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 Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?

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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 10:47 am

It's safe to say that at least some of the Gallimimus in JW are descended from the ones in JP. However, I can't help but wonder how much of them are the original ones from the first film. I know that Rexy is the only original dinosaur that is confirmed to still be alive, but considering how we also heard the Brachiosaurus calls, Rexy might not be the only one.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 4:21 pm

My best answer is perhaps. The gallimimus behave very differently from the original herd, however. Notice the way they hold their tails up in JW, yet they are relaxed in JP. Also, the coloration is slightly different. As for the brachiosaurus, I'd say sure. Definitely.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 27, 2016 8:21 pm

I doubt the gallimimus are original stock. They look like they've been tampered with a bit, seeing as the musculature of the base of the neck/arms is rather different from JP.
The brachiosaurs might be. I can't imagine rexy being able to kill them, and there's no reason I can think of why the cleanup crew would try.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeMon Nov 28, 2016 1:09 pm

I think they're all dead, and if not, InGen would probably revoke them for newer breeds.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2016 6:42 pm

TheRexMan22 wrote:
I think they're all dead, and if not, InGen would probably revoke them for newer breeds.

But it wouldn't make sense if all of the originals-or at least their descendants-are all dead. Rexy is still a bit slow to eat them all, the raptors are dead, and we are not sure how many Dilophosaurus are on Isla Nublar. The only other option is that they were all moved to Sorna, but that seems impractical.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2016 1:45 am

Rhedosaurus wrote:
TheRexMan22 wrote:
I think they're all dead, and if not, InGen would probably revoke them for newer breeds.

But it wouldn't make sense if all of the originals-or at least their descendants-are all dead. Rexy is still a bit slow to eat them all, the raptors are dead, and we are not sure how many Dilophosaurus are on Isla Nublar. The only other option is that they were all moved to Sorna, but that seems impractical.
Well, aside from rodents, birds, and other reptiles, the gallis are practically the best chance a predator like a Dilophosaurus has at getting food. (Now, as I sit here and ponder this statement, I begin to realize just how ludicrous it sounds. I mean, has anyone ever seen a dilo kill a galli?) Okay, never mind. I figure a few of them would probably survive long enough to be recaptured. Then again . . . roughly half of the island's population are meat-eaters, so . . . maybe not?  I'm genuinely unsure on this one.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 7:41 pm

TheRexMan22 wrote:
. I figure a few of them would probably survive long enough to be recaptured. Then again . . . roughly half of the island's population are meat-eaters, so . . . maybe not?  I'm genuinely unsure on this one.

You bring up the main problems with the ecosystems on Isla Nublar and Sorna, the carnivore population is vastly too high, so surely some have gone extinct. Dilophosaurs may have been one of those, on Sorna at least. The Gallimimus simply have no defense, and with so many predators, they would have struggled at least.
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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?    Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?  Icon_minitime

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Are any of the Brachiosaurus's and Gallimimus in JW the original ones from Jurassic Park?
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