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 Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2016 4:28 pm

I figure we definitely need one of these threads. Anything bothering you? Need to talk about something or get something off your chest? Post it here.
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2016 10:43 pm

Actually, I've been feeling better since posting this on JPL's blow-off-steam:
"So, I've been extremely bored. Not angry, not quite upset, just bored. Everything I do feels routine, nothing new happens, and I just want to stop wasting the 5,029 days I've gathered in my life. The only thing that keeps me moderately happy is hanging out with my crush and adding to my JP toy collection."

I basically wanted change in my life. And 4 hours later I got my answer, Jplegacy's closure announcement. It definitely wasn't the change I was hoping for, but whatever. And this morning my mom got into a car accident, (she's fine) and the car might be totaled. It's nice to actually feel emotion for once.

Formerly known as "Raptorlover0823."
Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Jpl2310
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2016 10:57 pm

I work in retail and I'm praying for the day people finally get to hint to put sh*t back from where they or their kids got it. They need to realize it's not their home.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2016 11:14 pm

Dead2009 wrote:
I work in retail and I'm praying for the day people finally get to hint to put sh*t back from where they or their kids got it. They need to realize it's not their home.
My mom worked in a grocery store for 25 years, and she would always tell me to put (insert food item here) wherever I picked it up. It's just habit for me now.

Formerly known as "Raptorlover0823."
Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Jpl2310
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Tyrant Lizard
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 1:39 am

Not a huge deal, but I really don't want to lose touch with some of the people from JPLegacy. The people that frequented the off-topic section in particular hold a special place in my heart.

I hadn't really been frequenting the site in about a month or so, and, with the news of JPL going down, I decided to revisit some of the threads I normally frequented, including the "Blow off steam" thread. Upon scanning what I had missed, I saw that a lot of people who I consider to be friends were going through some terrible things, and I felt immediately guilty for not being there to offer my support. I just...hope that those people can make their way here.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Jpbann10
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 9:02 pm

I don't mean to cause a riot or upset. But I'm still extremely devastated over the the loss of JPL. I've actually cried about it. I have autism and you guys are really just about all I have. But on to something even worse.

My best friends nephew was born a few weeks ago with a heart condition. Doctors confirmed there is absolutely no saving him at this point and it'll be a matter of him slipping away peacefully. This day the whole world really is crashing down on me it seems.

Oh and the baby's name was Owen.... Makes me even sadder Crying or Very sad
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 9:06 pm

As are we all Troyal. The best thing we can do for now is move on and celebrate new beginnings. This is a fresh start for us all. Enjoy the time now and remember the good times.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 9:44 pm

Dang sorry to hear this Troyal. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Read my Story Jurassic Park: Chaos Theory!
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 10:06 pm

God damnit, Troyal...thats horrible. I'm really sorry, man. We are here for you if you need comfort.
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 10:15 pm

It means so much guys. Thanks
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 10:44 pm

Man, that's horrible to hear, Troyal. My complete condolences, my friend.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal IxTwoGb
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Tyrant Lizard
Tyrant Lizard

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2016 10:48 pm

I'm very sorry to hear about the situation that you're going through, Troyal. Your friends here are just a PM away if you need to talk about it.

Dinosaurs still rule the earth

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Jpbann10
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2016 6:41 pm

RaptorLover0823 wrote:
Actually, I've been feeling better since posting this on JPL's blow-off-steam:
"So, I've been extremely bored. Not angry, not quite upset, just bored. Everything I do feels routine, nothing new happens, and I just want to stop wasting the 5,029 days I've gathered in my life. The only thing that keeps me moderately happy is hanging out with my crush and adding to my JP toy collection."

I basically wanted change in my life. And 4 hours later I got my answer, Jplegacy's closure announcement. It definitely wasn't the change I was hoping for, but whatever. And this morning my mom got into a car accident, (she's fine) and the car might be totaled. It's nice to actually feel emotion for once.
And it gets worse. After these 2 events, I've been told that I am not aloud to participate in any end-year events, and my crush is moving to Australia for 6 months. I know I asked for change, but Dang, slow down life, you can't happen all at once.

Formerly known as "Raptorlover0823."
Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Jpl2310
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2016 11:02 am

WTF is wrong with the world?? Seriously.


That's why I hate humanity.

It's times like this I wish Hell existed, just to punish forever those scumbags.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal LYHX0zA
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:04 pm

A few days ago, my dad received a call at work and heard a girl screaming claiming it was my sister. He knew the voice wasn't hers but someone else took the phone from the girl claiming they had my sister and wanted a ransom. It was one of those fake kidnapping phone calls and thankfully he didn't fall for it. The question however, is how the hell did they know my dad and sister's name and get my dad's number? My brother in law filed a police report and they said it had to be someone we know.

My sister and I suspect it's her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. Ever since my sister dumped that loser, his new girlfriend has constantly made fun of my sister with her sisters and mom joining in on the bashing. She acts like my sister wants that idiot back and is trying to take him away from her. Then she goes around posting that "some people" (my sister) try to copy her style when it's the other way around. My sister isn't even causing her trouble, it's not her fault she and the guy dated before that psycho did. Plus, my sister's ex apparently shared some secrets that were between him and my sister which only makes it worse. She constantly posts in all caps making indirect remarks while posting trying to pass herself off as some kind of angel. That bitch is unbalanced and I know she's gone through his phone, likely finding our numbers. Weeks back we got a call home from some girl we didn't know asking for my sister; now we think it was her. She even knows where we live and the cars we drive. She has issues.

She lives in my sister's shadow, using the same make up and hairstyle because she can't get over the fact that the chump she's with was still obsessing over my sister like a lost pup.

Isla Nublar Map: Mid-Size Full-Size
Formerly Alpha Raptor from JPL
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:27 pm

Yikes Prowler....that is super scary to hear...

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:32 pm

Not to mention creepy... Shocked

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal 7RcFm7n

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:37 pm

I found out stuff like this has happened a lot before to other people from New York to Mexico. Someone once called my cousin claiming they had his niece and wanted money for her return. People go through phone books or other means of obtaining numbers and call someone making them think they kidnapped someone from their family.

My cousin: Go **** yourself, she's right here in front of me.
Caller: .... *hangs up*

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Formerly Alpha Raptor from JPL
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:43 pm

Holy crap Prowler, I'm sorry man.

As for how that can happen, I'd suggest Googling yourself sometime. Sites have phone numbers, addresses, persons related, just from easily accessed public information. And due to automated crap, it's hard as hell to get it off those sites.

Make the Sayles JP IV script into an animated series! Admit it, you'd watch it.
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:47 pm

Prowler wrote:
I found out stuff like this has happened a lot before to other people from New York to Mexico. Someone once called my cousin claiming they had his niece and wanted money for her return. People go through phone books or other means of obtaining numbers and call someone making them think they kidnapped someone from their family.

My cousin: Go **** yourself, she's right here in front of me.
Caller: .... *hangs up*

In matter of fact....

Just few days ago, my home phone got a call from the sheriff's office of a different county! tongue

They apologized for calling the wrong number of course, but it makes me wonder if someone randomly gave the cops my home phone number in order to throw them off. Either that or their resource manager at their department sucks at doing his/hers job.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal 7RcFm7n

"The Force will be with you, always..." - Obi-wan Kenobi
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:47 pm

Well, I have a few.

1. When I was 10, my dog Scout died of old age. Now a year ago, my family got a new puppy, and my little brother has been loving on her nonstop. It just really pisses me off seeing that because the first real friend I've ever known is gone and I can no longer feel the same love and affection that my brother and our new dog have. It's just made me really bitter and sometimes at night, I cry at the thought of this. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

2. So in my Judo class, there's this one kid named Gabe who's bigger than me and when we fight and he beats me, he tends to taunt me like "I can do this all day" and all that. Now, he has Autism, and the other people say "Oh, he has special needs" or "He doesn't know what he's saying". So before you call me heartless, here's why this really irritates me. I'm also on the Autism spectrum, Asperger's to be precise, and  I've NEVER used that as an excuse and have taken full responsibility to whatever mistakes I have made. So, having to go through a ton of hard work and not using that excuse, only to have someone else try and use it for themselves or have people dismiss what they've done because of that really, REALLY pisses me off.

We Call Him... Gojira.
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:55 pm

Prowler wrote:
A few days ago, my dad received a call at work and heard a girl screaming claiming it was my sister. He knew the voice wasn't hers but someone else took the phone from the girl claiming they had my sister and wanted a ransom. It was one of those fake kidnapping phone calls and thankfully he didn't fall for it. The question however, is how the hell did they know my dad and sister's name and get my dad's number? My brother in law filed a police report and they said it had to be someone we know.

My sister and I suspect it's her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. Ever since my sister dumped that loser, his new girlfriend has constantly made fun of my sister with her sisters and mom joining in on the bashing. She acts like my sister wants that idiot back and is trying to take him away from her. Then she goes around posting that "some people" (my sister) try to copy her style when it's the other way around. My sister isn't even causing her trouble, it's not her fault she and the guy dated before that psycho did. Plus, my sister's ex apparently shared some secrets that were between him and my sister which only makes it worse. She constantly posts in all caps making indirect remarks while posting trying to pass herself off as some kind of angel. That bitch is unbalanced and I know she's gone through his phone, likely finding our numbers. Weeks back we got a call home from some girl we didn't know asking for my sister; now we think it was her. She even knows where we live and the cars we drive. She has issues.

She lives in my sister's shadow, using the same make up and hairstyle because she can't get over the fact that the chump she's with was still obsessing over my sister like a lost pup.

I HATE THOSE TYPE OF PPL. They're obsessed with you and won't leave until you're dead or whatever. I'm really sorry your sister had to face this. If it's my sister, I don't care whoever is doing that, I give a warn to stop messing with her, if the scumbag keeps doing that, I surelly would be in jail.

I got called once with this fake kiddnap stuff, the crimminal said it had my daugher, well, I have NO daugher so I just hang up.

If that ***** keeps doing that, call the police.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal LYHX0zA
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2016 11:59 pm

Holy crap Prowler, that sucks so much I can't even think of the words that would properly describe how terrible of a situation that must be for your sister.

All I can say besides I'm sorry that is happening to your family is the police (or a higher governmental authority at least) need to be informed about the situation immediately. That sort of behavior is legitimately psychotic, and should be considered very dangerous. Try to get as many legal barriers between her and your family (especially your sister) as possible, and if she even so much as twitches an eye at anyone in your family press charges. You need to nip that pup in the butt as hard as possible, because if that kind of nut job is left relatively free to do what she wants it can very well end badly.

If you only do what you can do, you will never be better than what you are.

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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:02 am

Yeah call the police, let them know.

Anyway, this stuff only proofs humanity sucks and I just can't deal with it. Everyday something makes me even more bad and depressed. The fact that some meatbags exist just to make the world a shitty place...

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal LYHX0zA
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:08 am

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Yeah call the police, let them know.

Anyway, this stuff only proofs humanity sucks and I just can't deal with it. Everyday something makes me even more mad and depressed. The fact that some meatbags exist just to make the world a shitty place...

That's what happens when you have 7 billion (and increasing) people all shoved together on the same small planet. You get nut jobs, idiots, and overall craptastic individuals who ruin things for the rest of us poor punks that are forced to live with them. I've always been a huge proponent to furthering our investment in space travel/colonization as a species, simply so we can cut down on the number of people we have living on Earth (and so I can get away from all the bull**** terrible people have to offer).

If you only do what you can do, you will never be better than what you are.

Formally: Sinncrow
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:12 am

The problem with that is that the police need proof and that they can't arrest someone because of online bashing or indirect comments that don't mention my sister by name. Either way, the psycho could likely just have a twisted sense of humor knowing her considering the way she posts. My sister is safe for the most part as she lives in another state since she moved with her fiance-now-husband.  He's a much better guy than the loser she was with before. I just wouldn't put it past her if she was involved in that call.

Isla Nublar Map: Mid-Size Full-Size
Formerly Alpha Raptor from JPL

Last edited by Prowler on Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:19 am

Katana wrote:
Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Yeah call the police, let them know.

Anyway, this stuff only proofs humanity sucks and I just can't deal with it. Everyday something makes me even more mad and depressed. The fact that some meatbags exist just to make the world a shitty place...

That's what happens when you have 7 billion (and increasing) people all shoved together on the same small planet. You get nut jobs, idiots, and overall craptastic individuals who ruin things for the rest of us poor punks that are forced to live with them. I've always been a huge proponent to furthering our investment in space travel/colonization as a species, simply so we can cut down on the number of people we have living on Earth (and so I can get away from all the bull**** terrible people have to offer).

I think ppl should stop reproducing, seriously (that doesn't mean I'm in favor of mass genocide). There's a lot of ppl having 6, 7 sons. And most of them are from poor areas. I never understood, if you can't even keep yourself, why would you have kids if you can't give them propper quality of life?  They should only have 1, max. I read a prediction that said by 2020 we can have 9 billion of ppl in the planet. That's species overpopulation. Everything in nature needs to be in balance, or chaos will happen. The resources are already not enough for 7 billion, the planet can't support more.

I don't want to have a son, to put another person in this world and probably face the worst. Also, if the space colonization happens while I'm alive, I won't have the pleasure to join in, since I won't have enough money. First thing I would do if I had power is send ALL the productive scientists to this new civilization. If you have the oportunity to escape, do it. Maybe, if I'm useful scientist in the future, I can do something.

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal LYHX0zA
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:27 am

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Katana wrote:
Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Yeah call the police, let them know.

Anyway, this stuff only proofs humanity sucks and I just can't deal with it. Everyday something makes me even more mad and depressed. The fact that some meatbags exist just to make the world a shitty place...

That's what happens when you have 7 billion (and increasing) people all shoved together on the same small planet. You get nut jobs, idiots, and overall craptastic individuals who ruin things for the rest of us poor punks that are forced to live with them. I've always been a huge proponent to furthering our investment in space travel/colonization as a species, simply so we can cut down on the number of people we have living on Earth (and so I can get away from all the bull**** terrible people have to offer).

I think ppl should stop reproducing, seriously (that doesn't mean I'm in favor of mass genocide). There's a lot of ppl having 6, 7 sons. And most of them are from poor areas. I never understood, if you can't even keep yourself, why would you have kids if you can't give them propper quality of life?  They should only have 1, max. I read a prediction that said by 2020 we can have 9 billion of ppl in the planet. That's species overpopulation. Everything in nature needs to be in balance, or chaos will happen. The resources are already not enough for 7 billion, the planet can't support more.

I don't want to have a son, to put another person in this world and probably face the worst. Also, if the space colonization happens while I'm alive, I won't have the pleasure to join in, since I won't have enough money. First thing I would do if I had power is send ALL the productive scientists to this new civilization. If you have the oportunity to escape, do it. Maybe, if I'm useful scientist in the future, I can do something.

Funny enough, as I'm someone with a great fear of death, the poverty issue is one reason why I sort of hope that any drugs or anything found to extend life doesn't eventually happen. I think everyone would deserve to stay alive and healthy longer, but I'd absolutely bet it'd be either kept secret or only given to those with wealth and power, and that'd cause a whole of host of its own problems.

Make the Sayles JP IV script into an animated series! Admit it, you'd watch it.
"We'll use the Force."- Finn
 "That's not how the Force works!"- Han Solo
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:32 am

Prowler wrote:
The problem with that is that the police need proof and that they can't arrest someone because of online bashing or indirect comments that don't mention my sister by name. Either way, the psycho could likely just have a twisted sense of humor knowing her considering the way she posts. My sister is safe for the most part as she lives in another state since she moved with her fiance-now-husband.  He's a much better guy than the loser she was with before. I just wouldn't put it past her if she was involved in that call.

Im not saying arrest her, and like you said they cant do anything over online bashing, but keep them informed so if something does happen IRL they know there is a history of bad behavior from the nut job.

Im glad your sister is physically far from her, as that does dramatically lower the risk of danger, and Im glad she is with a much better person. Just remember to tread on an air of caution, as she sounds like real trouble.

If you only do what you can do, you will never be better than what you are.

Formally: Sinncrow
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Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal   Blow Off Some Steam: Through the Portal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:36 am

TheDreamMaster wrote:
Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Katana wrote:
Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Yeah call the police, let them know.

Anyway, this stuff only proofs humanity sucks and I just can't deal with it. Everyday something makes me even more mad and depressed. The fact that some meatbags exist just to make the world a shitty place...

That's what happens when you have 7 billion (and increasing) people all shoved together on the same small planet. You get nut jobs, idiots, and overall craptastic individuals who ruin things for the rest of us poor punks that are forced to live with them. I've always been a huge proponent to furthering our investment in space travel/colonization as a species, simply so we can cut down on the number of people we have living on Earth (and so I can get away from all the bull**** terrible people have to offer).

I think ppl should stop reproducing, seriously (that doesn't mean I'm in favor of mass genocide). There's a lot of ppl having 6, 7 sons. And most of them are from poor areas. I never understood, if you can't even keep yourself, why would you have kids if you can't give them propper quality of life?  They should only have 1, max. I read a prediction that said by 2020 we can have 9 billion of ppl in the planet. That's species overpopulation. Everything in nature needs to be in balance, or chaos will happen. The resources are already not enough for 7 billion, the planet can't support more.

I don't want to have a son, to put another person in this world and probably face the worst. Also, if the space colonization happens while I'm alive, I won't have the pleasure to join in, since I won't have enough money. First thing I would do if I had power is send ALL the productive scientists to this new civilization. If you have the oportunity to escape, do it. Maybe, if I'm useful scientist in the future, I can do something.

Funny enough, as I'm someone with a great fear of death,  the poverty issue is one reason why I sort of hope that any drugs or anything found to extend life doesn't eventually  happen. I think everyone would deserve to stay alive and healthy longer, but I'd absolutely bet it'd be either kept secret or only given to those with wealth and power, and that'd cause a whole of host of its own problems.

Surelly just the rich would get the hands on it.  I'm not saying all rich ppl are bad, of course not, but there's a lot of rich dudes that don't deserve to get the hands on something so great just bc they have money. Unfortunatelly the world is driven by money, but again, if I had the power to choose a "group", I would choose scientists and ppl that really make the difference to a better world(rich or not).

"Chaos theory is a pseudoscience you asshole" - Headcanon line from Sickle_Claw

Former JPL member, Spinosaur4.4.

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