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 Original Park Tour?

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Original Park Tour? Empty
PostSubject: Original Park Tour?   Original Park Tour? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 6:51 pm

How was the original basic tour of Jurassic Park supposed to be conducted for Grant, Sattler, Malcolm, Gennaro and the kids? I have couple of questions we really don't have official answers to, I think, but speculation is good.

1) On the tour, what was the original order of dinosaurs they were gonna see? Was it really strictly Dilo-Rex-Triceratops at the start, followed by what? I mean, after the Rex paddock Malcolm says "Now eventually you might have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour" and he then sits down, you know the next destination being the meadow where they spot Triceratops. You get the idea they've only seen - or rather not seen - Dilo/Rex so far. Then after the Trike excursion they turn the cars back and Hammond says "two no-shows and one sick Triceratops". Same thing, implying these are the only three paddocks they've seen. Alright but even if that's the case, what came after? I mean I know there are fan-made maps (like this here) that try to explain the routes but even they point out that movie locations there are just approximations. Furthermore Arnold's computer screen in the movie is alright source for paddock placements but not particularly helpful in terms of where the road actually goes.

2) How did they turn the cars back? They switched the rails they go on and there's a separate service rail road that turns them back? Are there many of these hypothetical roads?

3) Was the tour originally supposed to go into the darkness, like it ended up doing? As in, were they supposed to inspect half of the tour in pitch black / under floodlights? Because when they were forced to turn around the cars it was already going dark outside. Now, the storm obviously darkened the vision, and also their Triceratops trip + turning the cars back probably took like extra 30 or 45 minutes or whatever from their original schedule... but if they were really leaving it so late in the evening (Hammond's in hurry to conduct the tour for some reason even though it's only the first day?), you would have thought it to be dark by the end of the normal tour anyway? Or at the very least cutting it close? At the time when the decision to turn the cars back was made in the control room, Arnold called staff to leave for the docks. That must've been 6:30 at the very latest as people were supposed to be at the docks 6:45 PM the latest (boat leaves at 7PM). So I assume time of the sunset must've either been gone already or be very near. Also another random point of "evidence": As soon as the tour starts, Arnold wants Nedry to stop whatever he's working on and fix the battery draining car headlights, implying they possibly need them to last?

4) How do you stop to use the restrooms if you're not supposed to exit the vehicle, and seemingly the people in the control room don't expect you to do so either? Do you push a "WC button" on the car or have to call someone, like a help desk line to stop the bloody car? Laughing  What if Lex or Tim wanted to go badly and couldn't wait? Maybe they hadn't quite implemented that yet in this trial run but in any case you've got to wonder how it's supposed to work in the final version, especially when Muldoon says his line of locked doors for cars.
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Original Park Tour? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Original Park Tour?   Original Park Tour? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 1:37 am

1. It's just assumed there were those 3. There was a reserve paddock which was obviously prepped for a future exhibit/s (e.g. the official map). But who knows, the map continuity is a bit screwed up anyway.

2. Probably a separate track, or just a mistake. Does it really matter though? Razz

3. Perhaps. In the novel they do. It was later in the day though.

4. I attribute that to the naivety of John Hammond in his quest to create a park full of dinosaurs, and how he doesn't necessarily think about tiny nuances like that.

"It's a... a high hide. A high hide, you know you go up and you hide high. Goes up to where the trees are, and uh... keeps the researchers out of harms way" - Eddie Carr
"Actually it would put them at a very convenient biting height" - Dr. Ian Malcolm
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Original Park Tour? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Original Park Tour?   Original Park Tour? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 12:22 pm

Aegyptiacus3 wrote:
1. It's just assumed there were those 3. There was a reserve paddock which was obviously prepped for a future exhibit/s (e.g. the official map). But who knows, the map continuity is a bit screwed up anyway.

2. Probably a separate track, or just a mistake. Does it really matter though? Razz

3. Perhaps. In the novel they do. It was later in the day though.

4. I attribute that to the naivety of John Hammond in his quest to create a park full of dinosaurs, and how he doesn't necessarily think about tiny nuances like that.

The placement of the raptor paddock in Arnold's computer screen is strange in particular. Probably it was there for later use once they were ready to integrate the raptors to the actual park environment, but why was the paddock seemingly electrified if there was nothing in it? Was there something there temporarily?

Of course how the cars were turned matters, you know for all we know Malcolm and Grant had to man-handle the cars and turn them around while Gennaro just shouted instructions and the kids yelled Laughing

Yeah the timing in the novel is late in the evening too, but then again they spend time on the ground outside the vehicle there too for unspecified time. Probably longer actually as they had the ongoing chat between the control room about the breeding dinosaurs.

I think the weirdest aspect of Hammond on this particular weekend was that he only left 3 other employees with him to take care of the visitors for the rest of the weekend (Friday evening + Saturday and Sunday), you know extremely important visitors who are judging the quality of the park. And two of those employees were just in charge of computers and maintenance. Not even anyone in the kitchen! Was Muldoon supposed to prepare them some sort of exotic dinner while also giving hunting stories from Africa? Was he the do-it-all handyman on these minimally staffed weekends? Lol. But to be fair to Hammond, I guess them coming over was very last minute due to the immediate investor pressure and lawsuits and whatnot and he didn't have time to arrange anything with the staff. Or didn't want to bother... too inconvenient. Spared no expense.
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PostSubject: Re: Original Park Tour?   Original Park Tour? Icon_minitime

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