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 Some things I've noticed about the films

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Some things I've noticed about the films Empty
PostSubject: Some things I've noticed about the films   Some things I've noticed about the films Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 10:33 am

These are just some random things, and I figured it best to put them all in one thread, but here are some things I don't know how many people have noticed:

* The original Jurassic Park foreshadows the Isla Nublar incident with Grant's opening line, "I hate computers."

* Nick van Owen is not supposed to be a "good" character.

Here are some notes:

I. He mentions doing work with Greenpeace, mainly because of the women.

II. His quip to Eddie about Kelly which is kinda in poor taste.

III. He sabotaged the InGen team's vehicles which would have trapped them on the island (at least until they headed for the worker village, which may have turned out differently with Roland's presence, and the absence of the T. rex chase.)

IV. Nick and Roland have a complete role reversal. Roland is made out to be a great white hunter who intends to go after the greatest quarry, and Nick just want the animals safe. However, in their endeavours, Roland assists Malcolm's group, and tranqs the T. rex, whereas Nick sabotages Roland's gun, and is indirectly responsible for the hunters' deaths.

* During the long grass scene, as the hunters panic and flee, during the chaos, you can faintly hear a hunter yelling, "It's a monster!"

* Ian Malcolm is the face of the JP series, as he carries the "don't play God" message in the novels and films. The novel chapter's are linked to him with the fractals. He is a supporting character in the first film, main lead in the second film, mentioned in the third film, and his books are seen in the fourth film, and is scheduled to appear in the fifth film.

* JP III's spiel on the raptors seems to have indirectly led to the raptor sisters in Jurassic World, where we see more pack dynamics.
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Some things I've noticed about the films Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some things I've noticed about the films   Some things I've noticed about the films Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 12:16 pm

Disagree about Malcolm part. He's only the face of JP because you guys want to.

Malcolm might carry the moralist message, but nobody really cares in the end (or JW wouldn't even happen). 

He's the moral compass and the fandom voice in the movies, and in the book he's Crichton's voice +the moralist dude too. I love his monologues from JP novel book, as annoying as it sounds for most people.

Nick Van Asshole is not a good character and I don't get why people think he is. He an ass that "pretends" he cares about animals, but it's all about his ego. Let's remember why he joined Greenpeace: Women. Hitler loved animals too and look what he did.  Nick is responsible for all the deaths that happened there. If he didn't go full eco terrorist, he could think in a more reasonable way to save the dinosaurs without hurting another animals called humans. But no, who cares about other human beings, only the dinosaurs matter. 

That's why I like Roland, even if he's a bastard that wants to kill an awesome creature for nothing, at least he cared about the group.
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Some things I've noticed about the films Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some things I've noticed about the films   Some things I've noticed about the films Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 12:28 pm

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Disagree about Malcolm part. He's only the face of JP because you guys want to.

Malcolm might carry the moralist message, but nobody really cares in the end (or JW wouldn't even happen).

To be fair, if Grant had been better used in JP3 and if that movie as a whole had be better, then you'd be onto something. The sad truth is, even without that one fight, it is still a bad/below average movie that underutilized Grant, and his standing of being the face of JP suffers. That might not be his fault, but when it comes to movies and how characters are represented, that's just how it works. (And exceptions are rare.)
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Some things I've noticed about the films Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some things I've noticed about the films   Some things I've noticed about the films Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 1:11 pm

1morey wrote:

* Nick van Owen is not supposed to be a "good" character.

Here are some notes:

I. He mentions doing work with Greenpeace, mainly because of the women.

II. His quip to Eddie about Kelly which is kinda in poor taste.

III. He sabotaged the InGen team's vehicles which would have trapped them on the island (at least until they headed for the worker village, which may have turned out differently with Roland's presence, and the absence of the T. rex chase.)

IV. Nick and Roland have a complete role reversal. Roland is made out to be a great white hunter who intends to go after the greatest quarry, and Nick just want the animals safe. However, in their endeavours, Roland assists Malcolm's group, and tranqs the T. rex, whereas Nick sabotages Roland's gun, and is indirectly responsible for the hunters' deaths.

To be honest, I do watch The Lost World with the mindset that Roland and Nick Van Owen are basically polar opposite characters on the respective Hunter and Gatherer groups. Whereas Roland is ultimately an honourable man who is still willing to keep both groups alive despite the opposing team's sabotage, and Nick is the "decoy" protagonist who is frequently shown to be a jackass who makes a lot of bad and questionable decisions.
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Some things I've noticed about the films Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some things I've noticed about the films   Some things I've noticed about the films Icon_minitimeMon May 08, 2017 4:32 pm

Spinosaur4.4 wrote:
Let's remember why he joined Greenpeace: Women..

Nah I think that was a joke.

I wrote about these guys more in detail here
Nick https://jurassicmainframe.forumotion.com/t983-nick-van-owen-the-true-villain-of-tlw
Ronald https://jurassicmainframe.forumotion.com/t1002-ronald-tembo-s-questionable-hunting-leading-skills
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