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 Raptor-related donations and edits

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Raptor-related donations and edits Empty
PostSubject: Raptor-related donations and edits   Raptor-related donations and edits Icon_minitimeTue Jan 16, 2018 3:11 am

I originally posted the following at deviantART ( https://jd-man.deviantart.com/journal/SD-Raptor-related-donations-and-edits-725863509 ).

Quote :

1stly, Scott Madsen needs help raising funds for "The Utahraptor Project" ( https://www.gofundme.com/utahraptor ). I'm spreading the word & giving Scott some money for 2 main reasons: 1) "Among the predators, at least six Utahraptors have been tentatively identified...two adults, each 5 to 6 meters in length; three juveniles about the size of turkeys; “and one that’s tiny, a little bitty baby with all the teeth in it — beautiful”" ( http://westerndigs.org/dinosaur-death-trap-found-in-utah-may-contain-raptor-family-horse-dragons-cannibalized-baby/ ); This is probably evidence of hawk-like gregariousness in Utahraptor (See "DevLog #24": https://jd-man.deviantart.com/journal/SD-The-Saurian-Dakotaraptor-could-be-better-707516300 ); 2) "The exposed bones also suggest that Utahraptor looked quite different from previous projections. While the juveniles are long and lanky in the classic raptor mold, the adult appears to have packed on mass to deal with bigger prey. “The front end of the jaw is unlike any other meat-eating dinosaur I’ve ever seen...It’s not just a blown-up Velociraptor. This thing is built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Or a Sherman tank”" ( https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/science/utah-paleontologists-turn-to-crowdfunding-for-raptor-project.html?mwrsm=Email ); This is especially apparent in Hartman's "new Utahraptor skeletal" ( http://www.skeletaldrawing.com/home/at-long-last-utahraptor ).

2ndly, my dino-building friend & fellow Facebooker, Chris Kastner ( https://www.facebook.com/ChrisKastner1982 ), needs help raising funds for his "Velociraptor Enclosure Rebuild" ( https://www.gofundme.com/velociraptor-enclosure-rebuild ). I'm spreading the word & giving Chris some money for 2 main reasons, besides the fact that he's a friend in need: 1) Chris provides a very important service (See "My name is Chris Kastner": http://prehistoricbeastoftheweek.blogspot.com/2013/10/chris-kastner-backyard-terrors-and.html ); 2) Chris is 1 of the best at providing said service (See "Question 10": http://prehistoricbeastoftheweek.blogspot.com/2015/10/return-to-backyard-terrors-and-dinosaur.html ).

3rdly, I recently edited "Career activity update #2!" ( https://jd-man.deviantart.com/journal/Career-activity-update-2-554028632 ) & "SD: The Saurian Dakotaraptor could be better" ( https://jd-man.deviantart.com/journal/SD-The-Saurian-Dakotaraptor-could-be-better-707516300 ), the original versions of which didn't say enough about their raptor-related awesomeness.

This journal entry is partly in honor of National Bird Day (which was on 1/5/17: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_Day#National_Bird_Day_(United_States) ), & partly in honor of Ostrom's 90th birthday (which is on 2/18/18: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ostrom ). Here's hoping everyone reading this journal entry spreads the word & gives Scott & Chris some money too.
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