, he got on his knees and pressed his hands into Arnold's bleeding stomach. "Help!" he cried. "We need help! Someone! Get the doctor!"

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 11:02 pm

Howard King heard a nearby roar and he shook, frightened. He looked around at the Earth First people Sorkin had brought with her. If they had any doubts or second thoughts, they didn't show it.

Dodgson had put King in charge of this assignment, but he was beginning to regret it.

InGen was dying, but Dodgson wouldn't be satisfied until operations on Site B were completely destroyed. InGen was going to go out with a bang.

Besides that, Sorkin wanted Wu. Alive.

However, King didn't like this. Were all these deaths really necessary? It was too late to back out now though. King had gotten in too deep. Besides, he owed Dodgson. He would have died on Nublar if it wasn't for Dodgson.

King sighed and sucked it in. Might as well get it over with. The sooner, the better.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2018 12:05 am

Levine heard the cries echoing down the hall. He turned to Abby. Abby glanced at him, and without a moment’s hesitation, ran out of the room. After a moment, Levine followed.
He chased Abby down the hall and around the corner, where he found the young woman on her knees next to a large bearded man. Both of them had their hands pressed into the stomach of a black man. “What happened?” He heard Abby ask.
“Shot,” The bearded man replied.
“By you?”
“It was an accident,” the man assured.
Abby turned and looked at Levine. “This man needs help, or he’s going to die,” she said.
Levine nodded. “Got it.” He ran past them and down toward the infirmary.

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2018 12:15 am

Moments later Levine was helping Dr. Caldwell with a stretcher. The wounded Arnold was lifted off the ground and placed on the stretcher. He was then taken to the infirmary.

Several guards had also been attracted to the scene. They put Noah in handcuffs and he didn't resist, still in horror of having accidentally shot Arnold. Noah was then lead off as well.

Since Levine was with Caldwell, Abby was now alone. She sighed and sat against the vending machine. This is not what she had signed up for.

She then noticed that somebody was standing over her. Looking up, he saw Henry Wu.

"I heard what happened to Arnold," Wu explained. "I told him to deal with Noah. It's my fault..."

"Shut up," Abby interrupted. "Stop blaming yourself. Right now that doesn't matter. We need to focus on what's important. Helping each other and getting off this island."

Wu was silent for a moment, caught off guard. "Y-yeah. You're right. Huh."
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2018 10:16 pm

Dodgson tapped Sorkin on the shoulder. "I think we've admired the view long enough, Dr. Sorkin. It's time to get what we came for," he said.
Sorkin lowered her binoculars, and nodded. "Yes, I agree. Caleb?"
Caleb walked up to the pair. "Yes?"
"Are you and your friends ready?"
Caleb smirked. "Ready and waiting, ma."
"Good. It's time. Go and get Doctor Wu."
Caleb nodded. As he turned to leave, Sorkin caught his arm and made him face her. Her face was serious. "Be careful," she said firmly.
Caleb squeezed her arm. "I will be." Then he let go of her arm and joined the other men. They got into another boat, the Maranda, and sped off toward the island in a whoosh of spray. Sorkin watched with a worried look on her face.
"That boy of yours is smart. He'll be fine," Dodgson assured her.

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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2018 10:34 pm

Ludlow groaned in pain, the bruises Dodgson gave him still present. He was currently alone, but was in no shape to attempt escape from his captors. However, he wasn't alone for long. Ludlow heard a door open and somebody walked in, giving Biosyn's prisoner some company. Ludlow couldn't see them though from the position he was lying in.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Ludlow?" a voice, definitely male, asked.

"Like shit," Ludlow answered. "It's probably going to get worse with the day I've been having."

"I wouldn't say that," the voice responded. "The day has only just begun, after all. Plenty of time for things to turn around."

Ludlow was surprised when he felt somebody untie him and then help him off the ground.

"Why are you helping me?" Ludlow weakly asked.

"We're on the same side," Ludlow's rescuer explained. "I have no loyalty to Dodgson or Biosyn."

Ludlow then realized where he had heard that voice before. "Dr. Gustavus."

"Yes," the man confirmed. "I was brought here too and we can escape together, but we don't have much time."

Ludlow nodded and went along with Gustavus.
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 11:38 am

The boat containing Caleb and the other Earth First people docked. Caleb grabbed his AK-37, recalling with some amusement the tedious legalities he had gone through to acquire weapons. He and his companions then climbed onto the dock. Weaver, the captain, would stay behind and keep the engine running in case they needed to make a quick getaway.
"The garage isn't far from here," Caleb said as he examined a map of the island. "We'll go there first and find a car. Then we'll head to the facilities."
With that, he and his companions headed off into the dark jungle.

Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness
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PostSubject: Re: The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game   The Jurassic Park Interactive Storytelling Game - Page 14 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2018 11:54 am

"She's dead, isn't she?" Atlanta asked Harding. They had been moved to the infirmary for their safety, though Atlanta and Jess didn't feel very safe at the moment. "They killed Kathy."

Harding couldn't bring himself to lie to his daughters, especially since they already knew the truth. "Yes," he admitted. "Yes, she's dead. I'm sorry."

"This was a mistake," Jess said softly. "We should have never come here. What were we thinking? It was so stupid..."

Harding hugged Atlanta and Jess tightly, trying to comfort them. "This isn't your fault," he insisted. "None of this is your fault. I'm sorry for all you girls had to be put through. When this is over, I'll make it up to you. Promise."

Atlanta and Jess believed him. Despite their circumstances, they actually didn't doubt that they were going to survive. The Hardings had been through a lot this summer. But if they lived through the Nublar Incident, the Costa Rica attacks, and Wu's expedition, they could live through this as well.

"Will you stay with us?" Jess asked.

"Yes," Harding promised. "Nothing is more important to be right now than your safety."

Atlanta and Jess hugged him back tightly and for a second nothing else mattered.
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