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 How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?

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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2016 1:34 pm

What do you think in general of Bayona directing JW2, and do you think he can do better or worse than Trevorrow?

For example:
I liked Trevorrow's directing in JW, but I think Bayona could give it a much more inspired touch, both in terms of angles, shots, pacing, tension and cinematography.
He also is bringing his own team for JW2 (including a producer), so how do you think JW2 will feel different from what we've seen so far?
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2016 2:22 pm

I think above all else, Bayona would be able to bring that sense of intimacy, tension and that sense of the tactile to the next Jurassic film, something I felt when watching the trailers to A Monster Calls, in that even though the creature was CGI it looked so incredible and believable that you could see that kind of touch applied to a Jurassic film and then the blend between CGI and practical effects (provided he has the chance to to use animatronics). There's also the fact that he has made more films than Trevorrow and ultimately has more experience, making him more likely to handle a major studio film with all the nuts and bolts that go with such a film without losing sight of the story and characters.

I can't think of anything he could objectively do worse than Trevorrow, except maybe go overboard in the darkness department to the extent that it looses the heart of the previous films, but again I doubt that's going to happen at all.

ScreenRant reveals that A Monster Calls is getting rave reviews

I'm definitely going to see A Monster Calls as soon as possible, and if I love it as much as I hope to - it will definitely assure me that he was the one and only pick for JW2/JP5.
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2016 6:02 pm

I have a few things.

1. More character depth.

2. More philosophical.

3. Find ways to pay homage to dinosaur movies that came before it. (The original 1925 version of The Lost World, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, Gwangi, etc.)
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 7:11 am

Bayona using animatronics for "A Monster Calls"


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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 7:31 am

I think a more interesting question would be: if the partnership between Trevorrow as the story guy and Bayona as the director really works out (both for us fans and for Universal), would you guys be open to seeing Bayona directing the sixth and supposedly final film?

Sort of like how Spielberg directed the first two films, there could be a neat bit of symmetry with the two best directors of the franchise at the beginning and at the end of the series.
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 9:12 am

BarrytheOnyx wrote:
I think a more interesting question would be: if the partnership between Trevorrow as the story guy and Bayona as the director really works out (both for us fans and for Universal), would you guys be open to seeing Bayona directing the sixth and supposedly final film?

Sort of like how Spielberg directed the first two films, there could be a neat bit of symmetry with the two best directors of the franchise at the beginning and at the end of the series.

Trevorrow said that he wanted each movie to be directed by different people, so I guess the director of JW3/JP6 won't be Bayona
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 8:44 pm

I know it's extremely early to be talking about this but who would you guys pick for your third director?
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Scott B
Scott B

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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 8:57 pm

JJ Abrams or the Looper Director. Follow in the steps of star wars. Wink jk.

Bayona follows TLW and JP and less like JW (which news indicates he will) will improve it as it will actually closer to a Jurassic Park movie. Although maybe that isn't good because then it isn't a Jurassic World movie. But tension and suspension is good.
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How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2016 5:06 am

Scott B wrote:
Bayona follows TLW and JP and less like JW (which news indicates he will) will improve it as it will actually closer to a Jurassic Park movie. Although maybe that isn't good because then it isn't a Jurassic World movie. But tension and suspension is good.

But a "Jurassic World movie" is still technically a Jurassic Park movie, it's true that it's a lot more action and spectacle heavy than the previous films but that doesn't mean it's not a Jurassic Park film. At least, in my opinion. So like you said, it is good news that Bayona will probably hew closer to the tone and style of the first two Jurassic Park films. I think we need to encourage people to think less of Jurassic World being a separate series/franchise/brand than the original set of films, despite the many people out there who stubbornly treat this film like its a reboot/remake of the first film.
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PostSubject: Re: How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona?   How can Jurassic World improve with Bayona? Icon_minitime

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