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 Indoraptor's size

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PostSubject: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2018 1:20 pm

With all the talk of Indoraptor, there is the inevitable question of it's size. We thought that it would be the size of Utahraptor.

Utahraptor was thought to be 16-20ft long 5-6 ft tall and half a ton, but recent evidence showed that it was larger. 20-25 ft long and maybe 1,500 pounds and even 1 ton isn't out of the question.


Indoraptor does look like it's the max length of Utahraptor, but it doesn't look like it's as heavy. Utahraptor was far stocker and robust.

Here's Scott Hartman's reconstruction he did least year.

So with Indoraptor, we have a dinosaur that's Utahraptor length and most likely height, but not weight.
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2018 10:52 pm

This was actually the dinosaur that came to mind when I saw how big Indoraptor was supposed to be.
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2018 11:26 pm

One projection I've heard is that it's 2/3 the size of the Indominus and 2 tons, which would make it about this big compared to the Rex. Not sure where the source on this size is coming from, though.

Indoraptor's size OaJiNmK
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2018 6:53 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
One projection I've heard is that it's 2/3 the size of the Indominus and 2 tons, which would make it about this big compared to the Rex. Not sure where the source on this size is coming from, though.

Indoraptor's size OaJiNmK

Comparing toys isn't really that best way to determine size, though. Not only that, but Indoraptor looks too scrawny to be 2 tons. It's not nearly as muscular as Utahraptor was.
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Tyrant Lizard
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2018 7:05 pm

CT-1138 wrote:
One projection I've heard is that it's 2/3 the size of the Indominus and 2 tons, which would make it about this big compared to the Rex. Not sure where the source on this size is coming from, though.

Indoraptor's size OaJiNmK

Just based on what we've seen of it in the trailers and in pics, this looks a bit big to me. Either that or the Rex is a bit small.

For the sake of comparison.

Indoraptor's size Jurassic_World_FK_trailer2

Indoraptor's size Indoraptor-in-Lockwood
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2018 9:00 pm

Rhedosaurus wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
One projection I've heard is that it's 2/3 the size of the Indominus and 2 tons, which would make it about this big compared to the Rex. Not sure where the source on this size is coming from, though.

Comparing toys isn't really that best way to determine size, though. Not only that, but Indoraptor looks too scrawny to be 2 tons. It's not nearly as muscular as Utahraptor was.

Tyrant Lizard wrote:
CT-1138 wrote:
One projection I've heard is that it's 2/3 the size of the Indominus and 2 tons, which would make it about this big compared to the Rex. Not sure where the source on this size is coming from, though.

Indoraptor's size OaJiNmK

Just based on what we've seen of it in the trailers and in pics, this looks a bit big to me. Either that or the Rex is a bit small.

For the sake of comparison.
I wouldn't say the toys are too out of scale, though. Considering the Legacy collection 3.75" figures come to Rexy's knee, as does Owen in the images above, I wouldn't say they're two out of scale.
Indoraptor's size RmoyddT

The problem with using that particular images of the iRaptor, though, is that Owen is in the foreground and the iRaptor is in the background, thus creating a forced perspective. The best comparison we have is Blue. Consider that Blue is about the size of every other Raptor in the series, 5.5' tall:
Indoraptor's size NWnupXS

If we compare that to the image of Blue ON the iRaptor from an earlier trailer:
Indoraptor's size 9AtRsXl

The iRaptor is about 10ft to 12ft tall, about the size of the iRaptor toy when scaled to the Thrash N Throw Rex.
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2018 10:12 am

It's mentioned that it's length : 7.3m , height: 3.1m
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2018 12:03 pm

JP_Korea wrote:
It's mentioned that it's length : 7.3m , height: 3.1m

I translated that into feet and inchs and Indoraptor is 24.09 ft long and 10.23 ft tall.

So in terms of size, it's Utahraptor size in terms of length but slightly taller. Still Utahraptor beats it in overall size since it's at least 1 ton. Indoraptor looks far to lanky to be that heavy.
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PostSubject: Re: Indoraptor's size   Indoraptor's size Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2018 1:03 pm

So it IS to scale with the Thrash N Throw.
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