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 Colin Trevorrow throws his movies under the bus.

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Colin Trevorrow throws his movies under the bus. Empty
PostSubject: Colin Trevorrow throws his movies under the bus.   Colin Trevorrow throws his movies under the bus. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2022 4:34 pm

It looks like Colin just threw his movies, and the rest of the franchise, under the bus.

Quote wrote:
The 46-year-old filmmaker helmed 'Jurassic World Dominion', which was met with a negative response by critics, and suggested that Steven Spielberg's original 1993 film should have been a standalone picture as the series is "inherently un-franchisable".

"There probably should have only been one 'Jurassic Park' – but if we're gonna do it, how can I allow them to tell stories in a world which dinosaurs exist, as opposed to, here's another reason why we're going to an island?"

I still say the only good JP sequel is The Lost World.
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Colin Trevorrow throws his movies under the bus.
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