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 Dear Universal,

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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2016 10:22 pm

This is what I want from the next Jurassic Park movie!

-An "I told you so" moment from either Ian Malcolm or Alan Grant
-A more characteristic and mis-en-scene jungle/forest background. Don't just let it be a characters and dinosaurs interacting with each other on a stage like setting, turn nature herself loose on the characters. Make them have to struggle, and fight against nature. That is, after all, one of the overarching themes of this franchise: man vs nature, science against God.
-more animatronics. Animatronics were once a staple of this franchise. SWS created robotic dinosaurs as the world never seen them before. I want that again.
-Dilophosaurus, and for more than just a cameo
-Less lightheartedness and more uniqueness. Jurassic has a unique stamp about it that sets it apart from your typical blockbuster. What set Jurassic Park apart from the likes of Disney Land and 6-Flags wasn't just dinosaurs, but a unique flair. Jurassic has a balance of man made science at the mercy of nature. I want that again. Science in the middle of nature. That's what made Jurassic Park, and The Lost World unique. You had these high tech vehicles going around through perilous jungles and forests. Bring that back, please.
-Keep an eye on Hasbro. Hasbro has a taste for cutting corners and producing shitty toys. People don't like or want shitty toys, kids or collectors.
-No more kids. I wouldn't mind a young adult, like Billy, or something of that nature, but yeah. I'm kinda "kidded out" here. Funny enough, before JW, I was very pro-kids in these movies.
-I'd honestly like to see a big, old Bull. Bigger and gnarlier than the one we saw in TLW. Older, too. Not a kind of "young father in his prime", human equivalency being 32 kind of old like what we saw in TLW, but older, middle aged kind of old. Human equivalency of late 40's, early 50's. He's in shape, but experienced, and can still rumble and beat most things that come his way. He's been around for a while, so the vibrant coloration of his youth has passed, leading to a dark, molting green color like this:
Sorry if I'm being oddly specific on this one, but this figure was the first "real" representation of the male Rex I got as a kid, at least outside of the movie. I've always thought this was what the male JP rex was *supposed* to look like, and when I saw that it sorta didn't look exactly like this I was kinda disappointed and have since wanted to see one like this. It looks different from what we've seen before, but still is uniquely identifiable as a male T. rex in the JP-verse.
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2016 9:10 am

Love everything you've said here, especially the idea of an old bull T.rex
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2016 1:54 pm

What I wish I could get, but I know I won't get ANY of those:

- More dinosaur species. New ones. And by that I don't mean the already generic ones we saw such as Triceratops, Stegosaurus. New dinosaurs like Therizinosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Diabloceratops...

- Give Wu more screentime and development. I'm tired of "mad evil scientists" in every FUCKING sci fi movie. Let's move on from that. Let's stop with the "anti-science" movement. Make him more than that. Show what he thinks and how he sees the world, make him the voice of reason (even if it isn't moralist at all), put him as a pivotal character.

- No more useless fanservice. I'm tired of things being put in the movie just for fanservice. Move on from that. Grant and Malcolm cameo? Okay, I would love a cameo from both talking about JW, but no large role please. Let new characters shine.

- Give Owen some deph please.

- No kids please.

- Darker sequel, that makes scientific questions and makes you think.

- No "good" tamed raptors.

That's all.
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2016 10:21 pm

Make it fun, make it enjoyable, but don't make it an action flick. Give us a couple of deep, REAL philosophical scenes, like in the first film. Having Wu discuss ethics with another scientist would make for an excellent scene (it could play to a lot of relevant bioethical issues we face today). There are good and interesting ways to do this, and we all want to see that there's thought being put into the characters' personalities and decisions in these films.
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2016 11:04 pm

I want Raptors eating pizza
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2016 6:02 am

* Malcolm and Grant!
* Dilophosaurus, Carnotaurus and Troodon
* Mainland
* BioSyn & Lewis Dodgson (and his team like Howard King)
* Dr. Wu's death (novel style!)
* Blue is captured by BioSyn for their research
* Post Credits for JW3/JP6 (about DX!!!)
* More darker
* No kids
* Plesiosaurus and Icthyosaurus
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Dr. Wu
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2016 9:00 am

Great story, new dinosaurs, new hybrids, great new characters, Dr. Wu with more screen time, BioSyn & Lewis Dodgson.
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2016 9:57 am

Feathered dinosaurs made by BioSyn!!!
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Dear Universal,  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Universal,    Dear Universal,  Icon_minitime

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Dear Universal,
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