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 Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom

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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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PostSubject: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeTue Feb 27, 2018 10:12 am

I think it's safe to say that the dinosaur fans of the franchise want to see return in Fallen Kingdom the most is everybody's favorite Nedry-killing poison-spitter, the Dilophosaurus! As mentioned in another topic, the Dilophosaurus is a fan favorite despite only appearing in one scene in the first movie, though admittedly the holographic cameo in Jurassic World was nice. Viral marketing has confirmed that there is a population of Dilophosaurs on Isla Nublar and set images suggest that a Dilophosaurus puppet might be used in Fallen Kingdom. We are getting fan-requested creatures like Allosaurus, Baryonyx, and Carnotaurus, plus the return of Brachiosaurus, so I'm hoping to finally have Dilophosaurus make its comeback after being absent for three movies.

Do you think we'll see Dilophosaurus again? What role do you imagine or want them to play? What scenes do you want to see?

I personally want to see a pack of full-grown Dilophosaurs. It would be nice to see them get some kills as well. I want them to pose an actual threat and get some good screentime, not just have them immediately killed in a disappointing fashion. It's been twenty-five years since we saw them last! They deserve a proper return.

Maybe the first Dilophosaur we see is a juvenile the same size as the one from the first movie. Exchanged dialogue reveals that this individual isn't even full-grown. Then the adults show up... It would be a good way to clear up any confusion about the size of these creatures.
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeTue Feb 27, 2018 4:29 pm

I have no idea how likely it is we’ll see Dilophosaurus. If we do see one, I’d like it to be fully grown, although the size of the ones in the Evolution video game screenshot would seem to confirm they’re going to be smaller. I’d say it’s more likely than a Sorna mention, less likely than a Grant cameo. Don’t hold your breath.
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeTue Feb 27, 2018 8:04 pm

Dilophosaurus is my favorite Dino.

It’s extremely unlikely we see one in this film imo. And if we do it will be probably be in the background when some dinosaurs escape. I don’t feel that’s really good enough though, I think it needs it’s own scene that really plays up the horror aspect.

I think Universal just doesn’t have any intention or interest in directly showing the animal for some bizarre reason. To be completely honest I’m not sure Universal believes it to be extremely iconic like the Rex and raptors.

In TLW it’s a picture, in JW it’s a hologram.

Mild Spoilers for the new film.

Hopefully Universal is teasing us throughout these movies and we’ll seen one in the swamp, in the wild in the third. I’m kinda expecting to never see it again though.
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The Malone Society
The Malone Society

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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeWed Feb 28, 2018 10:16 am

Troyal1 wrote:
Dilophosaurus is my favorite Dino.

It’s extremely unlikely we see one in this film imo. And if we do it will be probably be in the background when some dinosaurs escape. I don’t feel that’s really good enough though, I think it needs it’s own scene that really plays up the horror aspect.

I think Universal just doesn’t have any intention or interest in directly showing the animal for some bizarre reason. To be completely honest I’m not sure Universal believes it to be extremely iconic like the Rex and raptors.

In TLW it’s a picture, in JW it’s a hologram.

Mild Spoilers for the new film.

Hopefully Universal is teasing us throughout these movies and we’ll seen one in the swamp, in the wild in the third. I’m kinda expecting to never see it again though.

Really? Damn! Well, thanks for pointing that out now, saving me the disappointment when I actually see the movie, like when a stupid LEGO set fooled me into thinking Dilophosaurus was going to be in Jurassic World... I'll never forgive that betrayal.

Still, it's a real shame. I mean, in the expanded universe Dilophosaurs are everywhere, a common sight in video games. It's frustrating that in the films they only have one significant scene...

And if we don't see any Dilophosaurs in Fallen Kingdom, we might never see them in the franchise again, since it means they won't be rescued from extinction and the population on Isla Nublar could potentially be permanently wiped out by the eruption that threatens the dinosaurs. I hope that's not the case, because Dilophosaurs are the #1 thing I want from these movies. Stop f**king around and bring back the spitters!

If the Dilophosaurs are in Fallen Kingdom, here's what I would want from them...

1. A scene reintroducing them by having a pack of adults attack the heroes and get tranquilized, ensuring that they're saved from extinction. The first Dilophosaur we see is the same size as the one from the first movie, until it is revealed that it is a juvenile and the full-sized ones show up...
2. It would be nice to see some Dilophosaurs among the stampeding dinosaurs during the eruption scene, desperately trying to escape the wave of death behind them.
3. I imagine that during the climax a bunch of the rescued dinosaurs are going to break free and run amok. If Dilophosaurs are among the rescued, they could join in on the chaos and maybe even actually kill somebody, like a guard or a mercenary.

It would also be cool to see a pack of Dilophosaurs battle another dinosaur, but I'm not holding my breath since it's very unlikely that would happen. I still want to see them make their comeback, but I'm not going to get myself too hyped over it since they're probably going to be like in the tour from the first movie... a no-show.

As Alan Grant said in that scene, "Damn!"
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeWed Feb 28, 2018 12:53 pm

The Malone Society wrote:
Troyal1 wrote:
Dilophosaurus is my favorite Dino.

It’s extremely unlikely we see one in this film imo. And if we do it will be probably be in the background when some dinosaurs escape. I don’t feel that’s really good enough though, I think it needs it’s own scene that really plays up the horror aspect.

I think Universal just doesn’t have any intention or interest in directly showing the animal for some bizarre reason. To be completely honest I’m not sure Universal believes it to be extremely iconic like the Rex and raptors.

In TLW it’s a picture, in JW it’s a hologram.

Mild Spoilers for the new film.

Hopefully Universal is teasing us throughout these movies and we’ll seen one in the swamp, in the wild in the third. I’m kinda expecting to never see it again though.

Really? Damn! Well, thanks for pointing that out now, saving me the disappointment when I actually see the movie, like when a stupid LEGO set fooled me into thinking Dilophosaurus was going to be in Jurassic World... I'll never forgive that betrayal.

Still, it's a real shame. I mean, in the expanded universe Dilophosaurs are everywhere, a common sight in video games. It's frustrating that in the films they only have one significant scene...

And if we don't see any Dilophosaurs in Fallen Kingdom, we might never see them in the franchise again, since it means they won't be rescued from extinction and the population on Isla Nublar could potentially be permanently wiped out by the eruption that threatens the dinosaurs. I hope that's not the case, because Dilophosaurs are the #1 thing I want from these movies. Stop f**king around and bring back the spitters!

If the Dilophosaurs are in Fallen Kingdom, here's what I would want from them...

1. A scene reintroducing them by having a pack of adults attack the heroes and get tranquilized, ensuring that they're saved from extinction. The first Dilophosaur we see is the same size as the one from the first movie, until it is revealed that it is a juvenile and the full-sized ones show up...
2. It would be nice to see some Dilophosaurs among the stampeding dinosaurs during the eruption scene, desperately trying to escape the wave of death behind them.
3. I imagine that during the climax a bunch of the rescued dinosaurs are going to break free and run amok. If Dilophosaurs are among the rescued, they could join in on the chaos and maybe even actually kill somebody, like a guard or a mercenary.

It would also be cool to see a pack of Dilophosaurs battle another dinosaur, but I'm not holding my breath since it's very unlikely that would happen. I still want to see them make their comeback, but I'm not going to get myself too hyped over it since they're probably going to be like in the tour from the first movie... a no-show.

As Alan Grant said in that scene, "Damn!"

Yeah man I totally agree with you. And who knows, I’m not telling you to rule out the possibility completely. But I’ve been burned far too many times to keep my head too high. And that thing I put in the spoiler tag really broke me. Let’s pray that the JP gods smile upon us Smile

I’d like to private message you on the matter for a few more details if that’s okay.
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 2:07 am

I think the chances of the dilo showing up are unlikely and I'll be going in with the mindset of not seeing it. I would be ok with it being in the film as a background creature since there's already a ton of carnivore dinosaurs in this movie already, but if it gets a more vital role in the third film then i would be fine with that
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2018 9:55 pm

How symbolic would it be for the Dilophosaurus to appear in only the first and last film?
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PostSubject: Re: Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom   Dilophosaurus in Fallen Kingdom Icon_minitime

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