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 Dating the events of Jurassic World

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Dating the events of Jurassic World Empty
PostSubject: Dating the events of Jurassic World   Dating the events of Jurassic World Icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2016 10:29 am

From what I remember, this was a topic of interest back on JPLegacy, and coming up in December (big shock), as an attempt to give a date to the events seen in Jurassic World. The only clue we have is that its set in December, hence the Christmas music, despite the film having pretty much nothing to do with Christmas, except perhaps the whole family getting back together aspect.

Here's the lunar calendar for 2015, and look at the December cycle:


And now here's a screencap from the finale of Jurassic World:


Based on what I can see, the moon is in a "waxing" position and is showing a little more surface than a half moon. That means we could conceivably place the date of the events of Jurassic World at the 19th of December!

"Life will find a way."

Dating the events of Jurassic World Dinosa12
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Dating the events of Jurassic World Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dating the events of Jurassic World   Dating the events of Jurassic World Icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2016 1:07 pm

The day after Spielberg's birthday, might I add.

Formerly known as "Raptorlover0823."
Dating the events of Jurassic World Jpl2310
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Dating the events of Jurassic World Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dating the events of Jurassic World   Dating the events of Jurassic World Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2016 11:17 pm

RaptorLover0823 wrote:
The day after Spielberg's birthday, might I add.
It would be awesome if they did that on purpose and that's why the moon looks like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Dating the events of Jurassic World   Dating the events of Jurassic World Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2016 7:39 am

Given how much JW did respectfully homage the first film, it's not too surprising that one of the potentially more subtle ones is actually one of the better homages. I like the idea that these events are happening at around the same time as Steven's birthday, if not exactly on the same day.

"Life will find a way."

Dating the events of Jurassic World Dinosa12
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PostSubject: Re: Dating the events of Jurassic World   Dating the events of Jurassic World Icon_minitime

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